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14 Reasons Why Google is the Best Place to Work


Why Google is the Best Company to Work for?

In the year 2014, Google (GOOG) claimed the topmost position on Glassdoor’s yearly list of the 50 best places to work, over and above also in the Fortune magazine’s annual list of the 100 best enterprises to work for.

This was the 5th stint Fortune entitled Google to the list.

Google is the best place to work, offers some of the finest employee perks or perquisites, occasions for career development, work that absolutely influences humanity as well as innovative principles.

Google personnel are seemingly better off with their employees than employees at any other large corporation in the United States of America, with Google taking a foremost place in Glassdoor’s newest 50 “Best Places to Work” assessment with a notch of 4.5 on a 5-point weighbridge.

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Image Source: kingbonoffice

Despite the fact that the company has ranked amongst the 50 best for six successive years, this is the foremost time it surpassed the list.

Google’s vibrant prominence is on talent besides retention which makes a sound case for the importance of folks at the company.

Google is known for hiring positive people and respecting their capability over experience. Of course, it pays their personnel well enough to fascinate and keep talent, which brings into subsequent points.

There are plentiful reasons why is Google a good company to work for as well as how the company has attractive google employee benefits to make its employees to stay for longer without affecting the google company values.

Let us discuss here below the more in-depth facts about the inner actuality of why work for google and why it is successful in making and retaining employees happily

Google is the Best Place to Work: Top 14 Reasons

The following mentioned are a few tips on why Google is the best company to work for and the best reasons for working for Google.

1. Eco-friendly approach for employees:

Google has the whole lot that an employee would presume from the second-largest company in the United States, in terms of marketplace capitalization: Push-bikes and electric cars to get staff to conventions, gaming centers, biological botanical gardens and eco-friendly cabinets.

Google wants to create its employees’ lives stress-free, and they continuously search for ways to improve self-confidence, the healthiness, and well-being of its employees. Beyond it, they have an eco-friendly approach towards nature.

2. Time-to-time medical assurance:

Google work environment offers its employees with an on-site general practitioner, nurses, and medical facilities for the health care coverage to keep the google workers happy as well as in good physical shape.

The deep care shown for the employees makes them realize to work more and be honest with the company at all times.

Googlers can travel deprived of any bodily worries and work with a stress-free mind.

Employees get the insurance done under which they are insured with travel coverage in addition to emergency assistance on both personal and professional fronts.

3. Parenthood vacation:

Google is the best company to work for, has the rule to offer some of the best paid parental vacation for new parentage.

The employees get paid leave for 12 weeks or even up to 18 weeks depending upon the situation; let’s say if the father is the primary caregiver and he is the one to take care of the baby.

Women are still somewhat allowed to get paid leave up to 22 weeks under the section of motherhood vacation.

Google upkeeps so much about new parents that it offers to all newly become mothers a one-on-one discussion to make out their scheduling for daycare possibilities like they get $500 or so to spend on baby bonding period and as well as for childcare centers on one of its sites.

4. Post demise support:

Google a great place to work, even offers post-death benefits to departed employees’ families.

If a Google employee passes away at any point of time, his/ her national spouse gets 50% of the employee’s income every year for the subsequent 10 years after the death of the employee.

In addition, surviving partners can revel in all the departed employee’s stock options instantly commended.

Children of a dead employee receive around $1,000 monthly from Google until they become 19 years old if they are round-the-clock school-going children.

5. Helping hand for advance education:

Google substantially also offers a Global education leave program for every employee who wants to go for further higher studies in the same country or in another.

They allow each employee to take an absence of leave from work for that specific time to pursue advanced schooling.

They have an advanced education program from which employees can feel relaxed in terms of skipping from paying higher fee structures to universities.

Above all, the most interesting thing is that all of the expense for ensuring further education is covered by Google itself.

Yes, Google bears the study expense if any employee wants to pursue Masters Education so as to get more intellectual business knowledge which could be helpful to the organization.

6. Sharing of ideas with top management:

Google enables its employees to share their ideas or thoughts freely with the top management and the sensitivity of being cared has made Google the best firm to work for over and over.

A weekly and/ or monthly (depends upon the decision of the top management) company-wide town hall meetings are scheduled wherein any employee can ask anything to the senior management person who are addressing the queries of the employees in the meeting.

That could be the CEO, COO, Managing Director, or any VP level person. And employees are stimulated to share their opinion with their peers as well as with senior management on the same call, at the same time of the meeting.

7. Profound perquisites (perks):

Google basically plans up the idea for best office perks, which now spread over even if an employee dies.

From the on-site physicians and hair cutters to the epicure dining hall, the varieties of cuisine at lunch, each perk at Google has a planned purpose, considering keeping employees happy and at peace at the workplace.

8. Beyond compare career breaks:

From the time when Google has become one of the most renowned technological companies throughout the sphere, it offers its employees better job prospects that whether they should choose to leave the Googleplex or not.

The employees get so good opportunities year by year which is a real factor why people choose to work at Google and stay here for long years.

The company offers an enhanced growth year on year if one has really performed beyond the imagination.

It also offers progression within the firm, whether it is for junior-level people, middle management people or higher-level management chances.

9. A good sagacity of contribution:

Google offers its employees with a good sense of contributing to the worldwide populace.

Google staff positively influences society with the applications in addition to the technology they work on.

These technologies would assuredly benefit humankind; for instance, self-driving cars could allow its travelers to catch up on sleep throughout their travels.

The mishap rate is mysterious; with mere 11 misfortunes in 1.7 million miles driven approx. Google is developing new wearable technology likewise contact lenses with technology that could read the user’s blood glucose stage, which is highly advantageous to diabetic sufferers.

10. Liberty to bring own ideas:

Google only looks for the finest and liveliest minds, and employees are constantly wide-open to other incredible employees and brainy intellectuals.

Being around other intelligent intellectuals allows imaginative work surroundings, teamwork and disorderly improvement.

Google offers its staff’s one of the most advanced work environment principles. Google cares so much about the invention that it has laid down nine principles of novelty.

One of those principles deeply inspires its employees to spend 20% of their time tracking innovative thoughts that they are obsessive about.

Products and applications are widely admired, for instance, Google Newsflash, Google Heads-up and Google Charts (Maps) Street View, have been inherited from this principle.

11. In-house espresso bar:

To boost teamwork and connection between employees of every department, Google cafes or say spacious cafeterias have been put in with long tabletops to bring together all employees at one platform especially who are working in the same premises.

The micro-kitchens are very friendly wherein employees come in, do get-together, sit and discuss any of their ideas; their joyous moments, any hitches (if they face any), their work-related discussions, their happiness or gloomy parts while on their break. It has helped to get them close to each other professionally and personally too.

12. Strong & adaptive work culture:

Google flourishes on the conversation of ideas and has formed an immensely strong yet adaptive principle that offers employees access to far-fetched people from corner to corner in regards to job designation and position.

To keep its young and enthusiastic employees pumped up all the time, they listen to every employee’s queries or concepts and try to figure out if that can be adopted in the organization and/or how well it can be useful for the entire organization.

Overall, the organizational culture of Google is very friendly and an adaptive culture without keeping any second thought in mind.

13. Innovative initiatives:

In the preceding one year, the company is in full swing with two new inventiveness to help employees towards their career track.

They recently have thrown ‘Career Program‘ which allow women professionals to do diverse training and involvements who have been out of the personnel for a year or extra and make them to step again into the digital publicity space.

Basically, Google company values every employee to be part of it and bring new initiatives that can be launched at the organization level.

The purpose is to create awareness among others how they are friendly, strong-minded and lively enough.

14. Four-legged friendly environment:

To help its employees to be filled with cheerfulness and self-confidence, employees at Google are permitted to take their pets to the workplace.

Some Google employees pronounce that being able to take their four-legged friend to work keeps their dynamism levels up and around, in addition to this bring delight in other employees.

Not necessarily they have to take care of them during working hours since they are domestic pets, so they also listen to what their “chief” or “pal” is saying.

Pets are comprehensible too, so it helps the holder (a Google employee) of the pet to simply concentrate on work. They can take them out during break time and introduce their pets to other staff members.

Reasons Working at Google Isn’t Right for Most People:

Undoubtedly Google is one of the best places to work as the benefits and services it provides to their employee is unmatchable. Almost every employee desires to work in a company like Google. As per a survey, more than 2000000 candidates apply for a job a year in Google, which is a huge number.

The best part which I like the most about Google is that it does not attract candidates through any kind of advertisement or marketing but just by showcasing its workplace culture it maintains.

You can find a number of pics and reviews about the Google offices and their culture. And this technique has allowed them to achieve success. Finally, working for Google is a dream job.

But unfortunately, Google is not right for everyone. Google is one of the most admired employers but getting employed for it is not the right choice for most people. Saying this doesn’t mean, we are bad-mouthing Google or its work culture, it just a fact that not all fit their mold perfectly.

Presenting here are a few reasons why one may not want to work at Google,

  1. The interview process is tough and chances of getting rejected is very high
  2. Your expectation bar rises
  3. Will get stereotyped
  4. Your future job searches will become tougher
  5. Need to be active and on all the time (to survive)
  6. Your network will grow tremendously (mostly with selfish desires)


Undoubtedly nationwide Google is the most prestigious place to work at and in addition, it is considered as the highly paid top employer in the big fat organizations universally.

Although there are highly intellectual and mindful employees working at Google, and of course there is no rocket science that comes out as one of the best workplace to work.

Google is prominently recognized as the organization that treats its people with respect, dignity as well as support its employee’s creativity and innovative undertakings.

They give their employees a chance to prosper, the openness to share their ideas, make their employees feel comfortable so that they can share any new concepts which could be helpful for the business and its counter-parts globally.

This eventually boosts up the energy levels of the people working here. Google, of course, has a rule which they follow on how to keep their employees happy and at peace. Hence, with varied reasons, Google has become the best place to work.





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