Many students these days seek the help of career advisors, once they complete their high school education and move forward in picking their career zones.
Before opting for a career blindly, any student can opt to visit the career advisor in order to choose the right career path from the abundant courses available.
Looking for a career advisor can be one of the best things any student can do after education.
The career advisor helps the students to understand the career options and clear their mind from confusion in selecting the course.
Here are mentioned few responsibilities of career counselor, their advantages and disadvantages.

What do Career Advisers Do?
Career advisors are ones who assist other individuals in regard to their training, education and work options. Depending upon the type of organizations, the responsibilities of career advisors vary. The main duties or responsibilities of career advisors are as follows.
1. Career advisors interview many individuals face to face and make a deep discussion about their career or future education availability.
2. They find out the skill set and knowledge of the candidates and deal with the same.
3. Career advisors also assist young graduates in developing plans for employment, training education, and assist them to accomplish their objectives.
4. They are ones who research about the various career options available and also assist the organizations in meeting the requirements of the individuals.
5. They assist graduates in finding out the appropriate training programs, what is available for next career plan and about its finance details.
6. They also assist in the preparation of CV’s, job hunting, interview tips, and applications.
7. They assist and make clear, the present scenario and job market for the employees.
8. They are responsible for conducting conventions and career fairs.
9. Students and graduates are offered with discussion about their career needs.
10. Social media and technology are made use of in order to get in touch with students who are distance learners or part time workers.
11. They provide presentations which are career related.
The role played by a career advisor is varied and diverse where there are many more duties that are performed by career advisors. The other duties by career advisors are:
1. Development of web based materials for academics, graduates, students and employers.
2. They research and write various other information on national and local career options and develop materials, vacancy material and newsletter for individuals.
3. They assist in employment opportunities and work experience too. Few simple examples are helping in job opportunities, volunteering opportunities and internships.
4. Making frequent visit to professional bodies and employers in order to get to know details about labor market trends, employment opportunities, and recruitment policies and procedures.
5. They make collaboration with academic staff so that their services are availed by students. They also associate with schools and colleges.
6. Offering details about employment and training options.
7. They alert students about entrepreneurship opportunities and availabilities for developing business.
Advantages of Career Advisors | Disadvantages of Career Advisors: |
Spot attitude | Uncertainty |
Discards confusion | Multiple solutions: |
An objective guide | Qualified career advisor is mandatory: |
Get to know the availabilities: | Fake career advisors |
Get to know the availabilities: | |
Support and motivation: |
Advantages of Career Advisors:
1. Spot attitude:
With the assistance of career advisers, the students are capable of identify the true attitude.
It is during their junior levels that the students are able to perform in an equal manner in all subjects. In order to find out the strong intellectual areas for any student, career advisors conduct aptitude tests.
By this way the students are able to judge themselves and make informed decision for further studies and employment opportunities.
2. Discards confusion:
Students who complete their education often fall into confusion in making the right choices for future career.
This is because the students are too young to choose the right career path and is not due to lack of interest.
Students can gain clarity in their minds and thoughts by seeking the help of a career advisor. They are also able to choose their right interest, pick the appropriate subjects, and make a right choice in their career.
3. An objective guide:
With guidance from a career advisor, the students are able to quell notions which mention that they want to be doctors because their father is one.
A good career advisor helps students to view themselves as what they really are.
Hence career advisor guides the students in the right path which is appropriate for that specific individual.
4. Career related to education is made clear:
With the help of career advisors the students are able to get a clear idea about their desired studies.
They may not have clear idea of how to get forward and get qualified, in such scenarios a career advisor can be the right person to guide through.
Students are able to put things right in the proper position; the student is able to pick the right higher education for the desired career and also able to move forward in the career track safely.
They will gain complete interest, choose the right stream of education and feel motivated too.
5. Get to know the availabilities:
The best advantage of career advisor is that they offer a clear view about the career options that are available these days.
For example, is the student good at writing then the student is informed about the various opportunities in writing field as their career.
When the student is not updated about his desired career opportunities then winning in their career may not be possible.
6. Support and motivation:
A career advisor is one who offers support and lifts the morale of the individual by getting to know what they desire to achieve in future.
Long term success is achieved by building motivational level for the individual. By developing motivational level the performance of the individual is achieved.
With the help of career advisors, the network is also expanded which assists in emotional support.
7. True potential of student is identified:
There are many students who are clear about what they desire to become and there are many students who do not possess the right knowledge about their future.
In such cases the career advisors are beneficial as they conduct regular aptitude test and counseling sessions which helps the students pick the right career option according to their interest.
The career advisors results helps the students make the right choice in selecting their course and proceeding with their career.
8. Determines strength and weakness:
Career advisors conduct various aptitude and career assessment tests and are able to judge the weakness and strength of the candidates.
These tests are mandatory and help you match with skills, abilities and strength of the student.
With such guidance and test from career advisor, the individuals are able to identify their weakness and also avert choosing such career which makes them annoyed.
9. Goal is set for greater results:
The main advantage of getting bonded with career advisor is that they set goals for career activities.
A career advisor is one who helps the individual to get to know the steps that are required in order to reach objectives.
The student can also gain the opportunity to explore the various career opportunities available. They get a chance to make changes in their career they already possess. This is considered as a main benefit if the student is facing hassles or struggling with achieving goals.
10. Getting to know the choices in career:
A career advisor is one who helps the professional or student to know the full range available in the job market.
The various career options available are known which makes the individual overwhelming and positive.
A career advisor is one who assists the individual in concentrating on one sector of career path.
11. Job search support:
For individuals who are under job search, career advisors can help them in such research. They encourage and support the individuals by providing them with interviewing services, cover letter resume along with advising services.
A good career advisor is one who offers feedback, tools as well as resources that are required for the right job hunt.
Disadvantages of Career Advisors:
1. Uncertainty:
With the help of career advisor though best plans are laid out, it is not sure or guaranteed for a desired outcome.
can be one main disadvantage when career advisors are considered, as it may not reach success all the time.
An individual may pick a stream in accounting but after graduation, he may find that the job isn’t satisfied. This is because there is drastic change in the job market by the time the individual graduates out.
The individual may not find the desired position in the chosen field. The poor labor market can many a times lands individuals to unrelated job market apart from their degree.
2. Multiple solutions:
When seeking the help of career advisor, they may frame and plan and stick to it. The true fact is that there are a number of career choices which has multiple solutions.
A simple example can be that there are employers who look only for computer specialist, there may be employers who only look for ‘A’ grade graduates and there are employers too who offer on the job training.
This is one way by which time and money can be saved. By this way the individuals are able to gain fast experience. Hence individuals can find their way by dealing with the employers directly.
3. Qualified career advisor is mandatory:
A career advisor must be a qualified advisor so that they can guide the individuals toward the right path in their career.
In case the rules and ethics are altered, then it may result disadvantageous to the individual.
The career advisor must possess sound knowledge about the career fields and also be properly trained without which he may not assist the individuals.
They must be ones who are able to understand the psychology of students and their capabilities.
Only a truthful and unbiased career advisor can lead the students to the right path. Hence it is important to look out for qualified, experienced and perfect career advisors.
4. Fake career advisors:
There are many fake career advisors who try to guide students for their education or employment sessions.
They may not be expert in their field and may misguide individuals. Students usually find the career options the career advisors mentions and later find that they ended in some level which they aren’t fit for.
Hence it is mandatory to look out for the right career advisor.
The professional career advisors are ones who are able to assist individuals with career related challenges.
They have experience in labor market and career advising and hence they possess the capability to put forward the skills, strength, weakness, experience and qualification into a wider prospective and also considering their hobbies, interest, desired salary, job market location and more.
By career advising they support the individuals in getting a better understanding what really the career opportunities are and what decisions can be made. Career advisors also help their clients in gaining the best placements and other helpful services.
Above mentioned are a few advantages, disadvantages of career advisors. More over the job role, responsibilities of the career advisor are also mentioned. Career advisors are ones who play a main role in any individual’s life as they have expert knowledge and hence guide unknown graduates and students in the brighter path.
By this way many individuals are able to find the right way and keep moving forward with their career. This is beneficial as they choose the right path and travel towards success without being ceased unknown.
There are a number of sources which speaks about career advisors and their activities. Career advisors are many in number ready to help individuals to climb the career ladder.