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20 Awesome Strategies for Successful Career Change


As per statistics related to current employment trends, there is a considerable number of employed people who desire a career change.

Reasons for a career change can be many such as

  • Too much stress at the current workplace
  • Not being able to progress
  • Feeling stagnated
  • Search for a more lucrative job option etc

Whatever the reasons might be, career change is a major decision in one’s life and it is necessary to plan suitable strategies so as to make a wise and practical choice.

You don’t want to make a hasty decision and repent later, following these successful career change strategies.

strategies successful career change

20 Practical and Thoughtful Career Change Strategies:

1. Find about more career options:

Once you have made up your mind regarding opting for a career change, find out about as many career options as possible.

Compare the fields with your qualifications and attitude and choose a field where you can be successful and happy.

2. Is your new job worth pursuing:

This is a question whose answer you should know. Find about the demand of the job position you are looking at in the market and its future prospects.

3. Do a self-analysis:

When going for a career change, look for an option that will not only suit your qualifications and skills, but also your personality.

For example, if you are an extrovert and love meeting new people, then you will never be happy with a closed cabin desk job. Hence it is important to look for a job that matches your personality as well.

4. Examine the new career option well:

A career change is no doubt exciting but also risky at the same time. If you have already chosen the field, then instead of just focusing on its lucrative features, weigh other factors too, wisely and practically.

It is not just that your new role will be different, you new career might be in an altogether different industry. So do a thorough research.

5. Use all types of resources to gain knowledge:

career change information

Be it offline or online resources, find more about the new career, the skills required, the salaries, the work module, the hours, etc.

Nowadays, with internet, researching a topic has become so easy. Go all the way out and gain as much as information as you can.

6. Communicate with those in the field:

Be it an expert or any other person already working in the field, it will be of great help to talk to someone who is already on the job.

Remember, in a job, it is not just the salary and perks that are important, but the way of working, the hours and the office environment are also as important.

7. Attend workshops and seminars:

Workshops and seminars are not only a great place to gain deep information, they are also apt to meet industry people and experts.

When you attend a trade conference, you not only get to know the inside news of the industry, you also get an idea about its past performance and future prospects.

8. Evaluate your skills vis-à-vis the new role:

A new role in a new industry may require additional skills and knowledge. Find what are the extra qualifications needed and expertise that might be required for the new job.

9. Update your knowledge and skills:

career change transferable skills

If going back to school is what will help you gain new knowledge and skills, then, be it. Gaining additional qualification will be of great advantage in the new career.

Find which skills that you have currently are transferable and need to be updated, and which new skills you need to acquire. Join a training programme accordingly.

10. Join a temporary job or volunteer:

One of the best ways to learn about a job is by gaining experience in the field.

Before you want to leave your current job and enter into a different job, why not gain some information by working temporarily or by even volunteering in a similar field?

This will help you know more about the work and the field and help you in your decision.

11. Spread your network:

The bigger your network, better are the chances of landing up a desired job.Networking is one of the best way to get a job.

Try all the communication methods, be it, online media, telephone calls or sending out your resume to as many as possible, as it will help you get a new job in your desired field. This process will take some time but the efforts are worth pursuing.

12. Find the worthy company:

When you are opting for a career change, don’t just stick on big multinationals for your new job, try small companies as well. It is better to be a big fish in a small pond rather than be a small fish in a big pond.

Try even start-ups for that matter. In big companies, your roles may be restricted while in smaller ones, you will be expected to handle more responsibilities, thus giving you a chance to explore, learn and flourish.

13. Revamp your communication tools:

updating position on linkedin

Since you are opting for a different career, it is important that your resume, your social media profiles and any other tools that you might be using, reflect the new position.

Update your resume in such a way that it will reflect your skills and qualifications as best suited for the new job.

Revamp your social media profiles such as LinkedIn, so that the new employers get a better idea about you and your capabilities.

14. Be honest about the ‘financial’ aspects:

What is your current financial status?

Remember, any new step will have its own risks and a new job may or may not be financially viable in its earlier stages.

Thus, if you are not in a great financial position and you need good money urgently, then it is better that you wait for some time to settle down a little more and then plan for a career change.

15. Become more visible:

It is not enough that you send out resumes by e-mail, you also need to be visible.

Meet up with people from the industry you are looking, talk to hiring managers, attend meetings with recruitment agents and so on. You need to be visible physically and otherwise to get offers.

16. Be ready to take risks:

You may be a senior position holder in your current job but when you opt for a new job, you are just a fresher there.

Hence, you may have to start from the lowest level. You will be able to do that if your passion lies in your new job.

Be prepared for risks such as a junior position or a low salary. You will be able to work your way up, don’t worry.

17. Seek the advice of a mentor:

seeking advice from mentor

A mentor can be of great assistance in your quest for a career change. He or she can help you with honest feedback, give you insights and prevent you from making any bad choice. A mentor, with his or her vast experience, can be a guiding light for you.

18. Grass needn’t be always greener on the other side:

Your dissatisfaction with your current job may be the reason you are looking for a career change but understand that every job comes with positives and negatives.

Before you take the plunge, learn about the pros and cons about the new job field.

Don’t be too excited at the positives and at the same time, do not let the cons affect you negatively either. If the new field interests you, work a way out.

19. Be proactive:

Looking for a career change can bring in all kinds of doubts. But do not let the apprehensions confuse you or discourage you.

Move forward with confidence. You end up spending 6 to 7 hours at work and if that environment stifles you, then there is no point in sticking to it.

A career change will be the best in the case, so move ahead.

20. Devise a well-thought out plan and work on it:

A career change is not a decision that can be taken overnight but it has to be taken after much thought.

A well-chalked out plan, listed step-by-step will be helpful. Work on the plan and be a good executor.

To Wrap Up:

It takes courage to plan a career change but at the same time, it is worth it if the new job can make you happy, satisfied and successful. Since a change in career is a monumental decision in one’s life, it is best if he or she has a good strategy in place.

The above 20 steps will help you approach to career change slowly but steadily and will help you in making a wise and practical decision.

What is needed for these strategies is your confidence, your proactive nature and the untiring will to succeed.

Go ahead with confidence and work each step carefully with these career change strategies so that you have a new career that brings with it joy, cheer and hopes for a better future.

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