Most of us emphasize more on resume while searching for jobs, but what we forget is that a resume is just a tool.
It cannot be the decisive factor. If that would have been the case, then interviews wouldn’t take place and neither the employers would have asked for a cover letter.
In fact, a cover letter can also be termed as a tool too. Apart from preparing our resume, there are other things on hand that we need to take care of with equal importance.
It is advisable that the candidates take time out and invest it in different activities related to job search which will provide a better payoff.
Time is important:
We all know that time is important and when we are sitting at home doing nothing, but updating the resume, it hits us even more badly than before.
Therefore, it is very important that we use the time wisely and take the help of experts or software tools to build our resume. If we are not good at it, then there is no harm in taking the help of an expert.
In case, you want to give it a try, then you can go through the job boards that have plenty of resumes uploaded there, which can be used as a reference.
Over the years, the technology has improved so much that we can build the resume, edit it and reformat it in the way that will suit the job position we are applying to.
These are all tried and done, so it is better to move to the next level without wasting time and energy on things that can be taken care of in a jiffy.
Resume, though is considered the focal point of a job search, but if we really want to make an impact on the potential employer, then we need to cut out on the time that we spend in creating a resume.
Some missing threads:
While searching for a job, what we mostly get confused about is the way we need to arrange our educational qualification and employment experience.
Some like it chronological way, whereas some would prefer the functional way.
Chronological manner gives out a complete picture and in case some dates are missing, then we must be ready to face question on that.
It is better to include all our educational qualifications along with employment experience, so that the employer does not find out a gap and we will not have to face any awkward question.
If we can keep a tap on the latest trends, then nothing can beat that. So, it is very important that we read a lot and do some productive work while surfing the net
More and more professionals are getting involved in the whole search process and that is the reason you will find the resume writers, coaches and career counselors joining in, to put together the missing threads.
Projecting yourself in a better light:
How many of us can describe ourselves in a manner that would highlight all our talent and skills without sounding too boastful?
The number will be very few because in most cases, either we go overboard or we stay low profile.
But, if we are planning to secure the position that is vacant, then we will have to master the art of highlighting our skills in a way that will describe our potential and also how we are going to contribute to the organization as well.
It is highly important that we brand ourselves better and with much clarity because it is a bit critical for ultimate success in the job hunt.
Creative and Successful Job Search Tips:
We are done with the old ways of job search; therefore, it is high time that we do something new and creative. Here are some tips that would help you do your job search in a more creative manner.
1. Start with brand creation:
Branding statement is important to hold the attraction of the potential employers. Starting from the hiring manager to the networking partners, everybody must have the knowledge of the branding statement.
As they are working on our behalf, therefore, it is important that they know what we actually want.
While doing the job search, there would be a certain set of skills that are repeated in almost every job posting you come across.
It is important that you note it down and if you possess the skill, then you can flaunt it, otherwise it is better to work on it.
Now, when we will be facing the interview board, we will have a clear idea about how to prepare the branding statement by incorporating the in demand skills and qualities.
Moreover, one more thing must be kept in mind and that is, the skills must be mentioned in the same sequence that you have found in the ads.
2. Never neglect the small businesses:
While applying for a job position, most employees overlook the small businesses. But, there is a huge scope of growth and more than that you will get to learn a lot out there.
Another reason behind this is that small businesses are growing, so you will also be growing along with these small businesses, while most large companies are still going for the lay – offs.
3. Go for expert help:
The best way to go for the creative job search is to hire an expert who will be helping you acquire the right job.
The consultant will help you get your image right and he will build up a professional identity, which will be very helpful in targeting the HR representatives.
You have to be on your toes always, otherwise you will just be another resume on the portal that is easy to buzz off.
If you can create your professional personality in a good manner, then you don’t have to go for job searching, instead companies will be calling you to provide a job position.
4. Innovation is the key:
There is no such thing like one size fits all in job searches. In fact the strategy that will suit you might not be effective for the other person in the queue, so the key here is to innovate and adopt new techniques for your job search. Don’t follow someone blindly.
5. First impression through social networking:
While we are busy preparing a resume, we almost forget that employers will also be looking into our social networking accounts to get a glimpse of what kind of person we are personally.
So, we must take some time out and take care of the accounts and make it up to date. Forgetting to remove some of the inappropriate messages and pictures are also a must here.
The profiles that you have in the social media files must be job proof and must not contain anything that might destroy your chances of landing yourself a job.
6. Making use of industry lingo:
Using the industry lingo and some of the latest keywords will look good on your resume and also when you are sitting in the interview room. It will show that you are fully aware of the events that are popular these days. So, how do you gather the knowledge?
If this is the question you are facing, then here is the answer to that – you need to go through the job postings and business journals online in order to get in depth knowledge of the developments that are taking place currently in your field of work.
It always helps to know about the products and services along with the competitors because that will help you to project your resume and cover letter and also prepare your brand image in the right manner. It will be done in a way that will appeal to the potential employers.
7. Stand apart in the crowd:
In the crowd, nobody is going to notice you, therefore, it will be better if you can differentiate yourself from the crowd and make people take notice of you.
In order to distinguish yourself from the crowd, what you have to do is review several questions in your mind and you will get the clues with the help of which you can create your own identity.
You will have to look for that special quality that is not there in other candidates and then also figure out, which work experience will provide you a better perspective of the work you have done.
8. Roles can differ:
You must open up about the job titles because in most cases you will see the role that is on offer is the same as what you were expecting, but the company calls it by a different name.
Moreover, there are some of us who get stuck in the trap of sticking to one position when the position that is being offered is equally good. We will only come to know about that once we start working in that position.
9. Social media strategy:
Before you use the social media to your advantage, you must know where your employers are making their presence felt.
If you find that the hiring managers are using the platform of LinkedIn, then it is best to keep your LinkedIn profile up to date and don’t forget to add photographs .
But, if you are looking for a job position in the media field, then Twitter will be a good option. Stay connected with the profiles of the companies that you are applying for and the company pages are also a good source of collating data about the company.
10. Skill matches the requirement:
Though it might be tempting to apply for something, which is challenging, but you must remind yourself that if you do not have the skills, then most likely you won’t even get a call for the interview.
Therefore, while applying for a challenging job or for a job, which you have not done before, make sure you have enough skills to match up to the requirement.
Sometimes, employers look for complete fresher for some challenging position, so that they can shape them up in their own way or they want highly experienced professional who will be able to take care of everything.
This might open up a whole new door of opportunity for you or you can see the doors being shut on your face because you are inexperienced. So, you have to plan your move in this direction very carefully.
11. Portfolio is a must:
Portfolio will help you in projecting yourself well and will also differentiate you from others. The potential employer will be able to know more about you from there only.
12. Hire a coach:
When you are not aware of all the requirements, then it is better that you hire someone who has the complete knowledge of the field.
He will be guiding you at every step, providing you with creative ideas about how things can be turned in your favor and how you can make the most out of the situation.
As a matter of fact, even the video presentations are also important because now many potential employers are going to the video conferencing screening.