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How to Get a Part time Job under 18: Best Paying Jobs


A student begins college at the age of 18 years. Students often think that getting a part time job under 18 is not that difficult but remember this is an age of curiosity in terms of changes that occur academically and also socially.

Having great aspirations is common in every student at this age.

There are various reasons why a student at this age thinks of getting a part time job. Let us know a few of them; social activities with friends, to make future savings, to allocate for any previous financial commitment, to spend for current expenditures, etc.

Teens or youth in this genre think of part time jobs as an easy option to earn money and the reason behind this is to meet socio economic demands and also to gain confidence by making an individual effort.

Also as they get strong in making decisions about the right career they want to choose, they naturally plan for a good education such as masters, doctorates, phd, etc. This thinking leads them to save money for their future education.

In terms of law, students aged 18 have a lot of options to choose as part time jobs. In fact some company’s or agencies insist that a student must be 18 yrs of age to seek a job.

How to get a part time job at 18Well rules and regulations apart, but what we are describing is the solution for finding a part time job.

A student’s life is precious for both – in terms of academic prosperous and also enjoying this period as a student.

Having said this, it is not practically same for every student. Each student is different from the other and their requirements too vary from person to person.

Hence, there could be students who enjoy this period of life to the fullest or students who think they need to earn money whilst studying to make more money, or to save for expenses or to spend it to enjoy with friends.

Let us analyse how important it is for a student to get a part time job during their course of education and what steps should be cared for gaining a good part time job.

The conclusion explains about why, how and what kind of part time jobs are available for students below 18 yrs of age and for students of 18 yrs of age.

Earning money at a young age is good but it is important to understand how this is gained and maintained. Students at 18 or below 18 yrs will not search for part time jobs that relate to their subject of specialization.

Let us follow the below steps on how to get part time jobs for under 18 years old and for 18 years of students.

Tips to Get a Part time Job under 18:

1. Self reasoning:

self reasoningA student needs to sit and think about the real requirement of part time jobs whilst studying.

As students generally have more assignments or projects or exams to attend , it is important to realize the value of time and to get prepared to allocate time for part time job.

Their decision of seeking a part time job should not hinder their study time or performance. Hence the first step is to find how helpful it is to find a part time job.

2. Organizing:

Being alert, proactive and prompt helps every student in the long run. Be it studies or job.

When a student decides to take up part time job he or she must be careful about ascertaining their routine activities to accommodate time for the job. This is important because it helps them segregate their given hours for job, studies, college, assignment or entertainment.

3. Direct application through online:

online jobs Internet has made a man’s life much easier than any imagination.

Then why not utilize this source to search a part time job?

Yes, through internet students can browse and approach Company’s who have published their requirement for part time jobs. This avoids middle man thereby facilitating a quick response.

4. Contact agents/consultants:

Consultants or agents can be of great support as they give good amount of priority in searching jobs for their clients.

They also to a great extent influence you or prepare you in behaving a certain way so as to gain a perfect part time job.

Connecting to agents or consultants can be done through ads on newspaper, classifieds, and internet and through many other means.

5. Find jobs through personal contacts:

Keep in touch with every friend, relative or family as this eases the process of finding a job. It is quick and reliable too.

A word of mouth can be passed to friends, relatives or family through mails or even telephonic conversations to enquire about any job opportunities.

6. Approach colleges/institutes:

Student Counsellor One of the best and simplest ways of finding a part time job for students is through their college authorities.

It is good to approach the institute in which a student is studying for seeking a job. With so many known people around it is definitely safe and assured.

Since it is a college, the student may get to learn with close proximity and stand a chance to understand certain subjects with ease.

7. Approaching companies through ads:

Marketing is a great field and its USP is being innovative in its approach. There are many ways to publish adds.

One of the old methods is to publish add through newspapers, magazines, classifieds, ads edition, etc.

Through this students can easily get to know the pre-requisites of the clients and also analyse what kind of job, he or she wants to get into.

Adds on papers describe the need, time-date, venue and prospective candidates. This makes it an easy process in finding a rightful part time job.

Having said this, there are some important steps that the students have to check with respect to finding the right kind or suitable part time jobs, as it is based on many parameters. Let us know these areas based on which a student decides to pick a part time job.

a) Need of money:

Students need to understand the current situation they are prevailing through and decide as to how much money is required to fulfill their requirements.

This analysis is very helpful as they can arrive at a marginal amount. This avoids students from taking those jobs that attract them with more money package.

b) Allocation of time:

Time is the most crucial part of everyone’s life. Our activities or actions decide the time we utilize in a day. And when this is properly organized things fall in the right place.

Every student has to cultivate the habit of organizing or scheduling their activities in a day as this helps them know how much of a time can be spared and for what.

Based on this factor Students generally select those jobs that does not hamper or hinder their study hours.

c) Job location:

Job location is equally important as job selection. This is because a student cannot dedicate more time on travel.

By reducing travel time, the same time can be saved for studies, assignments, projects, lab, research, social get together, etc. Hence a job location too is strictly considered to make a right decision in choosing part time jobs.

d) Subject oriented job:

There are many jobs on the block to choose from for 18 yrs of students or below 18 yrs of students. But it is always advisable to try and choose fields that would help or support their line of education.

However, keeping this in mind students need to approach centers or organizations or companies that can help them understand the practical effort involved in subject related work or that can give them an insight about how they can apply certain formulas practically into the work force.

These are some of the main aspects that a student needs to go through before concluding onto a job. Our next set of points highlights the kind of jobs that are suitable for 18 yrs of students or below 18 yrs of age.

Jobs for 18 Year Olds :

1. Sales executive:

This is one of the best jobs that 18 yrs of student can bag easily. The search can begin from the college stores itself.

The student can be a part of college library, college book store, gift centre, etc. Not just this, students can also check out for more options outside the vicinity of college or in the main city where they can easily get placed.

Some of the main attributes required for this role is; right command over spoken language, ability to please the customers, talent to convince and justify the product quality and to impress and project oneself confidently. These jobs can offer a very minimum wage.

2. Waiter/waitress:

waiter jobs Students can opt to work part time at restaurants, cafes, canteens, food joints, coffee shops, etc.

The specialty of this job is; it offers flexibility in choosing the work time facilitating enough study hours to the student.

Colleges too have canteen or cafeteria where students can be part of and work. This avoids travel time.

Few attributes of this job are; to be punctual, to be clean and be attentive. Usually restaurants can pay good salary than small or medium sized food outlets.

3. Event Planner or Organizer:

Students can approach event management companies or organizations to assist on various platforms of events.

Starting from assisting for arranging the venue, selecting the decorations, planning the event, designing the theme, picking up accessories, assisting in presentation, anchoring, etc, there are many options available for students to work here under one roof.

The pay will be pretty good based on the brand of company. Some of the attributes that a student must possess for this job is good command over spoken language, creative talent, efficient and quick in arranging a good show.

4. Pizza deliveries:

Pizza delivery jobs Boys usually get attracted to this kind of a job for three things; one they like riding fast, flexibility and extra pay on weekends.

This job can be selected by students who have a bike. However it is advisable to choose the location near the college campus or around the student’s residence. This will help save time and even on weekends for some extra money.

5. Small/medium sized business:

Students generally have a good number of social connect and this will help them start a neat business.

For instance they can start buying and selling products at some marginal profits and make money. Even an average sale would fetch them a good amount.

Well this can be maximized by having stalls on special occasions at college for eg; annual day celebrations, inter college festivals etc.

This does not require a set time or any kind of target. Only those products can be selected that act as hot cakes amongst college students.

6. Designing logos/web sites:

work from home Well, this can be for students who are good at designing logos or web sites or even drawing animations etc.

Students can utilize their extra time on web designing and add some money to their pockets. Web designing can be very interesting and also a great way of money making. All a student needs is a computer and tools to create the necessary designs.

7. Courier service:

This job suits boys and girls at age 18. If students possess a car or a bike, then this job is the ideal one.

Advantages of this job are they can choose their work hours appropriately, limit their work as they wish and the pay is good.

8. Assistant at college:

Teaching assistant This job is most valuable. Students can assist the teachers or lab technicians at college premises or schools as this helps the students to learn better and can have a practical experience in knowing how schools or colleges work.

If the job is related to their specialized subject then it is even more better as this helps them know the subject in depth.

9. Conduct tuitions:

Students at 18 would have gained enough knowledge on certain subjects or on their favourite subjects.

It is human tendency to thrive to know more about a favourite subject or learn it in depth. This surely helps them to earn good part time money alongside studying for their college subjects.

Conducting tutorials for junior students, school children, students who take up courses based on distance education etc. Teaching is the best profession as one can share the knowledge to as many as possible and build strong ground levels to procure good marks.

10. Projects:

Students good at assignments or projects or research activities, they can assist other students with completing these home works for money. What better way of earning money than this.

Well, the advantages are, the student gets to repeat his or her portions by redoing assignments, gets money for the work done, need not travel, need not report and can be finished after the college at any given point.

11. Offering varied services:

There are websites which allow students to earn part time jobs by just entering their profile details and requirements. These web sites act as a platform to publish such details to general public.

People who want temporary assistance on picking up groceries, helping them handle kids when not around, picking up school children from their schools, delivering important couriers personally, booking tickets and arranging them to be posted and many other services can be handled after the college hours.

Although the work is not permanent it still offers a wide range options to choose from and the best part in this job is the pay varies depending on the job. Hence if the work is delicate or tedious or stressful you can quote the price accordingly.

12. Guide for tours:

Wow, what an interesting job for students. Yes, this can’t be any boring for students at 18 yrs or below.

Students can pick guiding for tours for tourists on various locations in and around the city or sometimes even consider this job on weekends. During weekends the trip can be as long as a day’s stay.

However, in both the cases the interesting part is to meet different people and to interact with them. Also one gets to know the history of that place better and gets to discover places that have not been known before.

13. Photography:

photographer This is a creative job and students those interested in discovering their creative nerve in this field can definitely consider doing this.

Yes this job requires ample patience, taste and passion. Now having said this, it is not easy for a student to concentrate more although they like doing so.

But, this can be considered for after school/college hours for small parties, birthday get-togethers, functions, ceremonies, pictures for students on annual day celebrations and many others.

This job brings out your creativity at its best as every occasion is different from one another and also with lots of colours and arrangements this makes it even more interesting.

14. Baby sitter:

18 yrs of students can manage handling kids. Hence babysitting jobs can be a good option especially for girls. The ads for the requirements of baby sitter are openly published on some colleges.

Students can take advantage of this and get going with this job as there are no fixed hours one needs to dedicate, they can choose their time of work and also the pay is pretty good for baby sitters.

15. Work at coffee shops:

jobs at coffee shopsChoosing to work at coffee shops is something very basic and easy to earn part time money. This requires a minimum time of service and also the pay will be nominal. Hence this can be opted if one is interested in coffee!

16. Rent car:

If you as a college student own a car, you can rent out your car for others who can pay you for the number of kms the car has been used for.

This is a simple way of earning part time money. This way student earns money without working for it physically and also one can concentrate on their other activities as a student.


Well, this surely has given us a deep insight on how and what kind of part time jobs can students of age 18 or students below 18 yrs of age, choose alongside their college days.

Jobs differ from one to another, but it is students who need to make a decision on the quality and quantity of work they wish to do. And as mentioned earlier it is a great and big decision to make on part of students as they depend on a lot of factors and parameters before they come into any conclusion to earn money.

Although earning part time during studying age has become a common trend these days, it is a delicate decision as students must know that studies are always priority before earning money.

Well, it will serve good for those students who think earning this money is just to satisfy certain needs and demands as a student and not to completely divert from being a student. Anyways, given these points and insight about different kinds of jobs or opportunities, it makes it easy for students to decide a suitable job.

Hoping that this article helps every college student, request you to provide your valuable remarks or reviews on the same. Please do mention your comments and suggestion and queries if any. We will do our best to provide you with answers and solutions.

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