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What you Should & Shouldn’t Focus on Before a Job Interview


Have you wondered what it takes to do a great interview?

Well, some of you tend to think that speaking well and answering with the right attitude is what matters. Of course, you are 100% right but that does not mean you should never prepare yourself before an interview. How you conduct yourself before also matters greatly.

In this post, we are going to help you understand what are the things you should think before an interview. All the things that don’t matter before, have also been enlisted. So give this post a good read and we hope you will find some help.

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what not to do before an interview

What You Should Focus on Before a Job Interview:

1. Warm up a little:

It is very important to warm up your vocal cords if you want to land a good job interview. Having a bad voice is often the biggest reason why so many people end up with cracked voices. This is also the reason why so many of them sound strained and end up not getting the interview.

So you should never allow yourself to become so weak. Do something, Just warm up a bit! before you are about to attend the interview, like in case you are driving and are on your way to the office then you should always speak by using some talking points and be as clear as you can. Pretend like you are an actor or maybe an actress and are gearing up for some big audition soon.

2. Do a little research on LinkedIn:

Being liked in an interview is always the key. The interviewers who may be a product manager or something will always want to hire a person they have been meeting daily, for example, if it comes to meetings or even in some break room.

Even happy hours or meeting during a buffer always matters in situations like this. If you show all your interviewers that you are someone who would like to work with and that you are a pleasing person, you will get chosen.

For this, you might have to do a little bit of networking, check out a couple of profiles on LinkedIn as well as Twitter or any other personal website.

3. Do some power poses:

Now experts have suggested this and we think it will work well for you. If you want a quick fix to your confidence and simply want to raise your hands right up in the ceiling and smile to yourself, then just go ahead and do it.

Several employees never forget to feel confident even a few minutes before they are speaking about a certain employer. They always think that having power poses is not just good for you but also beneficial. Also, this is one of the most important things you should be focusing on before a job interview.

4. Think of all the happy things in the world:

Now, this is another tip that we promise will work very well. You should always think of all the things in the world that make you happy. If you want something for real, you have to work for it and we think that by maintaining a positive attitude and thinking of good things can help you a lot.

For example, if your baby makes you feel happy then well yes, you should think of your child and all the good memories that you have with them. Or maybe you could think of your girlfriend and how she has made you happy in life.

5. Calm down a little:

I think it is very important for you to calm down and think of all the things that make you feel special even if it is just for a minute. If you have trouble feeling calm most of the time, you can try one of our simplest techniques and we bet it will work well for you.

All you have to do is sit down for a couple of minutes and simply meditate. Keep your eyes closed and just make sure that all the thoughts in your mind are peaceful. The more you calm down the better it is for you.

6. Always remember the two things that you want them to remember you with:

You should always remember that there will be two things that you would like people to remember you with. Whether it will be some of your communication skills or whether it is your knowledge, the decision is yours and it is entirely up to you. Just remember that you need to stand out during the interview.

7. Don’t rehearse:

There is no need to rehearse hours after hours. If you do so, it might end up looking like you’ve scripted and planned out the whole thing instead of simply just saying what comes out of your mouth immediately.

I think one of the best things you can always do is be natural, be yourself and most importantly portray yourself in such a way that you look clever, honest and an appealing personality.

8. Take a close look at the mirror:

Boost confidence by looking at yourself in the mirror. Go into the nearest restroom or clothing shop where you have to check yourself out in front of the mirror. Friedman has always suggested that you might have left your place looking spick and span but when you arrive, you look like some vagabond.

Now, this could be the right time for you to wash your hands and to make sure that your fingernails are always clean and that your palms are always dry. If you have worn comfortable shoes earlier, you should try to change into your best dressing shoes.

9. Think of all the happy things in the world:

Now, this could sound a tad bit clichéd to you but if you imagine and think of all the pleasant things in the world that make you very happy and smile and make you feel good about yourself, then it will surely help you get some good score during the interview.

Not only are you going to do well during the interview but also impressing all the clients. Always remember that you need to have a good state of mind before you get into the interview. That will always work well for you!

10. Arrive early but don’t walk in immediately:

Another thing you should always do is arrive early but never make the mistake of walking in immediately. Of course, you should arrive early so that you can have enough time to prepare yourself but never make the mistake of coming in too early.

In that way, you will have enough time to prepare on your own and get ready for the upcoming interview. Make sure there is always enough space between walking in and attending the interview.

11. Don’t be too nervous:

Always focus on being the best that you can be. You don’t have to become way too nervous. Yes, we understand if it is your first interview but you should be able to take care of yourself even when you are feeling like you’re going to faint.

It is very easy to feel like you are about to die but always remember to just hold it together. You will surely be able to go through it successfully if you don’t fret or worry too much. So cut out with the nervousness and do your best.

12. Chat with the receptionist:

Now if you’re a hot guy and you love pretty women, this is one point that will help you before an interview. Flirting is good for your health and could make you feel very confident and uplifted.

So if you qualify as a handsome guy who is a little good at flirting, then do spend at least 5 minutes of your time with her. We promise it will be worth your time. You will enter the interview room with a smile on your face. Isn’t that great?

What Not to do Before an Interview?

About fifteen minutes before attending the interview, here are some things you should not be focusing on

1. What you will be saying?:

Now, this is something you should have planned a long time back. If you are worried about what you will be saying to your clients, you should be rehearsing before the day of the interview but not really when you are supposed to attend one.

That is one of the things that shouldn’t be worrying you at that point. Instead, you should be focusing on staying calm and composed because that is going to matter.

2. What the interviewers will think of you?:

Now several of you have been making the same mistake over and over again and if you have done this earlier, then we would suggest you stop doing so right away.

Thinking about what the interviewers will think and say if you are not just going to lower your spirits but also make you feel less confident and attractive and trust me when I say this, you don’t want that happening to you. If you want a job for real, think of all the good things about yourself.

3. About your flaws:

This is also a common mistake that most people are caught making these days and if you are one of them, then I would suggest you stop immediately. It is okay not to be perfect.

Nobody is after all! There is absolutely no reason for you to waste time and think about all those things you are not good at. I am sure there must be a whole lot of things you can do well. Think of them a few times before entering the main gates for your interview.

4. Whether you are good enough:

Self-doubt is probably one of the worst things you can ever do to yourself before an interview. This is the time for you to be more confident and happy. So do not make the mistake of doubting yourself or whether you are good enough or not.

This could lower your confidence and make you feel horrible. So even if you have all the qualifications and the personality to land this job, you might not be able to because you just don’t have the confidence that is needed.

5. Chilling with the others:

It is okay to say hi and speak to some people but doesn’t even bother trying to spend too much time chilling with the others. Of course, you should introduce yourself and get to know the other person but always remember that you are in for an interview and that this could change your life.

So there is no need to waste too much time getting along with them. After all, you need to get along with your bosses better than any of these people.


This brings the post to an end. If you have liked reading our post and would like to give us some suggestions, please let us know in the comment box below. We are waiting to hear from you.

Apart from that, in case you have any questions in mind, drop them down below. We want to answer all of them for you. All you ever have to do is follow all the above-mentioned tips and the rest will surely go well. Have fun and never forget to smile!

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