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What Companies want from an MBA Graduate?


If you are an MBA graduate seeking a good job opportunity, you need to know the different factors that the recruiters seek in MBA professionals.

This knowledge will help you fare better in job interviews. It will help you get the right job and the package you truly deserve.

Here we have listed out a few MBA skills that most recruiters seek in MBA graduates.

what companies want from mbaKey Skills and Attributes Required from MBA Graduates:

The following mentioned are few attributes and skills for MBA that companies look for generally in MBA graduates.

1. Leadership Skills:

An MBA graduate is expected to possess good leadership qualities. A good leader has the knack to deal with his coworkers in an amiable fashion.

He is usually a good decision maker and handles important positions in a firm or organization. MBA graduates apply for significant management positions in well known organizations and firms. Leadership skills are a must in such organizations.

The companies will try and evaluate your leadership skills while interviewing you. They may ask you regarding events and occasions when you have played a good leader.

Individuals who have organized events or taken initiative always prove to be better leaders and gain more points while being evaluated in an interview.

2. Interpersonal Skills:

People handling managerial positions have to possess good interpersonal skills. They need to interact with clients and employees.

Interacting with many types of people surely requires good interpersonal skills.

Communicating with different people also requires a higher level of understanding of people’s nature and attitude. This knack is vital when you are holding important managerial positions.

When you appear for an interview, make sure you speak confidently and communicate well.

These are factors that count when the interviewer evaluates your interpersonal skills. These skills may help you stand a greater chance of bagging the job you most desire.

3. Ability to adapt to market changes:

The market changes each year and the market needs also alter. A person who takes up the position of a manager in a significant firm should be able to adapt to these changes.

He should be able to alter his ways or upgrade his skills to match the present market needs. Stagnancy is not acceptable especially in careers of MBA graduates.You must be flexible to changing market trends and requirements.

The 80’s and the 90’s used print media to market their goods and services but now internet plays a significant role in marketing goods and services.

The android apps are now in vogue. The requirements of online and offline marketing are way different and marketing managers should be prepared to alter as per the latest trend.

4. Supervisory Skills:

Managers get work done from their team of employees. They assign the work and are also responsible for the work done by their team. Supervisory skills are vital when you handle such positions.

The managers need to supervise the work of their subordinates and provide useful suggestions that can help their co-workers improve their work.

Supervising the work of other team members requires time, effort and patience. A manager without supervisory skills fails to achieve goals he has set.

5. Ability to Cope with International Standards:

This is a major challenge that most fresh MBA graduates fail to achieve. It is not easy to cope with international standards.

To match the requirements of clients from different nations, you need to understand the work culture and work ethics of different nations.

This can be a tough task especially for fresh MBA graduates. There are training skills that hone your communication skills to match the international requirement. It is a great idea to get trained in these skills.

Managers working on overseas project may also have to align their lifestyle to match the overseas timing.

A basic mental and physical preparation to match these requirements will help you bag better opportunities as an MBA graduate.

6. Adaptability to Traditional Approach:

While staying updated with the latest trend in the market is vital, it is equally important that you are aware of the traditional approaches of the industry and know their significance.

The new graduates often fail to give significance to the age-old approaches that have helped their seniors.

Knowledge of traditional approach helps a manager understand the positive traits in them and inculcate the same in modern approaches.

As a fresh MBA graduate, you must remember that your recruiters or hiring managers will belong to the old school and may have used the traditional approaches.

When they interview candidates, they would look for youngsters who appreciate their school of thought.

They would look for employees who can understand the merits of both approaches and have the knowledge to combine these approaches and come up with something new and innovative.

7. A Captivating Persona:

MBA graduates have a work profile where they have to interact with clients from different nations and head different kinds of projects.

A captivating and impressive personality is thus important. A strong and impressive personality is a result of two important traits.

The first surely is confidence in one’s abilities. The next is a superior choice. MBA graduates have to possess these two qualities to make a lasting impression.

Confidence is often a result of your ability. If you are capable, confidence is a sure byproduct. You need to pick your attire to go with your looks. Make sure you choose what is in vogue and suits you. Remember that the right look creates the right impression.

8. Negotiation Skills:

Candidates who take up position of managers in firms and organizations have to finalize deals and projects.

This is not possible if the candidate lacks negotiation skills. In meetings, you may have to negotiate with clients and fix rates for projects that seem profitable to clients as well as the firm.

Good negotiators are people who are aware of the latest market trends and strike deals accordingly. Negotiation skills are extremely important if you have to head a team and work as a manager.

9. Decision Making Skills:

A manager heads the team. He shoulders the responsibility of the entire team under him. He needs to make significant decisions for the team.

Decision making skills are significant when you are in important positions in any of the firms or organizations. Indecisiveness is not acceptable.

You must possess the ability to make the right decisions after considering all the facets of the issue at hand. You must be able to analyze the pros and cons of the decision you make.

If you think you lack the courage to make decisions at the right time, you must not hope to ascend the career ladder.

10. Analytical Mindset:

MBA graduates always occupy responsible positions in firms and organizations because they possess an analytical approach towards all issues.

They are able to look at the issue at hand practically. They are capable of evaluating the projects and sorting out the most lucrative ones.

Emotional individuals are often carried away by emotion and they fail to take the right professional decisions.

Firms and organizations look for analytical minds that understand the practicality of the situation at hand and act accordingly.

11. Maturity and Professionalism:

Maturity and professionalism are vital traits in the trade. Very often, a systematic approach and a broader perspective are the result of experience in the field.

Yet, MBA graduates who are looking for promising positions in reputed organizations need to possess these qualities in them.

You must know that each decision you make or each step you take is on behalf of the company.

To uphold the reputation of the firm, you have to be mature and wise while handling your position in the firm.

You also need to possess strong work ethics. Only principled individuals can achieve their goals.

12. Mental Toughness:

The job of an MBA professional involves several work pressures. Handling different clients, interacting with several important people and making significant decisions require you to possess mental toughness.

A strong mind is the key to success. If you get stressed easily or get carried away by temptations, you lack the mental toughness required in professional roles.

13. Time Management Skills:

In your job role as an MBA professional, you will have to tackle several tasks in a day. This wont be possible unless you plan all the activities properly.

Planning the different activities requires you to possess time management skills.

As it is rightly said, time is money. Individuals who fail to understand the value of time and arrange activities according to the time available fail to complete the tasks at hand.

If you are time conscious, you would know how to manage your time. Men who possess multitasking skills are usually good time managers.

Final Words:

The job seeking process is always crucial one. The list above reveals the qualities that are vital in all MBA professionals. A confident and impressive lad can surely bag a nice job if he is thoroughly prepared and knows what to expect during job interviews. You must thus prepare yourself well and the job search will then be a cakewalk for you.




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