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How to Discipline Employees and Correct their Performance


What is Discipline?

According to the dictionaries DISCIPLINE means the practise of training people to obey rules or code of conduct, and in any organization there is always a need of strict rules and regulations for its proper functioning.

Without orderliness the system becomes lame. It should always be kept in mind to work according to the requirements.

how to discipline employeesWhere there is a poor performance there is a lack of attention and behind the lack of attention there can be many reasons.

Whenever there is a low performance it is understood that the employee doing that task either did not get his job properly or his mind was diverted or involved into something else which may include his personal problems.

Any employee can have a nervous disorder or consternation which may affect his performance further but a working person should always be emotionally strong.

Other than only personal problems even a little bit of negligence can make the wheels of the company fall apart and if this is not detected earlier and corrected as soon as the problem is found, then it can even lead to a catastrophe situation in any organization.

The following points can be termed as the reasons behind the poor performance:

Causes of Employee Poor Performance at Work:

The following mentioned are few tips regarding lack of performance by employees at work.

1) Having no idea about the job:

Now if a person who does not know how to drive the car, how can he be expected to reach his destination safely?

Same is with the organization that if only the employee has no idea about what his job is about and what is being expected from him then it can result in a poor performance.

Before starting the work the employee shall have a full fledged knowledge about his work.

2) Not having proper training or knowledge:

It is always said that half knowledge is always dangerous so everyone should always go prepared to avoid any kind of failures. This point can be well understood with the apotheosis:

Two employees are recruited in an advertising company, among them one has done a six month training for the same and the other one is inexperienced, now the trained employee will be knowing better how the organization works and how to do his job well and the other will become a poor performer for he knows nothing.

The purpose of training is to know that in what field can the person work exceedingly and most of it how does the organization works.

3) Diverted minds:

Paying less attention to the task given can simply be the result of poor performance. And personal issues can be one of the reasons for diverted minds.

Sometimes there are much bigger problems in the life of people other than their works so they lack the attention and the work goes wrong. But it is always said that personal matters should be kept away from professional matters.

If you mix both then it will lead to a disaster at the working place.

4) Employee not fit for the job:

Sometimes reason behind a poor performance can also be the person not suitable for the job.

For example a person does not know how to operate computer and he is given the work related to making files on computer, this definitely will lead to bad work or no work at all.

Also the employee hired should know well what he is good at and what things can he handle. This way it will be easier to work and there will be no room for mistakes.

When there is any poor performer then the head of the company mostly spends time correcting him or her to make them work accordingly and correctly.

As already stated above the reasons for bad work, there are also ways to make them correct. The only tool for changing the employee behavior and improving the performance is employee discipline.

For making the employee performance better the following ways are acceptable:

How To Discipline Employees at Workplace?

Disciplining employees or corrective discipline in the workplace is a very important issue. Every organization should maintain an proper employee discipline policy.

The following mentioned are few tips how to discipline an employee and maintain discipline at work.

1) Always make notes when in meeting:

It is not always that a person remembers everything orally, especially when working in office or attending a meeting.

The employee should always maintain his documents so that in case he forgets something he can recall it from his notes. Working according to the schedule and following the notes can help make the work better and best.

2) Organize your work:

The one who fails to plan, he plans to fail. Always have a proper planning for your work, even if hypothesis is needed. It is like when one plan fails then there should be a backup plan because at the end it always works.

If you want your work to be good then better to organise it and above all work according to the plan, this is the easiest way to achieve goals.

3) Look for the motivation:

Everyone has that one thing in their lives which motivates them, either it is a person or it is a quote.

Try your best to give your best. Discovering a motivation before work brings gumption to the work and helps you become panache.

4) Freedom to decide on a course of action:

This point means that whenever there is a time of crisis, the person should be incumbent for the action to be taken and everyone should be given the chance.

There are many situations in an organization where such time comes when discrete advice is needed, so the employee should have this quality which can help save the work from heading towards bad work.

5) Being in their shoes:

It is said that when somebody is in problem then to solve his problem you need to put yourself in their shoes.

In an organization also when an employee is facing some problem regarding the project because he did not understand what is being expected from him then he needs to be taught about what is the requirement by stepping into his shoes, in other way making him understand or guiding him in his way.

6) Clearing the doubts:

Whenever you are facing a problem or a doubt it is better to clear it by asking relative questions as it is the matter of good performance, because if the work done is not according to the need then it is useless. It is better to ask before it is too late.

7) Communicate what you expect:

One should always be in talks to know what is being expected. The communication should always be done clearly and specifically.

Your actions always speak so if you have interest in your work then definitely nothing comes in your way.

As stated earlier that personal matters should be kept separate from professional matters, this is how it works, and if you like what you do then nothing else bothers you.

8) Proper training should be given:

Before starting work one should have a proper training regarding it. With the help of training the trained employee will be knowing better how the organization works and will do his job well.

It is necessary to know everything about your job otherwise it will again result in a poor performance.

9) Improvement counseling session:

In case of managing poor performance, a proper counseling of the employee should be done telling him where he committed mistake, what consequences he could face for the aberration and at last guiding him about how can he make the things right.

Generally the counselling sessions are organized before joining but improvement counseling is all about making the person realize his ignorance and giving the chance to improve himself.

The improvement counseling session can also be termed as negotiating a termination settlement.

The term negotiating a termination settlement means, that before firing employees from the job he is given a proper chance to improve his performance and correct the mistake committed.

10) Reviewing the performances:

This simply means deciding between the performing employee and outstanding employee.

It is as simple as that, when you see a bad performance then address about it as soon as possible because waiting for it to be okay or in other sense just ignoring it for being minor will only make the situation worse and moreover waiting would be waste of time.

Reviewing the performance is only done to tell the employee about where he is wrong and how can he correct his mistake. Taking actions soon can somehow save the day.


Everyone commits mistakes and it is said that mistakes happen, they are not planned. Looking after the actions of employees, communicating with them personally can help tell them about the problems and know where they are going wrong?

Telling them about the consequences of the mistakes committed along with giving final employee warning notice and at last giving them the employee suspension or termination notice so as to make them clear about avoiding poor performances, can all help maintain work discipline among employees.

Though working attentively is the first suggestion but if there is some mistake, it can always be corrected with good guidance.


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