It somehow becomes very hard to express gratitude towards your boss. Why we feel that way is a complicated question because the answer to this question is known to none.
But, when your boss actually helps you to grow in your career, then he deserves a thank you, right? Perhaps, only thank you won’t match up to the favor he has bestowed on you, so you are trying to figure out the perfect way of thanking your boss.
You are confused whether you must send an email or a card or a thank you note along with a flower bouquet. Fret not; here is a solution for all your confusions!
Getting it right:
Most of us curse our bosses to death because they are the one who is always after our life, so that we finish the work within the stipulated time frame. But, most of the time what we forget is that they are doing it to help us do our work in a better fashion and also manage the time well. At the end, when we successfully complete the task, we do get benefitted by that along with our boss.
Now that you have decided that you want to thank your boss genuinely, then you will also have to decide on the way. You don’t want to sound fake, therefore, you must not say anything like ‘Thank you for being such a nice boss’, because it would sound completely insincere and the praise will not sound meaningful at all.
Another loophole of this whole thanking issue is that if you overdo it, then also it will be a problem for you and in case you stick to the minimum, then also it will go against you. Therefore, it is very important that you strike the right balance.
Why Saying a Thank You to your Boss is Important?
Many think that there is no need to thank a boss for what he did it was his job and he didn’t do it for free. But, if you think deeply, then you will realize that sometimes, bosses are pushing the envelope a bit further just for our sake and they do not gain any real benefit from that.
Bosses are also human; therefore, a bit of appreciation will make them realize that their effort has not gone unnoticed. A thank you note is almost like a feedback provided to the boss by a subordinate, it just lets them know that what they are doing is really helping you to grow in your career. He is actually helping you excel and be the best in your job.
Reason For Thanking to your Boss:
There can be several reasons for thanking your boss and some might find it silly, but a vacation is also reasonable when it was pending for so long. It is always about making him realize that each move of his is being appreciated and adds a lot of value in your life.
You can see for yourself, if he would have canceled your request for the vacation, then you might have missed out on some personal commitment, which meant that you are not able to balance your work and personal life.
So, when you are working hard in your office to meet the deadline in order to keep your clients happy, then you definitely want that hard to get noticed. In the same way in a crunch situation, when your boss grants you a vacation, then it will be nice of you to appreciate his effort as well.
Here are some other reason for thanking your boss –
- For assigning a key project
- Approving a request for the new training program
- For the recommendation
- Even for listening to your views and giving it equal importance
None of them are silly, even when at the very first instance it might seem that way. So, prepare yourself to thank your boss and also take advantage of that in your career.
Make the Best out of Thank you note:
In most cases, nobody looks into the part where you can make a simple thank you note a part of the success strategy. If you are wise enough, then you will make the most out of the situation and take full advantage of it.
So, in order to incorporate thank you note in your strategy, you will have to be direct and do not get into complications, instead maintain simplicity, and to top it all, you will have to be sincere in your approach.
Saying thank you to your boss should be naturally or else it will show in your effort. If you feel that your boss is adding value in whatever you are doing, then thank him and let him know that you really appreciate his help.
When you will start thanking your boss for his little efforts that he makes to enhance your skill, then he will also start feeling good about the factor and you will always be there in his mind. Therefore, in future, it will be great for your career as well because it is always nice to be on the good books of your boss.
Is Gift the Best Thing?
Now, do you think that a small thank you note is not good enough? Then you can add a small gift, but when you do that you have to keep in mind that the favor was big enough for a gift, else he might feel otherwise.
Winning his heart is ok, but he will be happy if you work harder for him, rather than providing him with gifts and sitting idle for the most part of the day. If you have completed your work, then instead of going over to your boss’s cabin, you can hang around with your colleague to see whether they need any help or not.
Your boss will appreciate that more than any gift, but if your boss has done something really good, which needs a thank you, then you can add a gift along with your thank you note.
But, if you genuinely ask, then the gift will be the best option for clients or any outside team, rather than your boss. A simple thank you note will convey the message to your boss.
Ways of Saying Thank you to your Boss:
There are several ways of saying thank you, but the best message will be the one that comes out straight from your heart. But, while doing so, you must keep your mind sharp in order to avoid any kind of mistakes.
1. Sincere one:
This is the first thing that you must keep in mind because if you are not sincere about it, then your boss will sense it and that will not help your cause. One more thing that you must keep in mind is that you need to be direct; otherwise it won’t make that much effect on your boss.
2. Personal approval:
Write down the note all by yourself because then it will show that you have taken the time out of your work to appreciate his little effort. Just remind yourself how you would have felt if your boss would have written a personal note to you on your achievement. In the same way, let them also know that you appreciate their work in the same way.
3. Specific accomplishment:
While coming up with a thank you note, it will always be better not to generalize the matter. Try to be specific as this will really help your boss understand for which reason you are giving him a thank you note.
He might be the best boss and he has always stood by you, whenever you need him, but then also if you specify a certain accomplishment which was made possible only due to his help, then it will be much appreciated.
4. Bonus point:
Your boss might feel that he hasn’t done much, but that ‘nothing much’ from your boss has helped you a big time. Just let him know that how much you value your modesty and great work.
5. Returning the Favor:
Don’t forget to let them know that you are available at any point of time and whenever they need your help, you are just a call away. You can mention this on your thank you note. It is a great way of establishing a great rapport with your boss as well.
6. Tailor made thank you:
If you know that your boss loves to eat, then you can invite him over to dinner and cook some of his favorite dishes. He will surely appreciate it; otherwise you can try thanking him in public, maybe in a team meeting. When the meeting is over, you can turn everybody’s attention towards you and thank him in front of everybody.
7. Score a few points:
When you are thanking your boss, you must only do it, when you feel that it really matters a lot and not just because you want to be in a good book of your boss. If you do it genuinely, then you will anyways score a point, so you don’t really have to try very hard.
8. Truth matters:
Do not fill up the thank you note with gibberish things, instead truth matters a lot and don’t forget to wrap up all your emotions concisely. Lengthy thank you note will bore your boss to death; moreover, he doesn’t have so much time to go over it.
9. Helped you to learn:
When you are saying thank you to your boss, make sure you tell them that you really appreciate the work he has done to help you learn the new technology because it is helping you big time in your career.
10. Showing the connection:
You must make the connection clear, meaning, you must specify what they actually did and what you received from that.
Conclusion :
When you say thank you to your boss, then it shows that how you completely understand the value of whatever they have given you. Moreover, they were more of a guide and a teacher who told you which path is right and which path to tread.