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When your Best Friend becomes your Boss: 10 What to do Tips


When you are at your place of work some vital changes occur. One obsession on work friends are that, sometimes few situations take place that are not easy to manage efficiently. One of those is when your preeminent work friend gets promotion and becomes your immediate boss.

In actual fact, devoid of some established contemplation you could drop a friend everlastingly or even place your career at jeopardy. When you turn out to be your friend’s manager or your friend becomes your manager, it changes not just your working association but also effect badly on your friendship association.

It would be a time to think wisely and react calmly when such situations occurs in any sense or in any friendship bond at workplaces.

best friend becomes boss

This is how the things changes and the diverse hurdles you both face in your friendship, likewise the changing of position, changing of roles and various other responsibilities etc which has immensely effected on your friendly connection as well. It’s always better for both of the friends to segregate their professional and personal lives.

How to Act When Your Friend Becomes Your Supervisor:

1. Your bond will get revolutionized:

Your friend is no longer your best work friend now onwards. You both can’t be seen as singing favorites for each other. Suddenly, the other one got an identical chance in new projects, assignments and responsibilities. Your bond of affection or friendship definitely effects if either one of you could become boss on the other.

The friendship terms gets changed, so it would be better to behave like an employee only, during office hours and not like older best friends at work who used to do gossips, having tea/ coffees together etc. Such friendship bond does suffer when such type of situations occurs especially at workplace, in real sense, it got revolutionized.

2. Don’t ask over for support/ favors:

Don’t go out of your way to cooperate with your friend’s situation in his work. Might be you have the right intention of helping him/ her but other colleagues, co workers might take it other way round. Thus prevent asking for favors and other type of support from your friend cum boss.

It would be your sole mistake if you ask him or her (your boss) for other favors which could be out of the way. Avoid asking for any kind of support. It would be difficult for your boss too, to justify to top management about these supplementary favors.

3. Let your boss assess your performance:

Realize one thing that your friend, who is now your manager, is the one who will assess your performance and your daily work. You cannot put behind your friendship on such vital thing.

He/ she have to patiently support your boss to act and react professionally other than to involve friendship terms into it. Let them do their job appropriately without any refrains.

This is now your boss who has to assess your regular performance and give assessment to your work. This is his or her job after becoming your boss, so no point of arguing.

4. Be seated and speak on this change:

To a certain extent, rather than just making best guesses with reference to each other, it would be better and favorable if you both sit down calmly and have a deep conversation on it. It would be much appreciated for both of you to admit that one is the boss and the other one is his/ her junior.

What you need to talk is about to split your personal and professional connection. Both of you need to sit together after official hours or howsoever feels appropriate and talk about the change which has come between your friendship as the other one has become manager.

5. Act proficiently and in professional way:

The preeminent suggestion for both is to do your respective works efficiently without any friendship hindrances and act in a very much professional way at work. Keep work just the way which should not create complications and make certain that you can keep professional dealing and personal friendship separate.

Work actively and create a good professional atmosphere all around. Your actions at work should be louder than your other personal stuff. You need to always act skillfully in order to create a professional aura, especially when your friend has recently become your boss and you are accountable to act upon your capabilities.

6. Don’t capture things on personal level:

The boss now (who was actually your friend) has new role and tasks and this means there could be plenty of responsibilities and diverse business making decisions which he/ she has to make and that, out of many, you may not like few of them. But don’t try to seize things personally.

More likely, the decisions your boss will take or drive out, basically based on the grounds of business reason, so you don’t compose your primary supposition that it’s all about you.

Never let this thought to come into your mind that he or she (your boss) specially doing this to you only. The decisions of your boss will be in the interest of the company only and not on personal level.

7. Don’t divide up information with the group:

Possibly, you would have been identified with private and secretive information of your friend, which you should never share with the company or other co workers. Sharing their personal information might make you feel for a short time, like you have an indoor way, but trustfully, it won’t be help in the long run.

You should avoid sharing details or other private information with the group or the top management of the company. The info you got earlier about your friend was on the friendly terms when you both had shared only personal lives so avoid digging out them now, when you have become his/ her boss.

8. Recognize the transformation:

The manager (your friend) will have to assess the business-related details and particulars that cannot constantly be carved up. You need to acknowledge the change and it might no longer be suitable for you to chitchat about other colleagues and/ or co- workers like you both were used to do earlier. You are no more on the same page and share the same friendship at workplace.

The difference of managerial position and sub- staff employee has arisen and you need to accept this change patiently and willfully.

9. Stop sharing personal things at workplace:

As you both are no longer remained as work friends who sit together, taking lunch and snack breaks jointly, doing conversation on any random topic during the break time, it can’t happen now. You can’t share your daily random stuff on your convenience at work.

You need to stop sharing personal things at workplace especially while your boss is focusing on other vital meetings. Don’t ever share your personal life with your boss (your friend) during official hours. And don’t complain about his negative points especially since he is your boss now and perhaps he/ she doesn’t like it at all.

10. Behave in assigned respective roles & functions:

Since your friendship has turned out differently and there is no way to react and behave like earlier older pals during work timings. You both need to carry out your respective roles proficiently and in well behaved way. Do your duties well and take over the charge of performing the assigned tasks fabulously.

If you give a deaf ear to the roles assigned to you by your boss and look after taking the friendship as earlier, unfortunately it won’t be worth doing it at the workplace. Try your best to do the respective roles in your best way possible.


It could be you who have become the boss of your best friend; or the either of you, still you both in no way know how things will going to be workout. This is you who need to take care of all the things which could restrain you from professional working environment or personal lifestyle.

All you can do is to avoid mixing your personal friendship terms, with that of, professional working life especially when he/ she have recently become your boss or immediate manager. You can take the ownership of behaving professionally at work and let your boss also act like the one.

However the major thing you want to bring about is that you need to continue your working style efficiently and to keep up a very good working rapport.

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