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26 Employees and Employers Rights and Responsibilities


When an organization is taken into account, both the employees as well as employers have rights and responsibilities. The responsibilities are for both the groups and they also look forward for their rights to be maintained.

When roles and responsibilities have discoursed it is all about health and safety, right for the right wage, equal opportunities, employment terms and conditions and few more. It is mandatory to know about the rights and responsibilities in the workplace.

Let’s hover over a few topics about the rights and responsibilities of employees and employers.

employer employee rights responsibilities

Rights and Responsibilities of Employees and Employers at Workplace:

1. Safe environment: 

The duty of the employer is to provide a healthy and safe environment to the employees. They are required to install safe and healthy plants, systems and machinery.

The employees should make sure that they carry out their work in a way that is safe for others too. Workplace exits are to be made sure that they aren’t blocked.

2. Arrangements: 

Any factory should possess safe arrangements for making use of harmful substances, dangerous products or chemicals. There are specific regulations for the usage and storing of such substances which should be followed.

3. Basic necessities for employers and employees:

The employer should also make sure that the employees has all the basic facilities such as clean toilets, tidy eating areas, clean workplace, and good drinking water.

4. Information for the employees:

All details such as training, information about safety should be updated to the employees at the time. The employers should also abide by the government conditions in purchasing new types of equipment and machines. And also the workplace should follow certain rules about temperature control.

5. Inequalities at the workplace:

In a work environment, the rights of the employees is to work in a place that is free from discrimination, harassment, and abuse. In almost all workplaces these are major issues and hence it is the right of every employee.

6. Dressing and activity:

Way of dressing for any individual varies and so it is the freedom and right for any employee to dress and work according to their belief and tradition. The dressing cannot be ruled in any workplace.

7. Payments:

Every employee or employer has a fixed payment and allowances if present. Hence it is the right for every employee to get paid fairly and correctly. There cannot be any discrimination in payments for workers.

8. Equal opportunity:

Every individual joins the organization based on their skillset and experience. Actual and eligible employees should get a promotion based on their expert work and skills, regardless of their caste, age, color etc.

9. Holidays:

The employee and employers have the right to access the appropriate holidays assigned for them. Public holidays, family, personal and other holidays present.

10. Main responsibility:

Apart from the rights, there are various responsibilities that are for both the employer and employee. Irrespective of any position, the employee’s main responsibility is to arrive to the workplace at the time. Once they arrived at time, they should have the intention to work.

11. Uniform:

There are certain workplaces that have specific uniforms and dresses for their workplace. If so, it is the duty of the employee to wear the uniform and start to work. In case the organization has a dress code, then it should be followed.

12. Respect:

This is one main responsibility which enhances the relationship amongst employees. Respecting one another, customers and co-workers is the key responsibility that makes your workplace lively.

13. Performing:

Apart from all the rights and responsibilities, carrying out your assigned task in the right manner with enthusiasm to work is another responsibility of every employee. Your work enthusiasm should be presented in your performance.

14. Right to ask:

With the number of rights and responsibilities for employers and employees, while in an organization the employer has the right to question about the mental health condition of the employee.

In this way, the employer makes sure that the employee can work and satisfy the company requirements.

15. About the work environment:

The employer can pick out if there are any adjustments to be made. If there are changes to be made in the selection or recruitment process and also in the role or work situation, the employer has the complete rights to clarify and bring out changes.

16. Entitlements:

The main claims required for the job position such as superannuation, sick leave, available insurances and compensation are clarified by the employee at any situation in the organization as it is his right to ask.

17. Adjustments for the disabled:

For people who possess a slight mental health condition, can work well when slight changes are made in the organization. These small changes offer them the chance and equal opportunity to work like other employees.

According to the disability discrimination act of 1992, an employer is to make adjustments for the employee so that he performs the required job. The adjustments here would include variation in hours of work, leave and also the facilities and equipment in the workplace may vary.

18. Prevention of harassment:

An organization would have people from all groups, the disability discrimination act 1992 states that harassment, verbal abuse and physical abuse against mental health conditioned employees are to be averted.

In the same manner, the equality act works towards employees to be treated fairly and nine characteristics fall under it. Unfair act and discrimination should be averted against age, sex, gender, disability, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership, religion and belief, gender reassignment, pregnancy, and race.

19. Equal and right work:

When discoursing about rights and responsibilities the employers should provide an equal and fair work environment. The employer should not be partial and unfair during advertising work positions.

They cannot be in favor of any specific group of people for any job opening; all jobs should be treated in the same manner.

20. Main facilities:

It is the responsibility of the employer to the necessary adjustments for the employees wherever required. The workplace should be accessible where it should possess the appropriate requirements such as lifts, stairs and other necessities for the workplace. This would be comfortable for disabled employees too.

21. Flexible hours:

It is the right of the employee to choose his or her flexible working hours. The employee can pick his appropriate shift, can share his workload, and can work for part-time or also from home. All these factors relate to the hours of work.

In the same manner, an employee cannot be forced to work for more than 48 hours a week. This is because they bring it to an average of about 17 weeks. When an average over 17 weeks is calculated then it should be less than 48 hours.

22. Detailed claims:

The rights for employees also include for them to look into the claims available for them. Sick leave are provided and salary are also allotted as per it. There are fixed sick leave that can be taken each year and so employees can take a deep look into it.

23. About pension:

The national insurance payment is something that comes out of your monthly salary. The employer also pays the same. The employee is to pay the national insurance payment, for his complete career.

He as the chance to receive a pension and hence an employee can look forward for such options as his right.

24. The HR department:

The HR department in any organization should be available to the employees to settle them in case of disputes and also to educate them about their rights and responsibilities in each stage.

25. Policies at workplace:

There are few workplace policies that should be followed by the employees. Abiding to the principles and approach it is mandatory to open up a fair practice to all the employees.

Privacy is something that should be respected in the work environment; a privacy matter is to be maintained privately and not to be gossiped around.

26. Trade unions:

Trade unions are another session present in a work environment. A trade union is present in order to move the employee’s requirements to the higher authority in case of hike or any other facility needed or to set right any disputes prevailing amongst employees. There are many trade unions present within an organization.


It’s mandatory for both the employers and employees to understand their rights and responsibilities at the workplace. The employees are also advised to make a thorough reading on their contracts which they sign during the initial stage of joining as it would have the complete details regarding the right, responsibilities, rules and regulations.

Also hovering over the company site could be helpful to gather more details. They would know what is to be done and what not to be done. Hence educating themselves about company procedures, rules, regulations, and other work-related responsibilities are important.

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