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What Tools and Techniques Do You Use to Keep Yourself Organized?


Some people are very specific in their life, but some take things very lightly. And it is not necessary that people need to be very particular about their life. Moreover, being organized in their life help them figure out their life better.

It is one of the best ways of leading an amazing life. Therefore, keeping oneself organize is the best thing that one could do. And most of the time in a way to organize, people might gain some sort of personal and professional satisfaction in their work.

Also having an organized approach will also help you to be more confident about various challenges than one usually faces at their workplaces.

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How to Answer: What Tools Do You Use to Stay Organized?

Almost all of the employees in an organization, whether a meticulous perfectionist or a last minute person, requires a systematic approach to achieve most of their personal and professional goals in their life cleanly and systematically. This is why it is necessary to have an organized corporate lifestyle.

There are many techniques and tools available that can use and involve in a person’s daily life to make them organize in their life. And they are as follows,

1. Prepare a list of things one needs to do:

By preparing a list of things to do which suppose to execute in a period will help a person better. After preparing a list of things a person needs to assign some time to think that in which way he can get those things in the list can be executed.

Therefore, others must understand an organized person instead of taking him as a freak because what they do to keep them organized helps them feel good about themselves.

Try to use websites such as Basecamp to organize your tasks and also to help you to keep on track and not get distracted. Another way to make your to-do list is to color coordinate them. Each color shows a certain level of priority or a level of importance. This helps you to show what all tasks you finish and will give a feeling of satisfaction and achievement.

2. Better communication:

There may be a possibility that a person who needs them to be organized and want to keep others organized, they should try out building better communication with the rest of the world. Some might take those organized people as a freak as they think in a particular way.

Therefore, to avoid that kind of perception a person needs to create communication with people who can try to understand their changes and differences with life which makes them understand better.

Communication and its associated management are very much essential in corporate life and this should not be ignored at all. Also, communication is very necessary for a working individual whose job revolves around constantly interacting with various customers and also with colleagues.

Communication is also a necessary factor when the higher-ups or supervisors ask you to share details about the development of the various assignments and tasks that assign to you.

A routine that includes better communication management necessary so that there is no-work pending from your side of the job. Also, it allows you to constantly check your emails and phone calls.

3. Try to prioritize things:

As it has already explained in the first topic, that one needs to start making a list of things that require to complete. Moreover, while preparing that list of things to do, a person needs to prioritize certain things that can help him lead his life in a completely different manner. Therefore, it is necessary for people that while executing things they need to focus more on those prioritized things.

Having a prioritized list helps you to successfully achieve your life goals for the long run. Even if it is a small, medium or large and important life goal, having a prioritized list helps you to achieve each one systematically, without you distracted by various other jobs.

Also, having a prioritized list helps you to solve and complete tasks under limited time and can help you to prevent stress based on a poor time limit. The task of prioritizing goals is not always easy.

It requires a lot of practice and knowledge about the goal, schedule, and deadline for the task to do. Prioritizing also prevents the employee to work hastily and thus produce results that can meet the customer satisfaction.

4. Start sharing planning routines:

It is beneficial for the person if he or she tries to share their planning routines for the help of others which can make them start being organized in their life.

Moreover, the things that matter the most in one’s life can handle in a better manner if a person starts using these tools and techniques to help them be better people by making themselves organized in a great manner. Therefore, it is better if a person starts sharing his planning routines with others for another benefit.

Writing down his or her routines for the day and also noting down the completed tasks at the end of the day helps to boost the confidence of the working individual. This will also help to boost the ego of the individual positively.

Also, sharing your planning routines with others helps as a chance to learn from various mistakes and also improves your style of planning and prioritizing. Try to review your success and mistakes each day for the effective planning of your daily tasks.

5. Being ready with a plan when things go wrong:

There is a possibility that by even organized in their life, a person can affect by some sort of problems. And to handle such a plan, a person needs to ready with a plan to overcome a problem in life.

Therefore, be prepared with an escape plan in advance to help them understand the critical situations better as compared to the unorganized ones. And moreover, this kind of uncertainty handling situation helps people to be more confident with their life decisions.

Always keep a plan B ready when things go in a direction that you didn’t expect. This shows that how you’re planning is flexible and versatile. Having such planning is necessary especially in a corporate environment where nothing is stable.

Always remember that things do not always go by your way, the best thing that you could do is always carry a backup plan, in case something wrong happens. This shows that you are an individual that always expects the unexpected and you are always ready for any sudden emergencies or situations.

6. Use technology to help yourself:

Many devices help a person be organized in minutes. And to do that a person needs to keep themselves aware of those devices which they carry it within their phone or other devices.

So if a person wants to make themselves organized, then they should try out keeping reminders for themselves using reminders applications in their phone or mobile. Therefore, by these devices, one even can be organized without any changes in their life.

Having technology as a guide is a great help for you to sort out your tasks, prioritize them and also set individual deadlines for each one. This can be necessary if you are a person who is always on the go.

Many services, such as Google provides the use of an electronic calendar, one could just simply mark the tasks that they are assigned, with the given level of priority and also the completion date. They will automatically set you up with reminders and alerts so that you won’t miss a chance to do tasks.

Another best part about using technology for keeping on track is that it is highly portable. So, it is always with you when you are in a hurry and it is easy to update various tasks when you are constantly moving, especially when you are traveling.

7. Try to be honest:

Sometimes people pretend to be something which they are not. So it is better for that person itself if he tries to be himself than others. Therefore, to make that happen, a person needs to honest with their work and schedules to reach the target cleanly.

Moreover, once these changes handle well, then a person needs to make certain changes with their behavior of execution. Therefore, being honest can even help a person be organized in their life which is completely different. When employees are very much honest about their work and are ready to face various challenges and repercussions, then it makes them easier to sort out what all tasks they have to do and under what deadline.

Try not to show false professionalism. Face the challenges as it is with gusto and a clear mind. Having good organizational skills helps you to achieve such goals. A constant and honest evaluation of yourself on how did you progress on a day’s work will help you to organize your plans and events more effectively and productively.

8. Be specific:

There is a possibility that a person might approach things differently than one another. Therefore, as it has explained earlier that if a person wants to make a list of things that need to execute as soon as possible, then that person needs to be specific with that stuff which requires changes.

Moreover, once the person makes up his mind about these organizing stuff, then there is no way that anyone can change that decision. Always keep in mind that in a working environment, especially in the corporate culture, many activities need to be done within a day.

These activities include – attending a meeting, interacting with the client, guiding the new employees and so on. A proper scheduling task assigned a certain time limit along with a reasonable deadline. This allows the employee to be busy, and at the same makes the completion of many tasks easy, and systematic.

9. Use some help:

There is quite a possibility that if a person trying to organize cannot help themselves with the decision of organized, then they should probably take help from organizing helpers to keep them organize. Therefore, by keeping a person who works for them as an organizer can make things easy for them.

Moreover, even they can keep track of things that need to be completed without any waste of time or money. Also, if you are a lower level employee, then you could always ask help from various higher ups or supervisors to show you the ropes and also to help you in organizing your tasks better.

Managers who often work with employees will also help them to organize their work better, especially if the job of the employee requires better organizational skills and direction to the job done. These include activities like filing and auditing.


Finally, the bottom line is that there are several techniques and tools which a person can use to keep them organized in their life. But the main point and conclusion of this discussion that the things and techniques used can only help if a person wants to make them organize.

Therefore, this discussion over this topic can help those people who interest in organized in their life. Being an organized individual shows the employer that you are an asset to the company and that you are very much meticulous and serious about your work and is very detailed about getting the job done.

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