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Time Management for Working Women: 14 Best Tips


Women today have come a long way. More attributes have been added to their personality like being strong, financially independent, handling more responsibilities other than just home, are educated and are self satisfactory, at the same time they are gentle, innocent, loving and have concerned nature.

A working woman has more responsibilities to handle other than domestic chores, for them every day is like a new challenge.

Managing time for working women becomes imperative. A structured time management technique with enough efforts solves every challenge that is faced in a day by them.

Time Management for working women

It is essential that every working woman prioritize each work every day and balance home and workplace tasks. To improve time management for a woman follow the below-mentioned tips:

Time Management for Working Women:

1. Become an early riser:

Gear up by waking up early and set aside the thoughts of work. Start structuring the works of priority.

This practice will be helpful in managing to have more time to think about the chores at hand.

To think clearly you can start with morning walks and involving in meditation.

The benefits of rising early are that you get ample of time to contemplate how to begin with the day, work that concerns the most and how to easily complete them off till the end of the day.

2. Manage to save time:

Completing domestic chores in the early morning is the easiest thing to start up with the day so that after coming back from work you are having enough time to spend it with family or as you like.

Get a maid if the chores are more and remain incomplete by you. Make simple and easy to cook foods which is high in nutrition.

To reach work early without getting rush in the public transports or getting traffic in case you own a self vehicle, try to leave early from home and get enough time lapse for reaching on time.

Commuting on two-wheelers to work is the best option to reach work and back home which helps in saving more time.

3. Memorandum for weekend chores:

It is best to keep the shopping for home left to the weekends which unnecessarily increases your task on weekdays.

Prepare notes of all stuff to get done for the weekends. Jot down all you remember in weekdays regarding things to perform and organize each.

This practice is effective in recalling things and getting done everything in the best order.

You can make use of technologies like laptop and mobile phone reminders to recall you of the tasks you need to complete.

4. Be accountable to your profession:

At the workplace, you need to keep your home concerns away. Be determined while completing works at the office and ensure you are getting all the support and respect at work.

Make sure you do not let anyone down or let anyone have a chance to point a finger at you or your work capabilities.

There should not be any complaints for which every task should be completed with precision and responsibility.

During the break, free time or mealtime check on your home and family and whatever things that is crucial, it is imperative for the working woman to be professionally accountable.

5. Involve in multi-tasking:

Try to be most productive each day. When you are doing one chore and if it’s getting done by itself, do not just absent-mindedly wait, instead occupy that time doing other chores.

This will help in saving time and at the same time completing the never-ending tasks quickly. While boiling water, fold the laundry, check your mail, pack your lunch etc. This practice will be very beneficial in the long run.

6. Pre-planning:

Pre-arrange for the next day, while you are resting in the evening or just before going to bed. Pre-plan what will be the next day’s meals and breakfast or what will be the clothes you will wear.

Pre-arrange everything so that you are not caught up in last moment decisions. This will effectively manage your time which otherwise is wasted on infinite thoughts for coming to a single conclusion. Extra time can be given to something more critical.

7. Avoid procrastination:

It happens when you choose to complete a task that is least significant over more important tasks or choose one that is more pleasurable than other. Putting off the tasks for another time hampers the time management process.

Last minute tasks completion is the most stressful ones, which takes away the whole value and meaning of time management exercise.

Try to align all the work according to the significance and do not avoid tasks which are difficult or stressful for later consequently making it worse.

8. Start saying no:

At times you may come across situations where your coworker asks for your help with an assignment they’ve been working on.

However, you are yourself tangled with your own projects and assignments and helping them with it you will be stuck with more concerns and will mess up with time organization.

Even when your work demands team effort and you need to help your coworkers, learn when to agree to associate and when to disagree.

Elucidate how you are tied up with all the responsibilities. However, when you are done with your work, feel glad to help in their projects.

9. Relationship with managers:

Requesting a flexible work hour will be appropriate. Today’s managers do understand situations. However, they still will be concerned if you will be able to complete the task before the deadline.

Thus an open communication system should be built by you and maintain it with the superiors and managers. This will help them know you are punctual with deadlines and up to date.

10. Ask for help:

At home, you can always ask your family members or spouse to help you out with a few chores. At work, you can clearly state how much baggage you will be able to carry.

It will not make you any less but is effective in organizing the time for more significant things which needs much of your attention.

Remember taking overall work and completing each one-half way through is not acceptable but taking one or two and giving it your hundred per cent will be appreciated.

11. Optimism is the key to all:

To manage the time it is essential to have a perspective that confirms that you can handle everything. Even though you ask for help or you have delegated works to others, it is crucial to consider due to the time management system you are following. Getting underestimated or demotivated won’t help but it is optimism that will help you.

All the challenges a working woman faces is essentially difficult ones, as managing home and work is definitely stressful. However, always try to be optimistic as it will energize you at work and home both.

12. Operating from home:

If you are working from home keep track of your deadlines and do not let household chores involve you so much that you forget your responsibility as a professional. Promptly respond to new emails, keep track on emails that request for work.

Have a healthy relationship with your colleagues and managers and spend enough time. You can opt for other family members to take care of some household chores and take care of your kids to reduce work from home.

13. Involving your spouse:

Ask for help from your spouse. In this era of time where men and women equally work, it is logical that men can even share a helping hand at household chores.

Share the responsibilities and understand a few of the chores that require physical strength can be handled by men.

Speak up and manage a time schedule with your spouse, share how and when one can help the other. Managing children and their activities will be helpful towards becoming a responsible father.

14. Private and personal moments:

Spend your private time qualitatively; valuable ‘me’ time maintenance is a must. These moments are not involved with your work or family life but just your individual self. Get away, meet up friends or go for shopping or a movie, spend a worthy social lifetime.

In the routine, you may skip taking care of yourself but grooming is a must to women and men both in this age of time and grooming will help you feel relaxed and looking better is always a plus to your personality. If your personal time means spending time with your spouse or children, then go for it.

Time Management Habits of Successful Women:

Now if being employed is the first part of the game, the second part is being successful in your career, and for that, you need to work both hard and smart accordingly. The main reason why most of the employees fail is that they take one vital thing very lightly and that is their ‘time’.

Time management is one important skill that every employee who aspire to become successful need to master. Better time management skills will surely help you grow and succeed in your professional life.

Unable to manage time is the problem mainly faced by working women employees. Though there are many men too but the percentage of women employees is high when compared to male employees. The main reason is that they not just have to maintain work-life balance but are expected to do a little more on both the areas.

Now if you too are facing such problem then you are at the right place as here are few time management habits that you need to follow to get successful in your professional life without disturbing your personal life.

  • Do not go with the flow but plan instead
  • Limit your priorities
  • Set a time for family, social media and personal and abide by it
  • Using your morning time wisely
  • Categorize your time
  • Wake up early
  • Organize your works properly
  • Have some me time
  • Never let your calendar control you
  • Try Pareto principle
  • Maintain discipline


By prioritizing your chores for each day and clever time organization, take pleasure in being a household manager and a professional. Celebrate each thing in your life from work to being a mother, from engrossing in your interests to your family members’.

These tips should help in your primary steps towards successful time management. It will be much easier to encompass the necessary modifications into your daily life through small initial steps.

As you carry on to increase your steps you will progress closer to your aims and find yourself with all the necessary time you require for the stuffs you want to do.


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