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15 Productive Things to do in Summer Vacation


There is no better time to sit back and relax other than vacations.

Everyone loves to do productive things where they can spend their time doing things they love.

If you are a student or even a working person on vacation then there are a number of things that you can and should do so that something positive can come of your holiday.

things to do in summer vacationIn case you are unable to come up with things on your own; here is a comprehensive list that you can go through and spend time wisely.

Things to do in Summer Vacation:

1. Organize fun programs for people living in your neighborhood:

If you think that you have what it takes to organize a program or a workshop then you should not shy away from doing something like this.

Taking up a project like this could really give you a sense of purpose and you will even have a lot of fun! Ask anyone who organizes things like this for a living and he or she will tell you that it is a rather lucrative job.

In addition to earning a handsome sum, you will also get to know your neighbours better.

2. Go swimming:

When the vacations are nearby and the first thing that comes to peoples mind to do is to go for a swim.

So just because you are a little advanced in age that does not mean that you cannot go for a swim, swimming is something that is enjoyed by people of all ages.

Even those who might not want to get into the water can spend hours at the side of the pool reading a book or listening to music. Doing something like this is a very productive way to spend your time indeed.

3. Try learning martial arts:

In this day and age, there are rampant crimes occurring all across the globe and it is of paramount importance that individuals, especially women learn some form of self-defense or martial arts.

This helps them face any danger, they become more than capable of taking care of themselves rather than depending on the police, because trouble can strike anywhere and at any time, hence it is best to be prepared.

The vacations are a great time to learn self-defense.

4. Try making frequent visits to your place of worship:

Today’s 21st century is a world where man wields and an incredible amount of power and technology can help us access any piece of information we want, but that does not mean that we should forget god and perceive ourselves as being invincible.

There is no more productive as well as a peaceful way to spend your vacation rather than in the house of God, whether it is in a church, temple or even a mosque. Being in conversation with God is really peaceful experience.

5. Join a book club:

Vacations are a time where you can catch up with plenty of reading which you might have otherwise been unable to do.

A great way to spend your vacation is to read great books, no matter in which genre your interests lie, whether it is crime, fiction, romance or even history.

People often choose to join a book club where every week the group could decide on a common book they will read and when they have they will sit together and share their incites and views.

6. Sign yourself up for a camp:

Rather than being cooped up at home, many people choose to spend their vacations outdoors, whether it may be going for a summer camp or even a hiking trip. Indulging in activities like this are indeed both liberating and enthralling.

Once you return to civilization after your trip you are bound to look at things differently and even start appreciating the smaller things in life which you would otherwise not even pay much attention to in the past.

7. Pack your bags and go on a holiday:

For many people vacation is just another term for a holiday to a new place that they have never visited before.

You could choose to go on this holiday alone so that you will be able to gather your own thoughts and spend your time away from the hustle and bustle of city life or you could choose to head for a holiday with your family, so that all of you can spend some quality time together and even make beautiful memories that lasts for a lifetime, since there is nothing more important than family.

8. Explore new places:

Vacations mean you have plenty of spare time on your hands to do whatever you want to, however a particularly productive way to spend your time would be to explore new places.

You could either explore your own city to do things which you have never done or visit locations which you have never visited.

However, besides this, you could also go ahead and explore other cities which have always interested you but you never actually got down to visit them before.

9. Try out as many new cuisines as you can:

All foodies are going to absolutely love this point and be in complete agreement.

Rather than caring about calories, kilocalories and fats,  vacations are a great time to throw caution to the wind and try out as many new cuisines as you like.

There are no guarantees however chances are that you might stumble upon a delicious dish that could simply blow your mind! In order to find these novel restaurants all you need to do is browse through the internet.

10. Attend interesting and fun workshops:

Workshops are a great way to spend your vacations because you get to learn new things and in addition to this you can even get to meet new people that have the same interests as you.

The workshop you attend can be pertaining to anything that interests you, whether it is arts and crafts, drawing, singing, origami, dancing, debate or even life skills.

Though signing up might cost you money, yet it will certainly be worth it, provided you sign up with the best!

11. Go watch a play:

Instead of being lazy and downloading a mind-numbing movie online you could always go watch a wonderful play which has received great reviews.

If you do not know what plays are being put up and where then you simply have to browse through the internet and you can get all the information which you need.

Besides the internet, many local newspapers have a special column for good plays that are being put up in the city along with ways to procure tickets.

12. Be a part of a play:

In addition to watching a play, if acting is something that you have always been interested you could be a part of a drama club that regularly puts up plays for people.

Whether or not they give you a salary which is irrelevant, if it is something you have fun doing then money should not be a deciding factor at all.

Even if you may not be able to act, there are numerous other departments which you can help in, these include, choreography, stage management, lighting etc.

13. Do some spring cleaning and get your house in order:

During working days, people might not get a chance to look into the household matters but in vacations, they should take the time out to complete any pent-up work that needs looking into.

You tend to lose the respect of people when you do not bother to even keep your own house neat.

So maybe you could dedicate your vacations to putting your own house into order after all a clean home is a happy home!

14. Try out a new fitness regime:

Trying out a new fitness regime during working days could be a problematic thing especially if the regime does not agree with you.

When you try it out during your vacation then what you are essentially doing is giving your body the time to adjust to this new timetable.

If you have tried out a new diet chart then it would be great to try it out during your vacations so as to let your digestive system get used to it as well.

15. Get to know your neighbours better:

Most of us live in a neighborhood which has many people but rarely do we take out the time to actually get to know them.

Vacations are a great time to get to know the people that you share a fence with. You never know, you might be able to make a lifelong friend and companion.

Also Read:

How to Spend Holidays for Students:

Vacation is a wonderful period especially when you are students because the number of days you get will be more when compared to working employees or others. Usually, students spend their vacation playing games, it can be any outdoor or indoor. Nowadays most of the students spend their vacations playing PlayStation.

Though I totally agree that during vacations you need to enjoy, relax and have fun, but it will be even more better if you can make it productive.

Now you will not be spending all day with friends or playing games, at one point of time, you will feel bored during your vacation. So instead of experiencing that boredom, it is better to use that time in doing something productive.

Here are a few worthwhile things you can try during vacation as a student,

  • Apply for internship
  • Review your last semester performance
  • Plan something better for next semester
  • Watching interesting and knowledgeful videos on youtube
  • Try documentaries
  • Get a part-time job
  • Sell your old or unused items
  • Try learning new languages
  • Do something for a cause which you like
  • Go visit a museum
  • Become a volunteer
  • Work on your physical health
  • Plan and start a business
  • Learn something new
  • Try taking up a new hobby
  • Make reading a hobby
  • Practice how to write thank-you notes
  • Start a conversation with career professionals
  • Brush up your typing skills
  • Manage your money well
  • Take up courses online
  • Stop by a college or university
  • Go meet your old friends and relatives
  • Set up an athletic goal
  • Try to fix or repair something
  • Try developing your vocabulary
  • Plan a picnic
  • Declutter
  • Inculcate healthy habits
  • Try to know about your family history
  • Improve your reading speed
  • Master time management skills
  • Find a mentor
  • Start a personal website or blog
  • Clear your email account
  • Watch TED talks
  • Browse and read articles that interest you and help you
  • Improve writing skills

How to Spend Summer Vacation: Spend Time Wisely

For many people, the other name for vacation is enjoyment and relaxing, well in a way it is even true. whenever we get summer vacation, we make several plans and think of doing things that are adventurous and fun. The excitement that we have at that time cannot be described in words.

It a phase where you don’t have any work pressure, no stress-related issues and you will be experiencing complete peace. But spending your vacation just by sleeping and relaxing is a complete waste of time, instead, you need to do some productive things which can help in the long run.

Saying this, it doesn’t mean that you need to start working in your vacation completely. Here are a few productive things to do during holidays which are not only helpful but also entertaining and amusing.

The list of things to do in summer vacation have been categorized into different sectors for better understanding.

Volunteer Opportunities:

Being a volunteer and serving is one of the best ways to spend a productive summer.

  • Join a clean-up day
  • Mentor children who are in need
  • Become a sports coach
  • Serve an old age or retirement home
  • Train your pet to become a therapy dog
  • Provides meals for the elderly or feeble
  • Read for the blind and dyslexic.
  • Take up a volunteer job that matches you
  • Help college students finding projects
  • Be recognized by volunteering
  • Knit or crochet for babies


Travelling is one of the best and enjoyable productive things that one can do during their vacation.

  • Become an overseas camp counselor
  • YMCA Study Tours
  • Volunteer opportunities abroad
  • Study abroad
  • Work abroad
  • Travel abroad using your student status
  • Plan a college tour
  • Provide offers to Jewish students
  • Make use of college visiting chances
  • Visit friends
  • Couch surf


Internships provide many benefits to students, not only they help you gain work experience and understand work culture, few companies even pay them stipends.

  • Media internships
  • Science internships
  • U.S. Department of State.
  • Clerk
  • IBM
  • Environmental organizing
  • Disney
  • Investment banking internships
  • Sports
  • Focus companies who provide summer internships

Expand Your Knowledge:

Make your vacation an opportunity to gain knowledge and experience.

  • Read
  • Take a vacation where you can learn something
  • Try a non-academic class
  • Learn to cook
  • Learn to play a musical instrument
  • Try a new language
  • Visit museums
  • Try a geek vacation
  • Build something
  • Take an open courseware class
  • Take up a new hobby
  • Watch university lectures online

Earn Extra Money:

  • Become a camp counselor
  • Sell your unused items
  • Thinking creative
  • Become a tutor
  • Search for jobs related to your study
  • Start your business
  • Help students to acquire government jobs
  • Look for adventure jobs
  • Try personal shopper job
  • Sell plasma

For School and Beyond:

  • Take up extra classes
  • Prepare an effective and strong resume
  • Prepare for admission tests
  • Learn to type
  • Find your interest and focus
  • Apply for scholarships
  • Visit colleges or grad schools
  • Earn credits for participating in outdoor adventures
  • Join campus groups for better connections
  • Research for preparing a conference paper
  • Begin your study in advance
  • Improve your writing skills
  • Enquire about your professors

Personal Challenges:

  • Participate in a marathon or race
  • Try to know about your family history
  • Exercise and be fit
  • Cover all the old tasks you left incomplete
  • Take time for a cleanup
  • Mountain climbing
  • Try hiking
  • Meet your relatives and old family friends
  • Destress
  • Develop good and healthy habits

Help the Earth:

  • Help the environment by planting
  • Begin a community garden
  • Clean up your neighborhood
  • Try gardening
  • Give a break to your car
  • Join an environmental project
  • Use a bicycle instead
  • Start a compost
  • Set up toner cartridge recycling stations
  • Try natural cleaners for cleaning purpose
  • Work in organic farms
  • Avoid fast food
  • Unsubscribe from all unwanted junk emails

Personal Development:

  • Take failure as your stepping stone for success
  • Set up and be organized
  • Manage your money in a proper way
  • Improve your time management skills
  • Try reading inspirational blogs
  • Start a blog
  • Begin a personal website
  • Make a habit of Waking up early
  • Set few goals and work on it

These are some incredibly productive ways for you to spend your vacation if you rather not head out on an exotic trip with family and friends. Also,  there are several other reasons for taking up a vacation.

Being at home during your vacation doesn’t mean that things are going to be boring, rather if you try out all or even some of these productive and fun things to do, then you are surely going to have a pleasurable vacation period.


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