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How to Make your Resume Stand out Visually?


While searching for a job, there are many reasons why you need to make your resume stand out from the competition. These tips and resources can help you rise to the top.

It is needless to say that in today’s times interviews are hardly ever like they used to be conducted previously, where the boss would have the time to sit down and properly converse with the candidate. However now in most companies across the globe the first stage to decide whether or not a candidate will be called back for an interview or not is based on the resume.

Here are some of the chief ways to help make your resume visually more appealing so as to instantly grab the recruiter’s attention.

make resume stand out visuallyCreative Ways to Make your Resume Stand Out:

1. Use a legible font:

Since the first thing that is likely to strike any recruiter is the font that you have made use of, you should ensure that you take some time to choose something where the manner is in keeping with the subject matter that is being presented.

In addition to this it is of paramount importance to make sure that the text you choose is not too small such that it is not legible however font that is too big often looks equally awkward and terrible.

2. Use your own originality:

In modern times resumes are not a simple summation of all your qualification, skills as well as work experience, rather it can be viewed as an important marketing tool. The purpose for a resume is much more than to simply give a brief overview of your work history.

Therefore it is important to make sure that you try and make resume stand out visually by making use of your own originality rather than duplicating sample CV’s found online.

3. Place your photograph:

Most people choose to place their photograph on the resume and owing to this; it has become a convention of sorts. Most companies also do insist on this because the first time they view your resume, which they have received via the mail or through email you will not be physically present.

So based on your photograph and how appropriate you look they will decide whether or not you are right to be a part of their reputed company.

4. Make borders, as even small things do matter:

What many people do not realize is that on a resume even the smallest of things you do are noticed. Because after all most recruiters want both seasoned as well as skillful people that have an exceptionally trained eye when it comes to hiring people they believe will be an asset to the company.

A small thing like a border put around the page will certainly silently communicate to the company that you are one to look into even the smallest of details, so as to make your work perfect.

5. Use bullet points:

A neat, concise as well as comprehensive resume is sure to leave a lasting impact in the mind of the recruiters. When details are presented though point form, they are very visually appealing and in addition to this recruiters, who anyway do not have much time are able to quickly skim though your particulars without any difficulty.

A precise and to the point resume is going to bear a testimony to your skills as a person who is able to communicate a great deal through few words.

6. Make some important details bold:

When making a resume, one great thing to help make it more visually attractive and appealing is by highlighting or making bold a few of the important words that you want the recruiter to notice.

These words that have been made bold not only are easily noticeable by the recruiter however it serves another purpose as well, they remain etched in the mind of the recruiter, long after he or she has set aside your CV.

7. Make it professional looking:

Though many people would like to do everything they can do to make their resume extremely appealing one thing they should realize is at the end of the day it is a serious document and owing to this fact, though it should be unique yet you should try to keep it as professional looking and sounding as possible.

If you try hard to make your CV appear to be nice and pretty you might not even have enough time to focus on content. Visuals are important but in this case quality is far more important than decoration.

8. Space all the details out:

It is no secret that recruiters are busy people who do not have the time to read though long as well as seemingly endless resumes, so that is why people applying for jobs should make sure that their resume is neither too long such that the recruiters lose focus, nor too short such that they end up selling themselves short.

It is very important to space out your details properly in a concise manner such that the resume looks good visually and there is no difficulty in reading the details.

9. Be creative, but make it in keeping with your career field:

To some extent thinking out of the box is very important when it comes to making a resume or applying for any job, yet at the same times you should ensure that you do not let you mind get out of control and come up with outlandish ideas such that your resume seizes to have any of the conventional features of a resume and therefore seizes to qualify as a résumé at all!

So creativity is important however when you are being creative ensure that you are doing so within limits.

10. If send out hard copies, do it on colored paper:

As obsolete as it might sound to some there are still many companies that receive the resumes in hard copies so as to keep it for future reference if needs be. So in such a case when most other resumes will appear in black and white you might choose to print yours out on colored paper to make your resume stand out from others.

However not something that might appear too garish as well as disconcerting. Modern technology has made it possible to even change the color on online when sending a virtual resume, so this is something you can try.

11. The file name should be your own name:

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when preparing your resume is making the file names ‘The best graphic designer in the world’ doing something like this is not just exceptionally distasteful but also very juvenile.

The cover of your file should be nothing but your name printed in bold capital letters. Say, if your name is John Ryan, then you should simply put JOHN RYAN on the cover and nothing like JoHN RyAN which is going to get your resume thrown in the trash.

12. Sometimes simplicity is what attracts the eye:

When it comes to being visually attractive, you should not try too hard to think out of the box. Sometimes when everyone is trying too hard to be unique and different the person that gives up a simple, comprehensive as well as well written resume is the one whose work is best appreciated.

In this day and age when everyone is trying their best to be different and put on an impression, exterior companies appreciate those people bold enough who just present them simply as they are.

13. Make use of templates:

Though many believe that the best sort of visually attractive resumes are the ones which people make from their own mind, however chances are that if you are a fresher you might need some help in making your resume stand out from the rest.

So in that case there are some online templates which you can purchase through a credit or debit card and then make use of so as to assist you when it comes to coming up with good ideas and preparing your first CV.

14. Consult with an expert in your field:

Lastly, one of the best ways to know what recruiters in your field are looking out for would be to inquire with someone who is an expert in the field and knows the ropes of the business very well.

You might end up learning some valuable things and even getting some helpful tips which could really help you in the long run. Often things which you think might impress the recruiters might turn out to be something that they detest and are not interested in.


So these are some of the easy things you can try and implement. It will certainly not cost you much time or money. Since your future career does depend on it , you should attempt to go all out in trying to impress the recruiters by making your resume stand out visually, as you never know where it might lead you.

Since the competition in today’s times is so cut throat everyone must think of new ways to stand out as well as prove their worth. If your work is either mediocre or even shoddy then no one will want to hire you.


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