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Training New Employees for Long Term Success: 13 Tips


We understand! Employee training is not cheap. It takes money, time and effort. But the good part is that training for work is always worth the money. Every single dime will pay off if you use the right method and tricks. Always remember along with training, techniques you use is also very important. In this post, we are going to reveal the top ways in which you can effectively train all new employees without suffering a loss.

tips training new employeesHow to Train New Employees?

1. Train for specific kinds of people:

First and foremost, you need to remember that not everyone is the same. People are of different kinds and every one on your team is not going to have the same mentality.

So you need to have different employee training and development sessions depending upon the sort of people they are. Don’t put everyone under the same team.

Divide them according to what seems right to you and then send them for training. So this kind of session will always be helpful for that lot.

2. Have different training methods:

A second thing you need to do is come up with training methods for employees of different kinds. People have different style and not everyone is going to like the same.

So make sure you come up with methods of training that are different from the other. Most of the training activities and materials include presentations, videos, meetings and manuals on a regular basis.

If you provide them with some variety, there will be more opportunity for the new employees to have a good time. Not only will they learn but also have fun.

3. Take advantage of what you have:

While there are some employee training methods that are deliberate and planned, you should take advantage of all the training opportunities that you have in front of you.

Interactions that aren’t formal tend to be more stressful than those that are already planned. Make sure to give the new comers some world experience for example attending all meetings so that they can ask questions in places of doubt.

Shadowing a following employee is also something that could happen. So make sure to take complete advantage of the opportunities that you have in front of you.

4. Know the skill level differences:

You must be aware that people have different skills. All of it depends upon the different work experiences they have. The background and the educational level also matters in that case.

And this has become more apparent with time since technology has become very important in offices these days. One example could be of a tech savy employee who could use some help while trying to handle the computer system of the company.

On the other hand, if you give an experienced person way too much of job training; it would be a waste. Spend it on someone who needs it!

5. Learn to have some fun:

have some funEven though it is important for the newbies to have enough training so that they become proficient with their new position as fast as they can, it is also important to make the new employees feel like they are participating and working for the organization.

Socializing is something that every new employee needs. It makes them feel like they are a vital part of the team and that some of the things are also dependent on them. Learning to have some fun is always important in this case.

6. Develop genuine relationships:

Another thing you should remember to do is developing genuine relationships. When you do that, there is more of a chance that your new employees would like to stay in the organization and continue to feel important.

Plus it will help the new hires learn about the role clarity, role expectations and build new friendships in that way. It will also foster a sense of belonging, something that is very important.

You could do so by organizing a team lunch or a new sport meet where people can meet and know each other more. This always becomes a plus point when you are training them.

7. Let the current people help:

Allowing the current people help always works. When a senior attends a employee training programs or session, the new bees are found to feel much more comfortable and relaxed.

Plus seniors tend to know better so they can always help. This reduces work load at the same time. Apart from that, people who have worked for a very long time are approachable compared to those who are the top of the hierarchy.

Fostering peer relationships among co workers is also possible in the process.

8. Give them a task instead of training:

give them taskThis is something that will definitely help you. Once you have completed one training session, make sure to give them a task to see how far have they come and how much have they progressed.

This will give you a realistic picture and you will know the places where these guys need work. Giving the employees a new task could be a great way to teach them something new and allow all to learn from their mistakes.

People involved in the management of employee development will always find this beneficial.

9. Provide a good learning environment:

Providing the motivating employees with an environment that is positive will always prove beneficial. Creating a positive environment will boost confidence and encourage the new ones to work harder and participate.

The trainers should always remember to be relaxed and explain the real reason behind these new exercise and lessons. They should make sure the new employees are not feeling too stressed out.

Negativity is something that will only inhibit the effective training process so it is important to stay patient, allow for mistakes to happen and always reward those who have achieved something big.

10. Continuous Learning Opportunities:

Proper employee training plan is something that shouldn’t be reserved for those new employees. If you want to maintain a good staff, then make sure to have training sessions often.

This will improve skills and perfect them over time. There are always going to be things that professionals need to update and learn about.

They have to get better experience and develop new ideas. And continuous training at work would be the best in cases like these.

If possible online courses should also be conducted. According to most experts, learning and development often is always helpful.

11. Be A Tour Guide:

Wondering what we mean when we say tour guide? It’s actually very simple if you think of it. When an employee is new, remember that they don’t know anything.

They need to be told and taught in order to learn. So when the new set of employees make their way to office the first day, become a tour guide and show them around.

Show them the mailroom, the security and of course the best place where they can get coffee.

Work with all your colleagues and create a list of places, show it to them so that they can make it a part of their visiting spots. It opens more channels of communications.

12. Try to be available:

Also try to be available to them. Newbies are always in search of someone who can help them. So if you as a senior and mentor can help them out in such cases, it will always make them feel special.

This should also be applied when training sessions are conducted. You should check with them every two days, ask them whats going on and make sure to ask more questions.

The more comfortable you make them feel; the more they will feel like they are a part of the same team.

13. Give them sources:

You should provide the new joinee with some resources during the training session. This could be the annual report or a list of other things that are crucial.

Even though it does seem a bit painful to go through the old files and presentations from the yester years, you must do it for these guys so that they can maximize their time at work.

They need to learn and constantly need someone to support them. And nobody can do a better job in these cases than you as a senior. So make sure to provide them with all valuable tools.


This brings our list to an end. We are hoping all your doubts have been solved in this post and you have something to take away.

If you haven’t trained new employees earlier; the ideas and tips enlisted here will definitely help you in every step of the way.

In case you still have questions left, please let us know. We will try our best to answer all of them. You could also be having something interesting to share.

Feel free to let us know about that as well. On that note, good luck!



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