So you have finally decided to apply for another job, you could be a fresher or maybe an experienced employee, but there are still several things that any applicant must take notice of.
There is more demand for the job than its supply and hence there is no way out than facing the competition. It is more than just the qualification, unlike older times.
These days there are numerous things that an employee must do prior or after applying for the job. Here are a few things that you must check and recheck without fail.
What you Need to do When Applying for a Job?
1. Go through job description:
The given job description is an inseparable and an unavoidable part. Going through the job description provided below, one can analyze the kind of work that you are supposed to do, the responsibilities that you should undertake and the expected level of performance.
Most of the times, job descriptions are not given, in such cases you should step ahead and ask for a job description so that you will get a clear idea.
2. Update resume:
You shouldn’t take only one type of resume everywhere, which suggests that try molding your resume as per the job requirement, like if you have applied for a social media analyst post, then highlight your social media presence and the work that you have done with respect to social media.
Also, once you apply for the job kindly ensure that your resume is updated with detailed information.
3. Check location:
You might be too desperate for the job or excited in a specific way, but always check where the job location is. This implies that, you should be able to reach your office and manage the time.
If the office is far from the station then you must be able to figure out whether there is any cab or not.
All these things if made unseen while applying for the job, then you might fall prey to trouble if you joined in but failed to manage time and realized that the place is quite far.
4. Practice questions:
Once you have applied for the job, start your practice for an interview. Now, this necessarily doesn’t mean to mug up answers like we do in the examination.
It suggests that, try guessing questions, there are some job related questions that might be asked, try putting your experience of work in point form and memorize it. In this way you will gradually become confident as well.
Most of the times it happens that we fail to answer questions about ourselves only and that is why try practicing before hand.
5. Check the background of the company:
You know this is an integral part whenever going for an interview or applying for the job.
Researching about the company assures you that you are applying at a right place. Simply applying for the job without a background check might land you into unwanted miseries.
Research is also good from the point of view of the interview, if you are called for an interview you must have a good amount of knowledge about the company.
So it won’t only add your stance in the compartment of observant candidate, but also ensure that you are going into the right hands!
6. Design a nice cover letter:
This part is often made unseen by most of us, we don’t take it seriously, whereas the reality is that the cover letter lets the employer decide whether he or she should check your resume or not.
A grammatically correct and yet appealing cover letter can make your application turn into an offer letter.
Now the definition of a nice cover letter might differ for each one of us, but, in general an effective cover letter is one which is free from grammatical errors, it is neither too long nor too short, and it covers pointers like- why are you applying, what is your objective, about your work experience.
7. Work on your presentation skills:
Now that you have successfully applied for a job, it is the time to realize and brush up your presentation skills. Presentation skills include your gestures, postures, dress up, attitude and so on.
Keep a formal outfit ready for your interview, with respect to appropriate shoes. Try polishing your hand movements, the way you sit and walk. You must be able to present yourself quite confidently. Your gestures must look naturally genuine.
You shouldn’t look too formal in your approach because that would make you mechanical and neither too casual. So, you must work on how to present yourself before the recruiters.
8. Work on your communication skills:
Communication skills of yours would act like a facilitator in your interview, therefore once you have applied you should start putting efforts in brushing up your communication skills.
The development won’t take place in a day and thus, you can work on it between the period of applying date till the interview.
Read books, talk to more people, practice in front of the mirror. This will eventually lead to lowering down of nervousness and increase in the level of confidence.
9. Prepare to be punctual:
We know that some of us just cannot be punctual. No matter how much they try, but punctuality sucks big time!
But, this cannot be used as an excuse if you are entering the professional world and that is the reason why one should start preparing to be punctual.
Now punctuality doesn’t mean reaching on time ,but also completing the given work on time. The world is filled with deadline, post deadline submissions can make you as dead and gone.
Thus, if you suffer from the problem of being not so punctual, then you better start practicing the same.
10. Work on general knowledge:
It doesn’t make any sense to the employers if your qualification is something, but you fall flat when general knowledge questions are asked. Keep an eye on current affairs, it will be helpful.
Start reading newspapers if you haven’t started yet. Try to make sure that you are aware of general knowledge at least in general.
Now, you cannot acquire it just in one day, thus you have to invest a good amount of time in grasping it.
11. Highlight your strengths:
As soon as you apply for the job, try thinking about the strengths or the plus points that you have. There are times when if the question, “what are your strengths” is thrown out to us, it becomes difficult to analyze and answer at the point of time.
This is highly natural, but, in order to prevent such situation from arising, write down somewhere or make lists in your mind.
12. Linguistic skills:
Language is an important aspect of professionalism. Whether it is oral or written, having a good linguistic skill adds up to your points.
Knowing a particular language is one thing, using it in a way is another, however, speaking a language fluently by choosing the best words is something that counts in skills.
If your job is something that requires oral or written communication, then linguistic skills have to be stronger.
13. An overview of your work experience:
If you have applied for the job, then you must consider your work experience. There might be times when they will ask you about your experience through a different angle.
This suggests that, they might ask you to give an example of efficiency or multitasking in your work, or talk about a major project that you have handled. Such questions need an overview of your work experience.
Try analyzing your experience in different set like multitasking, leading, creativity, your biggest project, the best team work and so on. So having an overview can help you answer many questions effectively.
14. Contact your reference:
You must be aware of their actions that you are supposed to give a few reference numbers in your resume. These numbers could vary from the previous boss to your college principal.
You must inform them whose number you have written down. These companies do call them and ask about you and your performance and behavior in such case, telling your reference number prior would be better.
15. Brush up computer and internet skills:
We are living in a computer generation where a basic knowledge of computers is highly expected. Even if your job is not of a media profession or graphics still your knowledge of computers is a must.
Thus, when you have applied for any kind of job it is your duty to know how to perform basic functions on the computer such as MS office, mailing and so on.
16. Prepare sample of work:
If you are in a creative field, well then it is important to have a sample of work handy. This is because you never know when can they ask you to show up the sample that you have.
Therefore, after applying for a particular job say content head of a fashion house, you must start preparing samples of fashion and lifestyle.
No doubt that you must be having samples ready with you, but, preparing some job descriptions related samples would be helpful to you only.
17. Updating social media profiles:
These days companies keep an eye on the social media presence of the applicant. This suggests that, once you apply each and every applicants’ social networking sites are screened.
The type of posts you like and share, the kind of comments that you make, you frequency towards the social networking sites everything is deeply analyzed.
18. Take extra copies of resume:
Now, you might just “assume” that they must be having a copy of your resume in their mailbox, that is true but what if power cuts take place?
Or you have 5 people taking your interview?
You cannot expect five of them staying glued to the just one screen of a laptop , it looks odd and that is the reason why a printed copy of your resume would become the example of your presence of mind. Compromise on presence of mind does not taken on a good note!
19. Prepare a google site:
We are internet generation! A generation who got introduced to the internet and actually picked It up quickly.
Google is so nice to us, has provided us facility to prepare a google site. Now, even if you are not much into programming still google site would serve as your purpose. It can act as your portfolio.
A resume has to be necessarily shorter but, if you want to showcase more of you then, probably the google site would serve your purpose.
You can write about yourself and your experience followed by some sample works as well and simply forward the link to your recruiters. By doing this half of your interview would come to an end!
Thus, after applying for the job or even prior to the application, prepare your own Google site.
20. Get details:
Never overlook this aspect, when you have applied for a job. You must get the details if they have not provided.
Details like, location, timing, experience required, type of job, a responsibility that are to be undertaken and so on. There are times when this aspect is often overlooked and this leads to a major problem.
If you do not take details, you will be the person landing up in a chaos of confusion and therefore, experts always suggest to have details in hand, if they didn’t provide ask them without any fail. This also portrays you as a well informed applicant.
21. SWOT analysis:
The SWOT analysis stands for Strength, weakness, opportunities and threat. It is generally done by most of the companies in a way to compare one applicant with another. Analyzing yourself is not just restricted to professional life or employers.
If you have applied for a job, start analyzing yourself. You will soon come across your own strengths and weaknesses.
Your plus points should be highlighted and the minus points should be worked on. Having a SWOT analysis, you can get the direction at which you have to work and the way you have to present yourself.
22. Try connecting to some employee in the organization:
Google might brief you about the company, its stand, employees, and so on but having a personal touch to information is important.
Once you have applied for the job or you are about to apply for the job connect yourself with an ex employee or any current employee of the organization.
This might turn out to be a greater help not just from the interview point of view, but also in understanding the functioning system of the organization quite well. Therefore, use your contacts and social sites and broaden up the perspective of your research.
23. LinkedIn profile:
Most of us do not bother to have an account on LinkedIn because we fail to realize its importance. LinkedIn is like a professional Facebook and there lies its strength. One must keep the LinkedIn profile updated.
If you are updated on LinkedIn the professional side of yours becomes quite stronger. It shows that you take professionalism as your priority and moreover, it becomes easier for them to go through your work experience. Saves time, isn’t it?
24. Don’t jump on payscale:
Being materialistic is perfectly fine, but showcasing it to employers is not! Do not discuss payscale directly with them. Don’t even ask. If it is given in the job description then there is no problem, but if it isn’t then, ask them for details.
If they don’t disclose it in details as well then you must wait till you are called for an interview. You should tell them that you are working out of passion, but never portray the fact that money is your primary motive even if It is!
25. Be polite and confident:
Your tone should be confident and polite. It doesn’t matter if you are writing an email, a letter or talking to them verbally on call or in personal, each time when you are communicating be polite and confident.
There are times when cover confidence gulps in politeness, a balance must be there.
For verbal communication, you can practice in front of a mirror whereas when it comes to written ones you can write and re- write, don’t rush in a hurry.
26. Don’t bluff:
In any walk of your life, bluffing is not good. If you are applying for a professional job in a professional manner, then please avoid bluffing.
Giving incorrect information or false information might spoil your name not only in the company you have applied for but also in other companies because often references are taken from different companies so, you should be genuine in your application.
27. Get letter from previous organization:
If you are not a fresher and you have been working previously somewhere, then please ensure that you have the letter of clearance or the letter of acknowledgment in your hand before applying.
Most of the times it happens that you apply for a job, but your clearance letter is on hold. Avoid this always. Do not apply unless and until your clearance letter or any similar letter is there in your hand.
28. Keep your documents ready:
Do not rush on finding for the required documents the few moments prior to your interview. Once you have applied for the job, keep your documents ready.
If the date of interview Is not yet fixed, then you never know when will they call you and hence to avoid the last minute mismanagement you can also ask them the required documents so that you can prepare copies of the same.
Also remember, have a printed as well as scanned versions of your document. In case of print ones, do carry at least 4 copies of each document.
29. Prepare for behavioral questions:
Behavioral questions are questions that are open ended and asked on yourself like, tell us about your strengths, tell us about the best project that you have dealt with, what is your experience in team leading and so on.
Such questions require independent and individualistic answers. Prepare yourself for the same. Behavioral questions, are quite easier to answer, but if you have not practiced a bit then, answering on the spot might become a task for you.
Thus, it is advisable to predict and prepare your behavioral answers in an impressive manner. You can start this ones you have applied for the job.
30. Correct information:
The organization where you must be applying might ask you basic information on the crucial ones like your email id, your bank account number for transferring the salary.
Whatever the case may be, please double check yourself while applying and sending the information.
Your carelessness might just cause an unavoidable blunder that you won’t even think of. Therefore, be extra careful while providing any information, from basic to the most crucial one.
So these were a few of the measures that you must do and take care of while you are applying for the job. Today’s world is highly competitive and it is utterly important to be a step ahead of all. These minor yet majorly effective steps might just become the ladder to your job. All you have to do is take good care of them all.
Today’s well prepared attitude would lead you to the ladder of success. You just have to put in persisting efforts with carefully planted steps as listed above. So go and grab your opportunity today!