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Why is Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Important at Workplace?


In today’s business world and in any surroundings, communication serves as a basic and is considered a critical function.

The word communications stands for “a process by which individuals exchange information through common systems, symbols, or behavior based signs, formal documents and verbal.”

Many communicate through means of verbal format or nonverbal format.

No matter what is the message you need to convey, its success depends on how effectively you are able to get it through.

Here we have discussed few points on, what is the importance of verbal and nonverbal communication at work.

Importance of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

Verbal Modes of Communication:

Verbal communication involves words that may be spoken or written. As this is a digital world, communications are often texted to co-workers, spouse, friends, and so on.

With smartphones in everyone’s hand, often texting using words and symbols are sent to convey the message.

It involves an organized set of words in the form of languages that make it easier for people to send messages or talk.

Through verbal communication, we are able to inform others of what we intend to convey or for imparting knowledge to others. The key factor is to bring about clarification to missing information and misunderstandings that may arise.

Non-Verbal Modes of Communication:

Nonverbal communication plays an important role in creating a good impact. This mode of communication just co-exists with verbal wherein it includes facial expressions, gestures, body postures and eye contact.

Also known as interpersonal communication, this mode of communication usually co-exists with verbal communication.

Our body language reinforces the message clearly and makes an impression that lasts long. It helps to complement or contradict statements just by a facial expression! It can create a great impact.

Importance of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication:

Though there are various modes of communication, we focus on verbal and nonverbal modes, especially in the workplace. Let’s have a brief into the two modes separately.

Importance of Verbal Communication at Workplace:

importance of verbal communication

1. Correcting wrong:

Just guess there was a file to be saved and you made a small error. By saying “I am sorry for the error” will save you.

It’s the power of word “Sorry” that is effective as it is part of verbal communication.

2. Persuade someone:

You need to persuade your co-worker to join up a project, then tricks of persuasion comes to help. Here your verbal communication skill is there to pull him/her on board.

3. Create relationship:

You are new to a workplace and by speaking to counterpart you create a new relationship.

Only by making efforts to converse with others do you make new relationships which cannot be done without verbal communication.

4. Bringing clarity:

There is a small issue that is to be made understood by the other members and here you could make them understand by using proper syntaxes and semantics.

Even writing with proper words will help to make the reader understood especially in emails, memorandums etc.

5. Increases productivity:

improve productivity with communication

Without proper communication or getting the message through with the team members, it would be impossible to get the maximum output.

The team that works with good lateral communication and group discussion brings out better results.

6. Increase job satisfaction:

Empowerment of employees through upward and downward communications is a sign of increased job satisfaction.

Through flow of information upwards in the form of feedback and if the bosses are responding by listening to them, means the employees are empowered.

7. Positive effect on absenteeism:

By communicating facts and updated information from the management downwards brings more transparency and less absenteeism.

8. Sharing of ideas:

sharing ideas with colleagues

Communicating within the team or within company needs to a two way flow of ideas. If there is a platform to share ideas then it is sure to bring more success to the company.

9. Removes barriers:

Effective communications helps to remove the hurdles that is between the management and the employees working.

Words properly toned and deciphered to the employees will serve as a tool to bridge the gap. Clear and transparent communication is the key to the success.

10. Gives motivation:

Words of support and appreciation provided by management at the right time boost the confidence level of the employees and in turn helps in productivity.

As motivation has a direct impact on productivity, verbal communications play crucial role in providing feedback and recognizing individuals in the form of emails, memorandums, announcements, newsletters, etc.

Importance of Nonverbal Communication in the Workplace:

importance of nonverbal communication

1. Show agreement or disagreement:

There is a meeting between colleagues and sometimes the speech would talk of a point that requires a consent from the audience.

You would have noted that a nod can make a difference of expression. This gesture of ‘nod’ shows that the listeners are in favour implying a “yes’ or “no’ for an answer.

2. Maintaining relationships:

A smile in the face while entering the room or wishing them makes the day. This is a sign for maintaining relationship which is very critical in a workplace.

3. Lack of listening:

If you are speaking to a team member and he/she is not maintaining eye contact while talking then it shows that they are not listening to you.

They show signs of disinterest. That’s why it is always said to maintain eye contact when the other side is talking. It will ensure the message is being carried to opposite side.

4. Not interested:

If a team leader is having internal meet and he/she observes that one member is looking down or out the window/door it means that he/she is distracted and not interested or in paying attention.

Such kind of communications needs to be observed and counselled. This way the team leader would be bringing in focus with the objectives.

5. Aspects of para language:

paralanguage nonverbal communication

Paralanguage is an aspect that relates to the volume of the voice, pitch, speed of the words. If you are speaking too fast then communication is not clear.

If your voice is too low then also the message is not conveyed to the targeted audience. By pausing between words or repeating words will make the specific aspect being registered in their mind.

6. Sign of confidence:

In the workplace, postures denote our attributes. When we stand upright and keep our head straight maintaining eye contact when conversing with our co-workers or managers it indicates our confidence.

Also while sitting, having knees place slightly apart and arms away from the body indicates that you are relaxed and confident.

7. Sign of detachment:

Standing with crossed arms over chest or sitting at the tip of the chair in hunched posture shows signs of detachment.

Even, standing drooped down or looking down frequently shows that the person is not interested. It will create wrong signal.

8. Reassuring interest:

Facial expressions that are being reflected in the other person like mirror assures interest in the other. Such nonverbal modes of mirroring someone is frequently observed.

9. Know the culture:

Some workplaces have multicultural environment and it is important to have a brief knowledge on the types of cultural acceptances. This means touch being a familiar feature in a handshake, pat on the back, tap on the shoulder, etc. can give different meanings in a different culture.

Knowing that will save you from being offended in the workplace as culture too plays an important role.

10. Maintaining space:

Most of the time workplace discussions requires face to face interaction. In such cases being in close proximity to the person will create uneasiness and this also differs from culture to culture.

Most of the time the space between you and your colleague must be optimal so that it is neither too far nor too close.


So you can see that whether verbal or nonverbal, why communication is important in the workplace. Communication is the core of a business and it can either be your best friend or worst enemy.

The effectiveness of verbal communication within a business is similar to the role of nonverbal communication in business. Individuals would need to review their communication skills that they possess and try to improve over them keeping in mind the pros and cons.

The major aspect is that information is to be passed on in a proper way. Lack of information causes organizational disturbances. Hence, organizational communications are important to improve relationships between management and employees.

The most important aspect of both the modes of communication is that both are utilized towards mutual understanding and ultimately bring about productive and satisfying results.

Through nonverbal communication, our attitudes are understood while verbal communication makes our meaning understood to the other party.Save

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