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How to Hire a New Employee Easily? 13 Awesome Tips


It is not easy to hire a new employee these days. It takes time and people also need to dial and impress many to be able to get the right number of contacts.

There are many employment agencies which will be able to provide some with good jobs but if these agencies were to work always, companies would not have needed a new employee every year.

However there is no perfect guarantee that you will get the right employee. Thus, it is very necessary that you can hire any employee based on the inputs or good points he or she has. It is very necessary you take in an employee who is a package in himself and will provide all the good things and will not lack in anything. He will be the best and he will be able to deliver the best.

There are many reasons for taking a good employee. Here are some:-

Why Should Hire a New Employee?

It is important that when you are hiring a new employee, he or she should also be good enough and provided with that kind of caliber. Otherwise, it will be just an added package with no use as such. The employee must be strong enough so that he or she can take initiatives to go ahead.

There are various reasons as to why people must take in only good employees. It tends to do all good things for the company. It tends to reduce a lot of pressure and give in good deals, due to which work pressure comes down. Read up:

1. Lack of workforce:

Organizations may sometimes be in a freeze phase where they would not want the need of hiring any new employee. The wait could be like long enough and there would not be any such new thing happening. However the organization would need work force as it is only with their help can they even think of going big and better.

At such times, organizations will be forced to take strict actions and let the workforce be there so that more work could happen. Thus, an organization can just take in a good employee to fill in the void of work.

Thus hiring a new employee at such time may become absolutely necessary.

2. He will be all in one:

Don’t you want our employee to be all in one? Don’t you want your employee to be the best who will know everything? If that is what you want then you will pursue to take up a good employee.

You will actually go after the person who will be in a position to tell you everything and anything needed. The person will be equipped with the best of qualities and ideas and will help to boost up your organization to the optimum of levels.

You will not have to take 5 other employees to do the work because he or she will be the one person army. That employee will be the best and that employee will know everything. Thus, you must always want to take a good employee.

3. He will be the representative of the organization:

The employee you take will fill your shoes in your absence. He or she, as a representative will be able to meet up clients, handle meetings, take care of various proposals and be there for you. He or she will be able to motivate the staff and conduct the activities for your company.

Thus, it is necessary you hire some good staff so that you will not have to be physically present everywhere.

4. He will find effective solutions:

Many a times, your company could be hit with serious problems and issues. There will be times when you will not even have effective solution to whatever you are thinking. The company can suffer from Bad PR or even some kind of bad publicity. To avoid all of these situations, you need effective solutions.

To avoid all of these you need good people. This can only happen when things have been put at proper places everywhere. Hiring a talented employee may just give you that.

5. He will have the foresight for your company:

You will need a good employee only and only because he will have the necessary foresight that you required. He will be ably efficient to handle all things. He will know what comes good for your company and what would be bad. There would be times when your company would be faced with issues and problems, solutions of which you will find very hard to discover.

At such times, you will then need the help of people. Thus, hiring a very good employee may just turn out to be in your favor and you will be provided with the necessary help.

6. He will give a tough competition to your other competitors:

It will be nice to take such an employee who your competitors will not only fear but would also want to covet. There would be organizations wanting to take in employees with suitable experience and who has a good work methodology.

Your competitors would be always prepared to hire someone who may benefit their company better. They will always fear the strength or the caliber of your employees because you are obviously at a better position than they are.

Thus, you will be among the blessed lot. Thus you would want to trust hiring an employee only.

These are the reasons why some organizations plan to take the best of employees.

They do not want to and they do not have to settle down for people who are average because it is an overall show down for them. They are the best and they want to remain the best throughout. Let us now go through some reasons so as to know how you can hire such new employees.

Tips to Hire a New Employee:

1) Taking an interview:

This is the most basic gig used to call for hiring new employees. They will put up an ad with the aim that people who are in need of jobs will appear for the interviews. They will come and present their skills to everybody and they may get interviewed for the kind of job that is there.

Thus, the organization in the same ways will also be provided with a new employee. The thing with taking interviews is that it requires a lot of time.

However, it is the most basic way of judging the quality and skill set while hiring an employee. A tough interview, with all the necessary questions can provide organizations with good employees.

2) Taking a GK, IQ test:

This way, the chances of getting a desirable employee actually heightens. Many good and famous companies believe that taking GK or IQ tests would be the beginning of starting with a renewed way of doing things.

The GK or IQ test will be able to test the awareness level of the employee and then it would be possible to select only the wisest employee then for the organization. It would be a better deal actually for companies specializing in IT, Accounts, News, Media and many others.

An employee who knows the world around is an employee who is aware and can infuse good inputs with work. This way, thus can prove fruitful to get an employee.

3) Taking skills test:

This can also be one of the best methods. In newspapers, employees are made to give the written test so that the writing skills of the employee are tested. In many other organizations what is done is problems or case studies are given and employees are asked to give suitable solutions to that problem.

In this way the level of intelligence and involvement of the employee is tested. Also, one can also judge the level of logical reasoning the person involves himself in. It is as simple and easy as that. This can be one of the ways through which you can test your employer’s level of logical reasoning and his.

Taking skills test of the employee could help to make you select some good employees. It will be a huge boost for the organization.

4) Asking for an assignment/presentation/ good deal:

This is actually a new trend catching up wherein practical proofs of employees are asked. This also could be a nice way of taking in people who are really interested to do the job.

Employees who need to be hired can either do some creative assignments, can indulge themselves in presentations, can do drawings or some representation of their creative minds or the way they apply things to real life, through which people can be motivated to hire employees in fashionable way.

This is the best application based test you can take for hiring employees. However, one needs to be careful that you give reasonable assignment in this scenario. The employee must have some basic knowledge of the subject and you should also encourage hiring people in a just but lenient manner.

5) Personal contact:

Sometime personal contacts can also be used to hire a new employee. You may have a relative or a friend whose son or daughter will be in need of a job. At such times, you can easily get the opportunity to hire a suitable employee for your company. You will be nothing but lucky to be able to obtain the necessary help. It will be the easiest ordeal.

However, care should be taken that things are not done under influence and enough care is taken that personal deals are not mixed up with professional work. You contacts must also fulfill the criteria given above otherwise there would actually be no use of taking up that employee. It will be a whole wastage of time.

6) Using social media:

Today, social media has started working in wonderful ways. All you will have to do is put the vacancy up on your profiles and if the need exists then people will come in search of some good job.

You can put attractive offers on this social media and they can then publicize about the need of having such an employee. The required people who want to apply for such jobs can then make their need clear and they will then be posted or given some good jobs. This all will be done easily and very nicely.

Many companies, today however are using social media very differently. Like Many Companies call for people to give a specific number of tweets through which employees will be selected. Some employees are hired on the basis of making attractive and creative videos and pictures.

Creative resumes and smart ways of reaching your inbox or personal presentations are other methods employed. This way also you can hire good employees with equal amount of talent.

7) Miscellaneous ways:

There can be times when you as an organization will be called for hosting some event or competition. You can then may be select the best performer and then maybe offer him or her with a pre placement offer. These all tricks can then be used for selecting good employees.

It will all help in getting the right person for the job. Sometime there may be a candidate with such great potential who will storm into your office and may be present his or her other skills in an attractive manner. You should then make a wise choice of taking that particular box of talent in your workforce. It is only going to add a talented person to your personnel.

Thus, selecting and hiring new employees will now become easy. You just have to follow the above methods and it would be an easy deal. It is mandatory that you hire employees but it is even necessary that you take insincere, good and creative lads who will benefit your company in every way.

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