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How to Get an Internship at Cisco Easily?


Are you pursuing your engineering graduation in computer science or information technology, looking out for doing internships to get your career ahead? Then the first name that should come to your mind must be Cisco!

Starting with Cisco will be like getting yourself in the world of networks where you have ample opportunities to land a full-time job.

Internship at CiscoAt Cisco, you will be exposed to trending systems through hands-on experience and learn more from professionals.

About Cisco:

Cisco is a world leader in networking with around 35,000 employees throughout 115 countries. It provides networking solutions to service providers, businesses, corporations, government, and educational institutions. These solutions connect people, computer, and computing devices, that allows them to access and transfer information via the internet regardless of time and place. Along with many businesses depending on it, Cisco governs 85% of internet traffic.

Cisco is known to develop, manufacture, and sell networking hardware, telecommunications equipment, and other technology products, & services. However, it has branches all over the world with headquarters is located in California.

What Does Cisco Provide for Students?

Cisco aims to provide creative and talented computer network specialist through training.

It is known to attract students of various categories to improve their career through its internship programs. These programs are structured utilizing the knowledge of the subject they have learned in classrooms so that they visualize its setting practically.

In other words, it helps to bridge the gap between knowledge and its application. On the whole, they intend to improve economic opportunity worldwide.

Cisco International Internship Program:

Headquartered in San Jose, California, Cisco system.Inc is one of the top manufacturer, a seller of IP internet protocol products that is related to the IT industry on a global basis.

Cisco builds routers that connect public and private IP networks for mobile, data, voice, and video applications, also for different security products designed especially for computer security.

Cisco Systems, Inc, looks for bright and talented students who are interested in learning about the field.

The company also offers a paid internship, which is another way to meet enthusiastic freshers who always carry that go, get it attitude.


The departments of Cisco in which offers internships

  • Sales
  • Engineering
  • Finance
  • Human Resources
  • Business Operations
  • Marketing


Cisco Systems, Inc., provides best in the industry hourly wages that would differ depending upon the position and responsibilities of the employee. The Cisco internship salary is considered best in the market.

Not only this, but your internship with Cisco can also turn in full-time employment, provided your performance need to be good.

How to Apply:

The following information should be provided by the candidates during applying to the Cisco internship:

  • In which sector would you like to work
  • Identify your individual skills and interests
  • Which country or cities you would like to work in (Cisco does not sponsor interns for work visas)
  • Duration of internship you’re looking for
  • Your availability

How to Get an Internship at Cisco:

Cisco is one of the top entity and works on Internet connectivity and especially on the aim of connecting the unconnected networks.

The company has maintained a webpage on which you can apply for the internship program at Cisco.

Moreover, the Cisco company has offered an internship in various fields like hardware and software engineering, IT, marketing, supply chain operations, and sales. So you can choose anyone as per your interest.

Cisco Internships Summer 2018:

Cisco Systems Inc is one of the top California based conglomerates that provides IT and Networking services to its clients all over the world.

What does Cisco Internship offer?

The employees or interns who work there are known as cisconians.

They are provided with high class training and high performance culture that help them get many learning opportunities which will helpful for you in future.


  • Get associated with cutting-edge technology as it evolves and develops.
  • Network with employees at Cisco employees.
  • Maintain contacts and work and learn with the best top experts.
  • Join with international brands to resolve business issues.
  • Handle projects to deliver on contracts with customers, communicate effectively with stakeholders, and meet deadlines.
  • Design, test, and deploy our technology, learning the engineering behind it to break and fix it.
  • Review our data to know how we perform our work.
  • Do some social activities like fundraising, volunteering, and raising awareness of local causes.

Choose your internship sector depending on your interest and experience, you can also take up Technical and/or Non-Technical roles. Some of them are,

  • Engineering
  • Digitization
  • Information technology
  • Operations
  • Sales
  • Security and trust
  • Services
  • Supply chain

Here is a video representation on Cisco Internships and University Hiring

Moreover, the Cisco company has offered an internship in various fields like hardware and software engineering, IT, marketing, supply chain operations, and sales. So you can choose anyone as per your interest.

20 Tips for Getting an Internship at Cisco:

So then what are you waiting for, get to know the ways of getting the internships

1. Attending events:

As a student, you may be always on the go to attend any event related to networking and systems. But in the go, you would stumble upon workshops that Cisco organizes which is very helpful for you to know about the details to apply.

Moreover, attending to these helps to gather information or collect contact details of any company offering internships.

2. Be updated:

Cisco organizes many events at different universities offering short term certificate program. Besides, they also convene seminars and workshops at various universities.

As a student, you may be always on the go to attend any event related to networking and systems. But in the go, you would stumble upon workshops that Cisco organizes, which is very helpful for you to know about the details to apply.

3. Build relationships:

Being in the third year, you need to develop an attitude of building relationships with various firms so that you know, what is required for you to get an internship.

Moreover, attending seminars and workshops help build a better relationship. If you want an internship at a good firm like Cisco, then you need to talk out to the recruiters to help you out. Definitely, this relationship built would bring the dream to reality.

4. Early bird:

Stepping into a well renowned company does not go without persistence. So get going and start early!

Before the announcements of the internship programs, you need to learn what time do they offer and at which period, so that you can prepare yourself well before the schedule.

5. Prepare ahead:

Learn from your seniors or through the website, what type of internship they offer and what do you require to know.

It helps to prepare yourself ahead so that you get selected. Besides, you would need to refer to related books or publications for self-preparation.

6. Upgrade your skills:

Cisco offers international internship programs as well, so it is better to aware of the necessary skills.

Students those who are studying at leading universities will be offered various programs to experience working at the main headquarters alongside other Cisco employees.

It is an opportunity for a student returning home to complete their degree with greater success in their academic and move ahead in their career.

7. Check website:

Go through the website to know more about the company so that when you have face to face interactions during seminars or workshops, you have your queries ready at hand.

Also, it helps you to clarify your doubts during campus visits by the company representatives.

8. Know the internship period:

As companies offer internship for different categories at different periods, you need to identify what type of internship do you require and at what period.

Sometimes during that period, you may be occupied with the main course which means that you need to select an alternative program or wait till next term. If you are keen to pursue at that period, then you probably would need to get permission from your department.

9. Know your requirements:

For an internship into Cisco requires you need to have certain skills and experience. By knowing about the requirement, you could polish your skill sets so that you could get through.

If it’s an international internship, then there are particular criteria to be fulfilled along with other aspects as well. It’s always better to go through the features of the program before making your selection.

10. Prepare resume:

As you are planning to apply for internships at various firms, you need to prepare your resume earlier so that you don’t get panic at that moment.

By attending to resume building workshops at your campus, you should start building your resume. In case of doubts, seek the assistance of your seniors who have been exposed to share their experience and submit applications.

11. Prepare for the interview:

During resume building workshops, you would be exposed to interview preparation sessions, and it will improve your preparation on how to attend an interview. Try to follow the instructions as much as possible by practicing.

12. Seek third-party Services:

Still not sure on how to build a resume or fill up details or know what should be the contents, then it’s better to seek the help of the third party services that offer advice on career related aspects.

Sometimes, the service providers make your resume stand out from the crowd!

13. Be truthful:

While making your resume, do not add contents that you are not sure about or you are not familiar with.

Do not add qualifications that you are not exposed to because It disqualifies for faking the interview session. It’s better to have a balanced approach.

14. Provide details:

To make your resume stand out, define the positions you had taken up and projects you had undertaken. Give details about the assignments and what you have accomplished. Also, make sure you have detailed your skills.

Mention computer languages you know and also dialect languages. Don’t forget to mention the challenge or the challenging roles you took up. Through these details, the recruiters would be aware of your skills.

15. Be clear:

Mention all the projects you have done clearly so that you know how to answer them. Provide appropriate details so that it is not too little nor too detailed. If you are sure about the answer, then mark it in black and white.

16. Get connected:

Attending workshops and seminars along with seniors helps in getting connected. Besides, attending events organized by Cisco paves the way to getting connections to previous interns who would share their experiences and knowledge.

Adapt them and learn from them the different techniques used by them to get through the interview sessions. Also, such interactions detail their experience about the internship and what they had learned.

17. Search Alumni:

Social media provides a huge platform for linking people of same thoughts. But LinkedIn is the best platform to connect to professionals.

You could search for Alumni from your university who are currently working at Cisco and connect with them. Such linkage helps you to get closer to them and become a part of it.

18. Know the interview process:

From your alumni or seniors, get to know about the process of interview. Most of the time it involves almost 2-3 rounds of the selection process. The first round mostly questions answer session while the second round is the interview.

19. Equip yourself:

Learn about the posts or programs offered. While at the interview, be ready to ask them questions of your concern.

For this, you need to be prepared for what you interested in and show them your interest with questions.

20. About amenities:

In case you need to relocate, then you need to know the amenities that are provided so, prepare yourself for it.


By reviewing the aspects given above, it is clear that you need to be pro-active for getting selected into the internship program. The internship plays a significant part in the academic course.

If you find that you have the necessary skills with all the necessary information, then what are you waiting for. Start applying for your intern by unlocking opportunities and wish you the very best!!

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