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How to Edit your Overqualified Resume: Top 16 Tips


When you applying for a job, above everything else you must ensure that you have a proper and well written resume that is going to suit your purpose properly and help you to instantly impress the recruiters. But, what if you have an overqualified resume and you are struggling to edit it?

It is obvious that if you are lacking in qualifications you will not be able to bag the job, but chances are that if you are overqualified for the given post as well then you will not be able to secure the given job. Properly editing your resume can help you a great deal, especially if you have an overqualified resume.

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edit your overqualified resume

Overqualified Resume Tips When You’re Overqualified:

There are many reasons for a candidate reject for a job. Some of the common ones are not suiting the job role, no matching skills, no experience, etc.

But did you know, being overqualified can also be a reason for job rejection? Though it sounds strange, unfortunately, it is true. Though the employers would love the candidates who are well experienced and have exceptional skills, overqualified candidates do not fit in their slot.

The cause for it can be the candidates expecting the high packages, not staying in the job for a longer period, not able to get well with other teammates, etc.

Your resume can speak to your employer more than you. The sign of you being overqualified can be easily known by viewing your resume.

The rejection of your job application can start from this first step itself. So, now if you want to get the job, you need to craft your resume accordingly.

Some of the resume updates to combat being overqualified are,

  1. Cut short the employment history
  2. Make them know that you are interested in the job profile.
  3. Perform as if you the right fit for the job
  4. Add up the skills only required for the job role
  5. Mention needed an educational qualification
  6. Do not mention the dates of graduation
  7. Personal details about you can skip.

How to Overcome Being Overqualified For a Job:

Getting a job in this competitive market is becoming tough. Employers want to hire a candidate who is not only the best technique for the job role but also possesses the ability to think out of the box and has few extra skills.

The type of people who have a problem with getting employed is the ones who have no work experience and the type of overqualified people. This doesn’t mean that it is impossible to get a job, many bigger companies will be willing to take up candidates who have a good experience and are overqualified. Provided you should be leaving some of your outdated skills and willing to learn new ones that are trending.

Your resume alone should not mention that you are overqualified but you must be able to convince your hiring manager in an interview. Here are a few ways to overcome your over-qualification and get employed,

  1. Prepare your resume as per the requirement
  2. Focus on the job role rather than on your qualifications
  3. Ensure that you are passionate about the job
  4. Being flexible on salary
  5. Make use of your network to find a job
  6. Convince your employers that you are looking for longevity
  7. Shower the employer with the advantages of hiring you
  8. Sprinkle in few ideas that can improve their business growth

Are You Overqualified? Tips to Edit Your Resume?

1. Read the job description very carefully before you begin editing:

On sending in your resume to a company, you must ensure that your resume is properly written and that you are not sending in an old resume where the details are not even updated. Having a well-presented resume is half the battle won in itself. It will be able to draw the recruiters instantly towards you and they will feel like you are someone who will be perfect for the job.

To edit your overqualified resume, it is imperative to read the job description published by the company, very carefully indeed, so that you can think along those lines.

2. Think of the impression you want to create:

When applying for a job, you must think in advance about the kind of impression you would like to create and the angle you would like to focus on. Spend some time thinking about the things which you like to highlight. When you think clearly, this clarity automatically reflected in your resume.

To avoid having an overqualified resume, edit your resume carefully keeping in mind the impression you would like to create one which will help you to show that you are perfect for the job and not at all overqualified.

3. Understand exactly what they are looking for:

It is only when you understand what they are looking for that you will be able to write a resume that will be specific to what they are looking for. When you are editing your resume you must ensure that you seem neither overqualified nor lacking in qualifications as in both cases your resume will just be tossed in the waste paper basket.

Once you understand what they are looking for then only will you be able to edit your resume correctly and they will know that you are someone who can understand exactly what is asked of you.

4. Write a good and appealing cover letter:

Having an appealing resume is vital, but along with this having an equally vibrant cover letter is something vital in this day and age. Before they even get to your resume, the recruiters will take a look at your cover letter and it is through this cover letter that they will gauge whether or not you someone who they interested in or not.

In your cover letter, you should mention that you genuinely interested in the job and irrespective of how qualified you are, you think that you will be perfect for the job.

5. Avoid mentioning unnecessary job titles you had in the past:

Your resume bound to get toss in the overqualified pile, especially if you have many impressive job titles jumping out of your resume, grabbing the eyeball of the recruiters. If you are well aware of the fact that you over qualify, yet this job you still interested in, then you should avoid mentioning the impressive job titles as it is going to limit your chances of getting the job.

Chances are that recruiters will think that you not interested in the job and just want the job for sheer lack of any better employment opportunities at the moment.

6. Do not mention unnecessary skills:

To edit your overqualified resume you must ensure that you do not go on enlisting skills that are unnecessary and not even needed for this job. If you are not applying for the position of a manager, then you need not mention the skills of your leadership or even your ability to delegate work. Think along the lines of the job which you are applying for and enlist your skills accordingly.

For example, if you have been a school principal in the past, but you are now applying for the position of a teacher, then you need not mention skills like a good coordinator or an authoritative person, as things like this would carry no weight.

7. Consult another professional to help you:

Your resume is your own and you should conceptualize and draft it on your own. Yet if time does come when you confused about how to edit your overqualified resume then there is no harm in seeking some help from someone whom you believe has significant qualifications and experience.

In addition to this, even a career counselor will be able to provide you with immense assistance so that you can get the job that you are hoping for. There is no shame in seeking help, all you have to do attentive to what told to you.

8. Do not sell yourself short while editing:

When you are trying to edit your overqualified resume, you must ensure that you are smartly going about things. In the attempt to edit your resume you should not sell yourself too short, so much so that you come across as lacking in qualifications and experience.

As mentioned above, furnish only relevant details that will assist you in getting this job, but that does not mean that you eliminate other details so much so that it appears that you have a lot of gaps in your career timeline. Remember that when your resume is first viewed by the recruiter you will not be present to explain things.

9. Simplify your resume to the maximum:

It is important to keep things simple when you are preparing your resume. If your resume is bursting with details then you are instantly going to give off the impression of having an overqualified resume. One of the worst mistakes you can make when writing your resume is using words that are too big and fancy.

An experienced recruiter would like to read a resume that is comprehensive and easy to read. Break things down on your resume as much as possible and it is not necessary to mention too many examples of all the successful projects which you have been able to manage in your career.

10. Remember to word your resume carefully:

While writing your resume you must word your resume very carefully to show the recruiter that you would be perfect for the job and would be delighted to get an opportunity to work in the company. The better you word your resume, the more chances you have of getting the job.

Use words and phrases which will suit your needs and attract the attention of the recruiter. While editing your overqualified resume highlight and make bold those skills that will set you apart from the others, who have applied for the job.

11. If you wish you can mention why you are applying for such a job:

If you believe that no amount of editing can hide the fact that you have an overqualified resume, then rather than trying to hide and cover-up too many facts it is advisable that you just come clean and state your reasons for saying so. No matter what, do not mention that you are applying for this job because you cannot get a better one.

Simply state that irrespective of your qualifications you would really like to work in this position due to your personal and professional reasons and you will stick on with the job if given the opportunity.

12. Do not stress much on your high educational qualifications:

If you know for a fact that your educational qualifications are too much for the job, then it is advisable that you do not lay too much emphasis on your qualifications in this regard and rather stress on the fact that your skills are perfect for the job and that you will be able to do all tasks which are entrusted to you in a satisfactory manner.

Since it is your resume you can wisely decide on what you would like to emphasize. Playing your cards right could swing things in your favor, irrespective of all the other things going against you.

13. Include relevant work experience:

One of the worst mistakes you can make when preparing your resume is enlisting all the jobs which you have ever had so that you seem overqualified for the job which you are applying for.

Be as selective as you want to be and include work experience which you are convinced will increase the chances of you getting this job. Editing your resume is something that is a little time consuming and is bound to confuse you a little, but it is something that yields rich benefits for you in your career.

14. Think out of the box to help your case:

If you confused, about what to include and what to exclude in your resume, lest you come across as rather lackluster. You should think of editing your resume in such an out of the box manner that you include all your details without it seeming like you are overqualified. Doing this does take a considerable amount of skills so ensure you have what it takes.

15. Do not make your resume very wordy:

To edit your overqualified resume you should ensure that you sit down to do the task with a clear and tension-free mind. Take your time in doing the task and ensure that you are not giving up a resume which is too wordy and like an essay rather than a resume.

In today’s time no one has the time to read such a resume, so from the start to the end of your resume, keep in mind what you want to say and mention just that. Contrary to what many believe, going overboard with how great you are will just show you as being too qualified rather than suited for the job.

16. Keep editing your resume until it is perfect:

Your resume cannot be the product of an hour’s work. It takes a significant time to create the perfect resume. Your resume should ideally be a representation of you and it should highlight all your pros and conceal all your cons.

A resume has to work as a tool that arrests the attention of the recruiter. For this reason, editing your resume once is not enough you must edit it again and again till it is perfect and performs its function, of representing you, to perfection.


If you do not take out enough time for your resume then it is not going to be up to the mark. If your resume fails to create a lasting impression in the mind of the recruiter then you will most probably not even be called in for an interview. Having an overqualified resume is not as good a thing as you might think it to be.

You might not consider the position, because the recruiter will assume that you will be dissatisfied with the work and even the pay. You must ensure that you edit your resume to suit your needs at all times.


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