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What is the Importance of Health and Safety at Workplace?


When you are a part of an organization, your primary duty is to fulfill all the demands that your work asks you for, and in return the organization’s primary duty towards its hard working staff and workers is to maintain all the safety features and keep the working environment healthy, so that all the workers can work comfortably and remain safe during the time they spend in the organization.

Hence we can say that health and safety at workplace is a very important aspect which should not be neglected at any cost.

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Health and Safety at Workplace

Why Health and Safety at Workplace are Important?

1. Hazards that can happen in the work place:

It really doesn’t matter that what kind of work or what kind of organization/company you have, in every situation there is a high possibility of unknown hazard if the employee safety measures are not kept in mind and neglected by the organization. More over these accidents and safety hazards caused in the work place mainly affects the workers in the organization.

Workers are considered as the backbone of the business and if in any cases the working strength gets affected then your business will also surely get affected by those accidents and hazards.

2. Costs of neglecting the Safety and Health at work place:

There can be a number of different reasons for the work place injuries, those can be accidents, malfunctioning of the machines, negligence of the safety measures, not setting any safety unit to manage the safety of the organization, etc. But what happens when these mistakes are made by the organizations?

The business is surely affected, but more than that value of business, many of the lives of the workers is lost. These accidents are so dangerous that it can even wash out the whole organization if not taken care of.

More over researches have shocked that in the past 10 month the injury rate has crossed 70,000 a month worldwide. Just because of the improper management and the ignorance of the safety features, the workers have to suffer and sometimes even their families.

3. Law Supports the victims of the workplace accidents:

One of the major things that can adversely affect the organization is the rights of the employee and the law that is set by the government in support of all the workers nationwide. These laws supports the workers in all manners such as financial credibility on the company, insurance, medical expenses, paid leaves and much more.

So for the organizations to be on the safer side it’s better to take all the precautions and safety measure into consideration and implement them as soon as possible, so as to avoid such accidents and workplace hazards. By this all the workers can work in a healthy and safe working environment.

4. Having a Safety Management helps to be out of the Legal Troubles:

If the organization is fully prepared and managed in all aspects of health and safety management system, then there are least possibilities for getting the company into some legal obligations.

When all the terms and conditions are not only told, even penned on a piece of paper during the hiring of the workers then the company saves itself from future problem that may happen due to any of the unwanted sudden situation.

5. Identifying the Risks helps to Stabilise the company:

When there is any unwanted accident or hazard that takes place in the company then, many of the company’s experiences downfall or depressive time period due to loss in work power as well as loss on the company’s equipments or infrastructure.

So identifying the future problems will help the organization to be safe from accidents and more over it will keep both the workers and assets of the company safe from any of the accidents.

This analysis of the risks should be done during the first steps of the company and a team of experts should be used to do this analysis of risk, so that all the safety measures can be taken properly and effectively.

6. Hazard Control Management:

Even after doing all the deep studies, analysis and taking the safety measures you cannot fight against destiny, if the hazard happens again even after all your precautionary measures then you need to set an Hazard Control Management team which will help the workers to remains safe during the time of accident, so that no working person even gets hurts or faces any unfortunate situation. This will also reduce the amount of expenditure after the hazards or the accidents happen.

The risk control team should be able to work in unwanted and difficult situation so that if something wrong happens then they must be the one in action for the protection and saving the workers from the accidents.

7. Teamwork can be really helpful in facing tough situations:

If in case you are the only one who is taking care of all the happenings in the organization then it is better to get yourself a team of managers who can work efficiently as a team and can help you out in making the thing clear and better for the betterment of the company. They also need to suggest and update you by different measures to prevent the workers from any of the upcoming dangerous situations.

8. Economic Effect:

The Health and Safety features at workplace can’t be neglected as they can shake the company’s economy and more over can become the possible reason for the company’s downfall.

The health and safety measures not only reduces the risk of accidents but also provide your company a safe environment for efficient working, in which all the workers can work without any unhealthy situations and hence give the company more output and business.

9. Moral boost up:

When you give your workers an assured and safe environment for working, it works as a boost up for them, they are always energetic to work beyond limits and produce more business which would be beneficial for them as well as for the organization. And this strong moral of the workers helps your company to even sustain in the hard market ups and downs, without compromising with the business.

10. The Early you Start, the Early you make your Company Safe:

The early you adopt these preventive measures, the early you will make your company safe from all aspects of de-growth. You will be protecting your business as well us your most valuable asset the workers of the company from any kind of unwanted situation.

If in case something wrong happens then you will be fully prepared to face it and to solve the problem at the earliest possible instance.

We have seen the importance of health and safety at workplace, and from this we can clearly make out that it is very important to set some preventive measures to avoid the unwanted and harmful situations, so that the organization grows and the business gets successful. Now let us see some of the Benefits of the Health and Safety policy features at work place.

Benefits of Health and Safety Policies in the Workplace:

1. These policies help the company to keep a record of every single document that has been thoroughly read and signed by the hired employee.

2. All the duties and their possible risks are clearly mentioned and the worker is well known of the different challenges of the duty.

3. When the things are clear then these policies work as a legal document for the company that the working member is well known of all the duties and the risks that he or she can face during the work.

4. These policies also assure the safety and healthy environment for the workers which will be provided by the company.

5. The company can easily demonstrate any legal body that they are following all the safety measures to keep the environment healthy for the workers.

6. Moreover, the workers are well known for the facilities which the company will provide them if they meet an accident during working in the company.

7. The company is well protected from any of the fraud claims that has been claimed by any of the workers, as they have all the proves from the safety cameras and safety management which will keep them away from all the legal obligation put by any of the workers.

8. Also the workers are sure and protected that the company would not cheat them in case of a work place injury and they will be getting all the decided facilities which the policy has offered them.

9. The work place injury laws have become more sensitive and hard all over the world because many of the lives have already been wasted because of the negligence of the health and safety of the workers. So your company fits well according to all the legal laws and becomes a hazard free healthy place for the workers to work in.

10. Once you have made all the safety features in action, then you will definitely gain the trust of your staff and workers. Hence this mutual understanding and professional bond becomes the strongest power for the successful growth of the company.

11. It is also said that “The Trusted Once are the Loyal Once” which simply means that the workers who have gained trust over the company will also be the most loyal once who will take the courage to face the downfall and also enjoy the success of the company at all times.

12. Lastly “Safety is better than Cure”, these safety measure may take your time and some of the money today, but one should always take this present investment of time and resources as an investment of future, which will definitely help you out in the future.

Health and safety is one of the most crucial thing that should not be neglected rather it should be the first most priority of the organization to make the workers safe so that they can enjoy working in a healthy and safe environment. We understand the term safe and safety for the workers but the term healthy has two different meanings i.e.

  • Healthy and hygienic environment.
  • Healthy and trouble free environment.

Healthy word itself defines physical and mental strength of an individual, so does the meaning goes with the healthy environment of the company.

Healthy and Hygienic Environment:

Hygienic environment means to have an environment free from any disease radicals, especially when your company is in a production business then you need to have the environment crystal clear clean.

All the suspected things, equipments and machines should be properly cleaned for the quality of production and more over the workers should be safe from all the harmful elements used in the production.

To avoid these situations the company should take safety measures to keep the working environment hygienic and healthy for the workers.

Healthy and Trouble Free Environment:

The company should be well aware of the facts of the trouble caused by the misunderstanding and politics of the workers, so the management of the company should be in such a manner that all these kind of unwanted situations or the trouble from the workers end is not to be faced by the company and even the environment of working should depend on the mutual understanding of the workers which will also result in greater benefits, such as hazel free environment, better efficiency of work, good communication, increased production and at last the thing that values for all the greater beneficial business. This kind of healthy environment is best for the workers, which not lets them to indulge themselves in any sought of troubles.

So, we have seen all the different reasons for the importance of Health and Safety at workplace, and hope that you will not forget to follow the safety measures for the consistent growth and successful business.




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