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How to Find Time to Study While Working Full Time?


Studying and working side by side is one of the commendable jobs that one can do for oneself. Though, it is quite hard yet as always said that nothing is impossible in the world. Also, in order to make things go smoothly and to put things in action, you will have to try your best to make things go in the direction you desired to go. Working also depends on the factors of what kind of study are you doing, whether it is regular or distance.

find time study while workingIf it is distance, working side by side becomes bit easy but if it is regular, it becomes little difficult to manage, but still there are some of the tips that one should follow to manage the work:

Helpful Tips to Study While Working:

1. Effective time planning:

You need to manage the time while you are doing dual things at a time. Time management is the key to make things go successfully. Preparing a time table will be better. Just writing the things to be done at what time on a piece of paper is not enough. You will have to follow it strictly to make the things go well for your own self.

2. Which things is to be given a priority:

Prioritizing work tasks is necessary. If you do not yourself know what things is to be given the first preference and which thing is to be given a second one, how will you initially choose what to do. Also to choose which things is to done at first among two things, you will have to put the most important thing at the first place and the second most important at the second place. So learn to prioritize the work for your own convenience.

3. Take time to boost your energy:

All the time working is like keeping yourself on the heated stove and staying there for long, despite of knowing that it is not going well for you. So, do you really want to be like a hurt, dejected and boring one? No, then take some time to rest and boost your morale. Working hard in life is all essential to succeed, so work hard but not by over exploiting yourself.

4. Rest and find interesting things around:

You are damn tired, but you also have the tension of studying, then better to rest for few hours, to release your mind from the shackles of fatigue and find some interesting things to do, to refresh your mind. Your mind is not a machine which will work nonstop without feeding it something healthy. So, better be friendly with your brain and give it some rest.

5. Your reading habits need to change:

If you are an avid reader, who sits continuously without getting up before the reading of book gets finished, then change that habit. You will have to split your reading time, so as to find time for the work too. You will have to schedule the timings for reading into weekly basis, or on hourly basis or may be weekends that completely depend on you and your work schedule. Manage according to the demand of the work and you will not feel heavy all day.

6. Make use of the smart phones:

Smart phones! Yes dude, they are your best partner in the struggling time. Make short notes in the notepad of the mobile. Every mobile has its own notepad or memo application in built. So, you can make pointers of what you have learnt earlier so that it becomes easy for you to go through the matter again and again. This way you will feel less burdened and also you will be able to revise anytime and anywhere.

7. Multi-tasking:

Although you are already multi-tasking by working as well as studying, nevertheless you have to multi task again by either working on laptop; you can open your saved topics and read side by side or while cooking you can study, working out and so on. So, try being a super multi tasker, though it is difficult, yet it is the need of an hour.

8. Do a sacrifice:

Sacrifice! Yes, need not be wide eyed, you just have to sacrifice for your good only. Sacrificing the unwanted task like watching TV, chit chatting with friends and many more such non- productive activities will be productive for you. So, instead of wasting time on such things, better to go for something that goes in your own interest. You can utilize the time in reading your text book, work book and this way you will be able to study even while working. These sacrifices will help you in a long run, so go for that option.

9. Interest also matters:

How much are you interested in the thing also plays an important role. So, build your interest. You will have to build your interest towards both the things as one thing is providing you knowledge and the other thing is giving you experience to face the corporate world. So, generate interest in yourself from within and it will make you strong enough to tackle the work along with your study.

10. Read motivational books or the quotes:

It is all about making yourself confident as no one will do to you especially the ones who are in your competition. So, better to be a motivational soul for yourself and this can be done by putting your hand on the motivational books which not only inspires you but also help you in adding to the existing one.

11. Choose the quite place to study:

Even if you get just half an hour, search for the calm place to study. This is because it will consume your less time. The more noisy place you will choose, the more greater will be the challenge for you and also you will not be able to devote your maximum time. This way you will only be wasting your energy and time, resulting in nothing productive for you. So, better for you to find a calm and peaceful place to study for yourself.

12. Do not say ‘bye’ to your hobbies:

Your hobbies will assist you in relieving the tension, so run after them. Your hobbies can prove to be the best partner for you in fighting all the tough situations in life. Go for them and you will see a change in you and the management of the work. Also, while you are resting or playing, your mind subconsciously computes all what you have learned automatically, thus rejuvenating your attitude towards the work. Recreation time is must.

13. Music! All time favourite:

While you work, you can listen to the soft and the soothing music. It will give relief from all the worries and the tensions of work and study. Also it will help you in working little comfortably and by this you will be able to study afterwards, as you will not feel exhausted after working. So, isn’t the music good choice to go for? Obviously yes!

14. Ask for a holiday:

You have full rights to ask for a holiday during your exams. Yes, you just need to ask so that you are able to give your best even in the exams during the work. If you will have a holiday, you will be able to focus in a better manner towards the study, hence this way you will manage your work also peacefully.

15. Utilize your weekends:

Your weekends will also help you a lot. You have Sunday every week and there is obviously no work on Sunday’s, so utilize your Sunday to the fullest. There are 24 hours in one day and on Sunday you get whole of 24 hours unless you have some other domestic chores to do. So, go great with Sunday’s as it will keep your problem at bay and you will be able to utilize it to full.

16. Study online:

Most of the study now days is done online and the office works are also done online. So, you can manage working as well as studying as you will not have to carry the books at your work place and still you will do well. Also, your boss will never come to know about you and your work. So, it is of great importance. You should be smart enough to make excessive use of the technology as it is like a boon in our lives.

So, above are some of the points that one can keep in mind to make working easier along with the study and also to make study easier while working. Studying and working requires equal time and importance. One cannot leave a stone unturned for either of the task, so it is advisable to work dedicatedly towards both the things as both of them will help in deciding the career.

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