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Starting a New Job? – Tips on What to do in First 100 days


It’s a normal sight in the headlines of a newspaper – “first 100 days of new government” first 100 days of new CEO of “XXX” company”. What does it imply?

It only reiterates on what sort of changes they have brought that made the process simpler and useful.

Though it may not be the same way, for being selected for a job you need to know that you have not been selected just to fill the role but for a purpose.

To fulfill the purpose, you need to figure out what, why and how to proceed with the assigned role that you have inherited.

first 100 days new jobThe First 100 Days in A New Job:

So your first 100 days is a period where you have to prove that you are asset to the organization and prove your worth or value.

In other words it is your honeymoon period involving freedom to ask questions.

To alleviate your stress, take time to review the facts about the most important aspects before embarking on the journey.

First day:

The first day of the job is to make impression of yourself.

1. Review:

Before attending interview you would have taken notes about the organization and also during the interview. Try to review them.

Don’t forget to glance through the website for information about the company’s new assignments, projects, accomplishments.

2. Dress appropriately:

Whether you are in lower cadre or at executive level, the dress code is always the first impression that is in the mind of all. It’s better to be conservative in approach and play it safe. Know the trend in initial stage itself.

3. Listen carefully:

As you are about to be introduced to many new people around the workplace it’s wise to devout 90% of you time to listen to different perceptions. Talk less and listen more. Adopt this strategy to gather more information as much as possible.

4. Carry notepad:

Each time you meet new people and get your orientation, making notes is very important. There could be some critical information provided during conversations in orientation sessions. Take your diary or notepad as you won’t be getting a second chance!!

5. Get your equipment:

The first days are mostly assigning to your new workspace. So see to it that you get your office stationary, uniforms (if required), furniture, tools necessary for your work.

So much to do isn’t it! After a long first day it’s time to relax at the end of the day with treating yourself!

First week:

This week would be used to make plans for integrating yourself with the company’s objectives.

1. Make arrangements:

You could discuss with your supervisor or your manager about what assignments and you could even ask for making arrangement for meeting the related sections.

2. Be humble:

As you are new to the workplace, there are more probabilities for making errors or making good changes.

Accepting what is wrong and making compliments for good work is indeed a good rule of thumb.

3. Be thankful:

Not everyone would help out with you to gain knowledge about the workplace. But when you come across co-workers who help out be thankful enough to gain better relations. Whenever you get an opportunity thank them.

4. Be polite:

Having to get necessary information requires skills of talking politely with cow-workers. You would need to know the etiquettes of being polite with people.

5. Pay attention:

There would be many face to face meetings with members of the team or the organization during orientation sessions.

You need to pay more attention to the way they respond, how they interact, what sort of responsibilities they hold and lastly what is required for your growth.

Let’s now split to a period of 3 months to alleviate your stress.

Month 1:

Started working! Stressed out! Check out some highlights.

1. Understand the rules:

There would be certain set of rules to be followed in each section of the company. You would need to know them only if it is required for your work by going through them.

Normally the other rules that pertains to attendance, breaks, leave schedules, etc. would be known within the first week of joining.

2. Know about the company:

As you are going to operate your functions in sync with the company, get to know more about the products, projects done, achievements, accomplishments, new ventures through company’s website and newsletter.

3. Learn the SOP:

The most needed part of your job requires certain procedures to be followed. If the company has certifications done, then each process has standard procedures.

You need to take extra effort to read them and learn them as it is integral part of your work.

4. Seek clarification:

Doubts that are not cleared now will be answered the following months or period ahead. You need to keep your eyes and ears open always. In other words be alert and get your clarifications.

5. Update:

As month progresses, keep yourself updated and also update your supervisor. This will pave way for showing the progress.

Besides that, you would know what your shortcomings are and help to make preparations to outcome those shortcomings. Also don’t forget to update your social media status.


Stepping in the second month you feel a little eased out.

1. Take responsibility:

You have started on your work and it’s high time you take responsibility for the work you do. Get into the flow or work pattern and be a part for the process. Do not make your co-workers to do your work.

2. Help out:

It’s your turn to help your colleagues or co-workers with a favour whether big or small. Take the opportunity when you get it and you will hence bring immense satisfaction.

Making familiarity with the surroundings requires for you to go out of way sometimes.

3. Find a mentor:

Now that you are into the group, you would be knowing as to who can be your mentor. Get to know their pace and seek their guidance as it is the main essence for betterment of job performance, building strong network, advancement within the organization.

4. Build network:

Gaining relations and building network is the part of good work place practices.

Getting to know who and what, you would know how to establish a good network wherein you not only gain knowledge but also good friends. Networking is the essential part of building relations.

5. Build your skills:

The previous month you would had identified the skills you are lacking. Make extra efforts to learn them and implement at the earliest. You could request for centre or expert to help you learn them. Time is valuable so don’t wait for last moment.

Month 3:

Hurdles are gone, now you know how to handle them.

1. Make improvement:

Having been working for the last two months you are aware that certain processes are repeated. Using your perspective and approach you could highlight the changes and its benefits to the team along with the supervisor.

See that it does not impede anyone and get everyone over board.

2. Broaden your horizons:

Get to know about responsibilities of your other colleagues in other departments. Share your views on their new projects and assignments taking lunch or coffee breaks as an alibi.

The more you connect the more you learn and make your work more valuable. Use your communication skill to your best.

If you need to improve then you could use their expertise to make your own improvements.

3. Take charge:

It is time to enact your skills that have been described in your resume. Opportunities, whether big or small, can come in abruptly and any time.

No one will give it with red carpet welcome. So grab yours and make it happen.

4. Review the 3 months:

Some companies have inbuilt system to assess the candidates 3 months of work. In case it’s missing, you could request your supervisor for having review done. It will only help to know what the missing gaps in your work are.

5. Get feedback:

The review is a process where various aspects of your nature and work would be assessed. Try to get a genuine feedback from the supervisor or manager to know where you need to focus your attention.

Accept what is being told whether good or bad. Also get to know how was your performance and what changes will you need to make so that work process does not get affected.

Landing with new job is always overwhelming. The first few months or the 100 days as most companies observe is the critical period for a new employee to be inducted.

During the induction period, the candidate needs to know many facts about the company, people working there, the culture, the trends, the gossips, the responsibilities and of course the real work.

Wow! Quite a load of information gathering and learning phase that is mostly exhaustive and burns out your energy.

Having a brief insight will help to prepare mentally and plan for the execution of the tasks.

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