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What to Do When You’re Bored: 32 Excellent Suggestions


When an individual says it’s boring, it is quite uninteresting. People become unproductive and they sit idle due to it. Boring can be prevented by choosing to do aspects which you have been putting off so far. Also, you can do something challenging which you’ve not done before. Such things to be done during boring moments can be creative, funny, productive, weird or wacky.

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When You're Bored

Fun Things to Do When You’re Bored:

1. Arrange for an indoor picnic:

Set out a basket of food, a picnic blanket and have your dinner as though you’re in the picnic spot. Family life should have variety in it so that all the members are closer and unite as a family. To obtain fun-filled evenings, such events are necessary at home.

2. Rearrangement of furniture:

You can rearrange your furniture so that your living room gains a brand new view and you also feel excited. Rearrangement of furniture ideas can be obtained from Youtube and design inspiration from Pinterest. This would keep your mind engaged and you can do something productive.

3. Watching a movie:

Watching a movie on television or online can be another good idea to pass your time. You can also walk to the movie store and rent a movie to watch or plan to go to the theatre and watch a movie. You can choose movies which you usually wouldn’t watch such as mystery or documentary movie.

4. Cleaning the house:

It would be a better idea if you clean up the carpet and also involve in vacuuming. In case the wood is of hard type, you could sweep and polish it as well. Try to monitor and work on the beds and place them in their perfect position.

Work on and fold the laundry and do the dishes with a dishwasher. Take some efforts outside too, look at the lawns and mow it, if you find snow layer, do shovel it. Initially make a list of work with to-do list app available in android.

5. Baking and cooking:

You can try to develop a new recipe and also experiment with various ingredients. The best part of cooking or baking is that the choice itself would help you pass time and at the end you gain something delicious to eat. Look into a cookbook or online recipes and pick one to try.

6. Plant seedlings:

It is educational as well as rewarding when you plant seedlings and watch them grow. The only homework is to research the best plants to grow and their growth time. Every plant has a varied time frame to grow.

Usually, it takes about 3 to 25 weeks for the plants to mature and switch them to the garden. You should know the type of plants and their growth time. It would be really exciting and interesting to watch the plants grow and bloom once they are shifted to the garden.

7. Glam yourself:

Make-up styles of various types can be tried and revised. Run through your different clothes and gather all your outfits, try them one by one. This can be a preparatory session for the clothes you are to wear next week. Try to match clothes and jewelry and find out accessories. Work on nail art and bring out funky designs so that they look unique.

8. Playing games:

To have fun at home and while away your time, board games are the best choice. There are a number of options to pick from. In that manner few interesting games are Catan, ticket to ride, risk, and sequence.

Since there are abundant varieties, you can also walk to your local store and pick one which suits your taste. The best part about board games as you play with your family is that you can interact with each other at play.

9. Take a look at your closet and make changes:

Run through your wardrobe and arrange your clothes. Sort out and get rid of unwanted clothes which have not been in use for about six months. Wardrobe app like stylebook can be helpful to arrange your wardrobe. You can also set aside items and things which can be donated to charity and sell. This makes your cabinet refreshed and also gives space for new items.

10. Practicing something:

Practicing on certain skills that you are learning can be the best way to fill your bore time. If you’re a soccer learner get a football and go to the backyard to practice dribbling, shooting goals and skills. If you are a piano player then this is the perfect time to play a few pieces. Playing favorite songs and pieces can be one choice.

11. Making Christmas cards:

It is always special and unique to make online Christmas cards for Christmas. In order to make beautiful Christmas cards, you just need to get the required supplies from a craft or department stores. Get all the members of your family, bring out creative ideas and make unique Christmas cards.

12. Spend time with your pets:

This is the best time to pamper your pets and give them a bath and clip off their nails. You can also train them with some instructions so that they impress friends and relatives when they come home.

13. Solving puzzle:

Another interesting and productive way can be to solve a puzzle which helps you use various parts of your brain. You can also opt for solving crosswords like Sudoku without looking into the answer page. For those who desire to play on their devices can download Sudoku app for a similar effect.

14. Reading books:

Get the book which you wanted to read for many days and read the book with full interest. For ones who desire to read something new can check out the websites for various options. To make reading interesting, readers can also opt for crime and detective stories.

15. Exercising:

Exercising can be another best way to get rid of boredom. With exercise, your endorphins are kept active which in turn provides you with a better feeling. This, in turn, would make your body feel happy. You can opt for walking, bicycling, jump rope, yoga, hula loop or you can also investigate the city or town you live in.

16. Watching educational stuff:

The web world is filled with a number of educational aspects for every age group. In that manner, surfers can hunt through various sites and learn something in any field. The educational videos are useful and can help develop your knowledge.

17. Start for an adventure:

Get your bus pass, bike or car and start for an adventure around your town or city. Take routes into areas which you have not been so far. Get around and find some nice place for play, get together or some other aspect.

18. Dedicate time for social work:

When you have enough time and feel bored, you can get engaged to the nearest orphanage, old age home or any community center and help them out as a volunteer. You can help in restocking, serving food, teaching kids subject and helping in office work too. This would be a productive work and a social service too.

19. Reading news:

Reading news can be the best option because this is useful for any reader as they get to a number of aspects happening around us. News from across the globe can be obtained by reading newspapers and hence it is one of the important and best choices.

20. Online shopping:

Online shopping can be one great way to while away your bore time. There are ample sites present these days for online shopping. Sites like Amazon, eBay and Flipkart can help you check for many things and also get to know about the various special discounts and deals available. Browsers can check out the various styles of clothing, gadgets, makeup, shoes and lots more.

21. Helping others: 

You can always check with your friends and parents if they require any help. You can help the people you know in cleaning their house, gardening, and many more chores. By this way, you use your time for a good purpose and this is also a good way to cure your boredom.

22. Making list:

Making a list of to-do tasks is another best way to while away boredom. You can make a list of items to be bought in a supermarket, or things to be done at home, or work to be completed for the next one week. You can also prepare a list of to-do work for the next one month also.

23. Meditate:

Boredom can be battled by dedicating the time for meditation. Meditation has the power to help you focus on your chore and calm your mind. The best part of meditation is that it is a re-energizing technique. So meditation is simple and can be done at any time anywhere.

24. Learning a new skill:

Your bore time can be used by learning some new skill from the scratch. You can run through Youtube videos and learn any skill such as learning a new language, playing any instrument and so on. Your time is used in a proper way by learning some useful skill.

25. Visiting social media websites:

Your bore time would vanish when you visit social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more. The social networking sites are interesting and informative too. They have a number of videos and photos uploaded which eat up your time as you run through them. You can also post some useful information or share your pictures too.

26. Writing your own words:

You can write your own poem or song and then try to sing it. You can put poetic words and make your own tune too. This would fill up your bore time and get you a good song from your idea.

27. Chatting with your friends:

Sometimes the best way to get rid of your boredom is to chat with any of your friends and get into the conversation. It would be great if you pick a friend who is not very much familiar with you. By this way, you can get to know more and converse for a long time.

28. Listening to music:

Make a collection of your favorite songs and listen to it when you’re bored. You can also listen to music which you were not familiar with and which was released before you were born.

29. Develop a dance routine: 

Choose a song and then practice dance moves for the same. You can do it alone or pair with a friend for dance moves. You can practice for the song daily at a regular time. Practice the complete song and perform it once indoors.

30. Look through old photos:

Gather all your old photos, parent’s photos and have a look at your old memories. Also look through yearbooks, scrapbooks and old photo galleries. You can also discuss all the events with your family and have a great time.

31. Laugh:

Watch some funny and stupid videos and laugh for some time. Laughing is always good for health and you can dedicate some time for laughing.

32. Write letters:

You can write letters to your friends with your handwriting. You can write your old memories; times you have laughed and had fun. This would also be very interesting and unforgettable for the friend whom you’re writing.


There are various activities by which boredom can be got rid off. Some people choose to follow productive ways and some try to be happy and enjoy themselves at the time of bore. All the above- mentioned activities are useful for the individual in some way. They learn something, help someone or enjoy themselves during bore time.

There are yet many other ways by which boredom can be averted. This list also has some new aspects which you can try when you’re bored at home. People can find this useful, have fun and make some unforgettable memories during their bore time.

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