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Preparing for Online Job Interview? Top 16 Mistakes to Avoid


Appearing for an online job interview is never easy. If you wish to bag a job in a big company, appearing for an interview is a must. If you fail to impress the recruiter in the course of the interview, then it is unlikely that you will be able to bag the job.

There are various kinds of interviews. Some interviews are conducted over the phone and others are conducted in person. Nowadays it is most common to conduct an interview online.

Online Job Interview Mistakes to AvoidIf an online interview has been scheduled with you then here are some of the online interview mistakes which you ought to avoid.

Tips for Acing an Online Job Interview:

Interviews are always nerve-wracking, no matter how well you prepare. There are also few instances where the recruiters try to make us comfortable during the interview as it helps us open up and the interview goes on smoothly. There are many cases where even the best candidates lose out the job by not performing well in the interview and the reason is nervousness and stress.

As technology has advanced a lot, so did the hiring and recruitment process have. The traditional way of hiring is almost equal to NO. Nowadays many recruiters are opting for online interviews in case if the candidate is at another location and also to save time.

Online job interviews need not mandatorily be an only video or skype interview. There is also a type of interview where your answers are just recorded and reviewed later. Be it any kind of online interview here we have mentioned a few basic tips which can aid you to ace the interview.

Before getting into the tips for an online job interview, you need to ask a few questions and get things cleared. Here are a few questions,

  • Is the online interview audio, video or both?
  • Ask the interview format?
  • Are the questions pre-recorded or will there be another person on another side
  • If the questions are pre-recorded then how many chances can we get to answer?
  • Upon technical problems, whom should I contact?

How to ace your online job interview?

  • Test run your computer in advance
  • Choose a good place(silent, proper lighting)
  • Avoid all types of distraction
  • Dress up professionally
  • Calm down and do not get stressed
  • Make proper eye contact
  • Mind your body language

Silly or Deadly Online Job Interview Mistakes to Avoid:

1. Not dressing appropriately:

Just because it’s an online interview that does not mean that you’re allowed to appear before the interviewer casually dressed. If you look untidy as well as unkempt then no company will like to hire you.

Many people make the mistake of wearing a formal shirt and do not even bother to put on proper trousers.

Never do something like this because if by chance you need to get up in the course of the interview, this is going to set a very bad impression in the mind of the interviewer.

Dress professionally and that will surely impress the recruiter a great deal.

2. Not giving the interviewer your complete attention:

Even though it is an online interview, it is of paramount importance that you give the interviewer your complete attention.

If the interviewer, even for a minute gets the impression that you are not giving him your complete attention, then he is likely to cut the call immediately.

What you must remember is that interviewers are busy people and they do not have the time to waste. If you want the job you should act in a befitting manner right from the onset.

Even though you may not be comfortable with the idea of an online job interview, you must none the less give it your best shot.

3. Choosing the wrong location: 

The more mistakes which you make in the course of your online interview, the less likely it is that you will be able to get the job.

Keep in mind then you are probably not the only one applying for the job and appearing for the interview. This having been stated it is very vital that you choose a proper as well as a fitting location to have your interview at.

Many people who live in a small house with many members prefer to interview in some other location.

However, avoid interviewing in a noisy public place which will serve as a distraction for both you as well as the recruiter.

4. Having an untidy background:

Irrespective of where you finally decide to have the online interview you should ensure that the background is both appropriate as well as tidy. If you decide to have the interview at home, in your room ensure that your room is looking presentable.

Keep in mind that having offensive or vulgar posters on the wall is going to leave a sour taste in the mind of the recruiter. In the case of an online job interview, keeping it simple is the best way to go.

Try and sit in front of a simple plain wall so that the interviewer can focus all his attention upon you and what you are saying.

5. Not informing others at home that you are giving an interview:

Most people prefer to take the interview at home as they feel comfortable doing so. In addition to that, they know that if a paper or a document is suddenly required they can pull it out in a matter of a few moments.

Before taking your interview, you must inform others in your family about it so that they too can be on their best behavior. If you have pets or children, ensure that they do not pose as a source of irritation or noise.

Recruiters are very serious people who do not like to be disturbed. Once they lose their train of thought, they get extremely irritated and put off.

6. Constantly looking at yourself instead of the interviewer:

When appearing for an online interview you are expected to, as far as possible maintain eye contact with the interviewer so that he knows that you are someone who is not shy and meek.

In the course of the interview, even if you tempted to do so, you should never keep staring at yourself. If you constantly check yourself out, your interviewer going to get the impression that you someone who very self obsess and vain.

Keep in mind that, whether you get the job or not will not determine how you are looking, it is based on how you speak and answer.

7. Having a lazy posture in front of the screen:

When asked to appear for an online interview, you might be confused about where you ought to set your laptop down on the big day.

Some people prefer to have the interview conducted in their study room, yet those who do not have a study room, have the interview conducted in their best room.

Never make the mistake of sitting on your bed for your online interview as that is surely going to give you a lazy posture. Try and place a desk and chair into your room so that you can sit straight and look professional.

A body language says a lot about an individual’s personality so ensure that you maintain an impressive one.

8. Not smiling enough:

Everyone is nervous before and during an interview, whether the interview is conducted over the phone, in person or even online. Irrespective of how nervous you are, you should never forget to smile.

When you smile, then you naturally look a lot warmer. Companies prefer to hire individuals who are people persons. So, in the course of your interview, you should try and seem as people friendly as possible.

If you’re unable to look cool and calm, then chances are that you will not be hired for the position.

So ensure that you smile when necessary so that you show that you are someone who always stays calm under pressure.

9. Eating or drinking in the course of your interview:

One of the biggest mistakes you can make in the course of an online interview is constantly munching on some food or taking a sip from your drink occasionally.

Doing something like this is not just crude and rude but also highly unprofessional. Eat and drink as much as you want both before as well as after the interview but do not even absentmindedly pop something into your mouth during the interview.

Leaving aside food and snack, do not even have chewing gum in your mouth as that will show you to be someone who is very naïve and childish.

10. Not checking your hardware before the interview begins:

A few days before the interview conducted you must make sure that you have all the necessary hardware required to interview properly.

If you are making use of your personal computer ensure that it has a proper webcam which is both clear as well as properly functioning.

In addition to that do make sure that you have proper war phones which will enable you to listen to what the interviewer is saying carefully.

Last and certainly not the least is that ensure that you have a proper mic.

Rather than panicking on the final day, test everything out with a friend or family member beforehand.

11. Not having a proper internet connection:

To be able to carry out a successful online interview having a good internet connection is an absolute must. If your internet connection is bad, then your interview is going to be an absolute fail.

In this day and age, many companies offer high-speed internet connections at an affordable price, so if you do not have a proper connection to ensure that you get one exclusively for the interview.

Do not rely on your neighbor’s free WiFi as it could surely let you down. If your internet connection is good, then that will be a huge load off your back.

12. Not taking things seriously:

Just because it is an online interview that does not mean you can treat it like a job. Nowadays online interviews are treated just the same as face to face interviews.

Simply because you are appearing for the interview in the comfort of your own home that does not mean you forget your manners. You must wish the interviewer as the interview begins.

At the very onset ask him if he can hear you properly. If you are unable to hear him do make it a point to speak up.

13. Not being still or being too still:

Not being still during the interview is something that is bound to annoy the individual taking your interview.

In addition to that if you keep too still and act like a robot that too is going to come across badly. Even though you are speaking into a monitor you should try your best to look natural.

In addition to that be sure to use the loo before the interview, do not assume that just because it is an online interview that is going to conclude fast. Keep the entire day free for the interview so that you do not get restless midway.

14. Panicking over a technical glitch:

Just because a technical glitch has occurred that does not mean that you immediately start panicking and act like a crazy person.

Keep in mind that the interviewer is probably using the company’s top notch technology and internet connection which you are not expected to have.

How you act under pressure will give an index to how you deal with pressure generally.

So ensure that you keep your head on your shoulders at all times so that you do not end up making a fool of yourself at any given time.

15. Not keeping your papers properly organized:

Even though it is an online interview you should ensure that you have all your papers as well as documents neatly arranged in a folder.

In addition to that, it is important that you also keep ready a few blank sheets of paper where you can take down random notes and even keep some pens and pencils at arm’s length.

16. Logging in late:

As mentioned above it is important to check your hardware and the internet connection days before the interview. In addition to that, you must inquire about which app you will be using for the interview.

Some companies prefer Skype and other Google Hangout, so ensure that you ask your questions beforehand so that you can be ready and waiting. Do not make the mistake of logging in for the interview, late.

Be online at least half an hour before time so that you come across as someone who values time.

Common Online Interview Questions:

  • Tell me something about yourself
  • Why are you leaving your current job?
  • How did you hear about this position?
  • What do you know about this company?
  • What are your greatest strengths?
  • What are your weaknesses?
  • How much salary do you expect?
  • Why should we hire you?


Many individuals prefer giving an online interview, whereas some dislike giving online interviews as they find it most inconvenient.

Not everyone has access to the high-speed net and top-notch technology and that is why having to appear for an online interview just makes them exceptionally nervous.

If a big company has scheduled an online interview with you should go out of your way to make preparations for it.

If your preparations not up to the mark and you end up making the mistakes which mention above, then it is unlikely that you will be able to bag the job.

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