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Why Can’t I Find a Job? 16 Reasons You Didn’t Get the Job


“Finding a job is easy, but finding the right job isn’t as simple as you think”

Numerous youngsters wander around for vacancies but end up with nothing in their hands.

The reason behind the unemployment is not only lack of job positions in industries but it’s your underrated profile that you overall carry.

I don’t mean to say that you are less qualified, but even with people with less qualification hold that ability to get a job.

They are smart enough to learn the right tactics for finding a job. Now there are certain reasons why you are not able to land a job inspite of being a qualified person.

Why Can’t I Find a Job?

1. Blunders in resume:

You will find thousands of articles on web about how to write a perfect resume. Inspite of so many convenient ways to learn, today youngsters still make the biggest blunders in their resume.

Maximum people don’t proofread and review the resume after writing. Just take some time to give a look at what you are submitting to the employer.

Recheck 2-3 times to find the errors that you made. See yourself as the employer and find how he would feel after going through it.

You are definitely going to make the changes and re-write it again with all the corrections.

2. Your resume is the first impression that you carry:

Do not ruin your first impression with silly mistakes. Your resume is the key to an interview call, so make sure you carry the right key.

Employers don’t have that amount of time to spend on a single resume, so write your resume with perfection and precisely so that he gets impressed on the first look.

Several resumes contain the unnecessary contents and same old lines repeatedly written. This bores the employer and finally he ends up keeping it inside the file.

3. Wrong format:

If you are aiming to show off your MS Word skills in your resume then forget about the job. Italics and colorful fonts definitely look beautiful, but not inside a resume.

Employers will tear it off without giving a look because italics with colorful fonts are difficult to read and it lacks professionalism.

The more simple and straight font you use, the more attractive your resume looks.

4. Mistakes in cover letter:

There’s an art of writing a cover letter which is not known to everyone. Similarly, like the resume, you will find a number of articles on writing cover letter which will teach you the right technique.

Several mistakes in the cover letter like spelling mistakes, poor grammar and vocabulary, lack of professionalism and wrong salutations often becomes the reason for rejection.

Like the resume, the cover letter also creates the first impression for a candidate.

Some employers read the cover letter to know how proficient you are in English and what is your level of professionalism.

5. Wrong submission:

Many candidates submit their resume without confirming the right email address of the company HR. Or they find a general email address at the company website and post their resume there.

Submitting your resume at the wrong address will often skip it because it will never reach on the hands of the right person.

If there is a contact number of the office then please call there and confirm the email address where you can send your cv.

6. You were not prepared for the interview:

Job interview is not a casual stuff. You need to be fully prepared to face the interview it with the right answers.

Stammering and lacking the right approach will often make you lose the job because such appearances do not work to impress the employer.

Employers need someone who carries professionalism and the right attitude to face an interview. They need someone who can answer smartly and with confidence. So practice a lot before facing the interview.

7. Wrong appearance:

Wearing a casual jeans or sports shoes will never let you enter the job. Apart from qualification, it is very important to wear the right stuff for an interview.

If you are a man then keep your hair short and tidy instead of tying a pony tail to look cooler.

For your information, you are going for a job in a company and not in any fashion industry. So keep your appearance formal and professional.

8. Wrong etiquettes:

Wrong manners will straight away keep you out of the job. Your employer is your boss to treat him the right way.

Sit straight on the chair during an interview and avoid moving your hands and legs more often.

Many employees sit casually on the chair and swing it to and fro. This will piss off the employer and he won’t take much time to let you out. So learn the right manners before you go for an interview or forget the job.

9. Missing confidence and motivation:

You confidence and motivation will give you a chance to let you in. Some employers answer questions doubtfully and uncertainly which is marked as a negative factor of the candidate.

Employers seek for someone who can assure about the right performance in the company whether he can do it or not.

The company will depend on you for its development so assure the employer that you are right person for the job.

10. Missing interest for the job:

Don’t show off like you are forcefully sent for the job interview. For God’s sake, you’re going to build your career and not being sent to a school. So show some interest to the employer and tell how much the job means to you.

Lacking interest will also lack your confidence and motivation which is the root aspects of a good employee. So learn to love your job.

11. Being pessimistic:

I don’t have proper skills. I am nervous and I’m not going to get the job. Such statements and thoughts will never let you in the job.

Being pessimistic is one of the most negative characteristics of a failure who has not and is not going to be anything in his entire life.

Your inner thoughts and conscience is everything that pushes you to do the right and the wrong. So stop being pessimistic and focus on your abilities.

12. Poor reference:

You took somebody’s reference that is of no importance to the company. Or maybe you just took the reference to get some importance from the employer.

Several employees take references of ex-employees who had poor job records in the company.

Either they are not aware of their past or expect to get the job with the same reference. This is one of the major drawbacks of losing a job.

13. They hired someone with a strong reference:

Employees with strong reference are more likely to acquire the job. The reason behind this is employers pay more attention to someone’s reference that has a strong position in the company.

So the employees with bad reference or without reference are overlooked for others strong credibility.

14. They hired an insider:

You lost the position because the employer hired someone who is already in the company or is related to a company person. He/she is likely to have a strong reference or the ability to work for the position.

He/she is associated with the company for a long time and knows its strengths and drawbacks, so your employer didn’t find it necessary to hire someone new and inexperienced.

15. You don’t look attractive:

Few employers judge a book by its cover. When you go for an interview, your shabby appearance will put a negative impression on the employer.

Your hairstyle is a mess and you’re sweating like running around the entire day in a paddy field.

Employers are initially attracted to your clean and decent appearance, so put on an ironed and clean outfit before your hit the interview.

16. Missed the follow-up greetings:

The employer was kind to you through the entire interview session and you didn’t even bother to say a single ‘Thank you’ to him.

Greetings are very necessary when you have a professional conversation with a company person.

If you forgot to say it, drop a ‘Thank you’ note within 24 hours to make a good impression on the employer. Proper greetings and salutations often work out and convince the employer that you are an able candidate with good etiquette.

What to Do When You Can’t Find a Job:

Getting rejected in an interview happens almost in everybody’s life so it is not something unusual. But continuously not able to crack the interview or not getting a job offer, is surely a matter of concern.

Though such situations can lead to depression and frustration, one needs to overcome it and prepare well. Also, hope and confidence are the things that help you stay motivated throughout the hiring process.

Now here are a few things that you need to do when you are not able to find a job

  1. Don’t get too hard on yourself and take a break
  2. Identify the real problem
  3. Find the best way to resolve the problem
  4. Practice your interviewing skills
  5. Check different kinds of flexible work ranging
  6. Look for other industries
  7. Review your resume
  8. Network well
  9. Try out temping
  10. Work on changing your mindset
  11. Sharpen your skills
  12. Build a strong online presence
  13. Research well and find jobs


So now you know why you are consequently losing the job positions. If you rectify the above-mentioned mistakes then you’re likely to find a position in the job industry. This is a competitive age and unemployed youngsters are seen in a herd around the biggest companies.

Everyone is striving for a job and a very limited lucky people are able to get it. So you need to enhance and improve your skills and personality in order to be at the first place.

A good personality and communication skills are paid more attention than a piece of resume.

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