Employees would lose their jobs sometimes because of their stupid decisions or deeds. It may be a lack of maturity, few of them have a very bad mouth and they express their views through social media, and once the management figures out such things the employee would lose the job because of their crazy acts.
Also, some make fun of their workplace, it is one of the dumbest things to lose their job. At the end of the day they have to survive with their job whether they like it or not, so one should be careful while posting such things and they should never complain or judge their job with others.

Top Reasons to Get Fired from your Job:
1. Violating ethics:
Some certain rules and principles implements in every company. Some are too lazy to follow it. For example, safety is the basic ethic of any company. They provide certain safety helmets, jackets that use in the workplace, due to ignorance or negligence they avoid using them and cause injury to themselves.
It is not only for individual safety but it also affects the work of the company, it may cause damage to resources and also cause injury to others. So violating it may lead to losing a job, so some basic rules have to follow to survive.
2. Trying to fraud the management:
There are certain allowances and benefits provide to the employees by the management. They expect the employees to be honest and loyal. They can utilize the benefits up to the limit they have provided. Trying to claim fraud bills and trying to forge will lead to losing their jobs.
If the employers figured out that the employee cheated the management, they would terminate the employee and the employee career will be completely spoiled. No one can utilize the company benefits for personal purposes. Although they are aware of these principles still some tend to do it.
3. Diversity Issues:
The team would consist of a different race, caste, and gender. All of them have to work together for the progress of the company. Diversity is one of the basic factors that every individual has to adhere to it. One does not have the right to criticize the other person’s race caste or gender, they should respect each other for harmonious work culture.
For example there is a meeting between two teams, each came up with two different concepts for the project, as part of the presentation they started to debate and that lead to abuse each other, one of them abused about their nationality, and the other person complained about it, and the management terminated the employee for abusing in that way.
4. Misbehave with customers:
Mostly in marketing and other customer care services, the employees should deal with the customers with patience. Sometimes they find hard customers to deal with, they train on how to deal with them, but unfortunately, some lose their patience badly with them and forget that they would lose the customer and it may cause damage to the reputation of the company.
One should be careful enough to deal with such customers so that they would not lose the customers. They should respect them since they are getting paid for it. It is one of the dumbest ways to lose their job.
5. Fake certificates:
Employees should submit their certificates for verification before joining the company. As they are aware that the company would do background checks and verify them. If they try to submit the fake certificates and try to join the company, they will not show mercy and terminate the employee immediately. They may also block the employee so that he/she would not attempt to apply for the same company.
It is illegal to commit such things, they would also get punished for it, it is stupidity to cheat the employers with such certificates and trying to get into the company. Many of them lose their jobs because of this.
6. Being irresponsible:
Punctuality is one of the core principles in the workplace. The employees turning up on time must be available to the company whenever they would require the employee service. Being irregular to the office hints the employer that his/her service is of no use.
They warn or complain the employee on it if it repeats the employee will declare to withdraw from his role. One can resign the job if they are not interested and they would get a service letter for it if they get terminate there is a high possibility that they miss other opportunities in their career because of this bad remark.
7. Causing damage to company resources:
One can lose a job for being reckless in handling the company assets like a laptop, mobile, premises, and other things that belong to the company. They may cost a huge amount and some things can’t recover from their salary.
In that case, management may take serious decisions on that person and they may ask to leave the company. It states that one is lazy to care about something which costs high.
Some may mishandle the gadgets or tools and cause damage to them. One should have proper knowledge so that they do not mishandle it. Gadgets may contain huge information that is related to the company, causing damage to it is also one of the reasons to lose a job.
8. Violating company security and privacy:
Knowingly or by unknowingly some share their passwords and user ids with others, this will create a very big issue, they may hack the company website and misuse that information in it.
If someone in the company caught for such issues they will get dismiss immediately also they may face legal issues. Also, one cannot copy the data and transfer to other devices, they not suppose to share the local intranet password to the guests who visit the company, one should contact the IT department for it, unless approved no employee suppose to share company information, violating all the above may lead to termination.
9. Misbehavior:
Some jobs are very sensible one needs to be very attentive while working in such areas. Those who cook at restaurants should always use their hair caps and all the hygiene coat, gloves.
If the customers find dirt in the food they would complain about the hygiene and they lose the job, for this reason, they suppose to be neat and clean. Also, the flight attendants cannot talk rudely to the customers they cannot show their frustration on them.
Getting drunk and abuse others in official parties, Criticizing others at the workplace or doing something offensive are misbehaviors that play important reasons for losing a job. In some companies, employees do not suppose to use mobiles in certain office premises, one who violates it will lose their job.
10. Using company assets for a personal purpose:
Company printers cannot use for personal use. They cannot use a cab for personal works. Taking print outs and using company money is an offense. They do not suppose to download the personal files from the internet and store the data on company pc.
Once they figured out people committing such things will lead to punishments. Using company mobile to make personal calls and messages, they would easily identify when claiming since they have to show bills, doing bribe and all these are dumb things.
11. Complaining about the company on social media:
Posting status about the boss or management is one reason to lose a job. Maybe it’s frustrating for someone to handle the pressure in the company but before sharing it, one must be careful enough to share while having the contacts of colleagues, it is likely to know about this and get informed to the management.
Also to share about the bad day that one had in their office and abusing about it on facebook is also an offense. Also doing some crazy things which not suppose to do in-office and posting them may be noticed by any of the offices gets you fired.
12. Sharing about other job offers with colleagues:
While trying for other jobs, one may share the details of it, and this information pass to the manager will lose the job for not being loyal to the company. As the other company still not offered a chance, it is a dumb thing to reveal it to the colleague, in case if they failed at that interview they miss both the jobs and remain unemployed.
The employer would assume that employee is not sincere and not going to survive for much time, so why would they waste time with such employee they hire a new employee instead.
13. Shouting at the boss:
To get approval from the boss for leave or permission, after finishing talking they don’t see whether the call has ended or not, many of them start yelling about the manager and later find that the call hadn’t hung up yet.
Also, some type of wrong messages to the boss while they chat with friends and boss at the same time. Also while talking in the meetings they don’t mute the button and talk about their stuff and later got caught by the officials who are talking on another side. One will not have a chance to explain it.
14. Some funny reasons:
Not turning up to the meeting because of spending too much time in the restroom. Messing up the workplace especially in restaurants. Bad behavior with a customer. Making fun of the customers, laughing while the meeting is going on.
Hanging up with someone assuming that boss is not watching, unfortunately, they get caught. Yawing while the boss is speaking or while an important meeting is going on. Sneezing while serving the food to customers. Dropping plates and that spoils the customer’s dress.
Wearing casuals when supposed to wear formals. Not adhering to the company standards is also one of the dumbest reasons because they are aware of those.
15. Expecting company favor for personal parties:
Some companies offer employees to have food with company expenses. They do not allow to feed their friends with that money, they had to make bills separately at their own expense.
Violating it and claiming the bills is something offensive, the company will not encourage employees to do that. They expect the employees to be sincere at the workplace. It is something one cannot explain if the employee got spotted.
Also if they have a team party they cannot invite their friends from the same company of different team and they also get paid from the company account. Though they belong to the same company the team expense should claim not for others other than the team.
16. Talking about company initiatives with others:
Many of them discuss their profession with their friends, one is who working for their competitor company, may reveal the secret launch of their new initiative. The competitor can immediately come up with new initiatives more interesting than the other.
This is how many of the companies shock while they come up with new initiatives and the credit will be flagged by the company who copied it. Knowingly or unknowingly they discuss their profession and cause huge losses to the company, they get spotted and lose their jobs because of their bad habit of talking outside the company.
17. Asking a colleague to check out:
Especially when the weekend starts, people plan for parties, they ask their colleagues to check out for them. Which is a very big disciplinary issue that cannot be tolerated by any company.
They will fire the one who went early, also the friend who helped. It is not so easy to cheat all the time, and the consequences cost more. Instead, they can ask for approval to permit to leave early, instead of cheating in this way. The employers cannot trust them anymore so they will be asked to leave with no mercy.