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How to Get Your Resume Noticed? 46 Quick Changes


If you think simply emailing your resume can attract those elusive hiring managers then you are wrong. You need to get your resume noticed by employers to receive a call from them.

How many of you freak out when you have an interview scheduled the next day?

Do you feel nervous about it?

Well, it is natural for anyone to feel his or her nerve-wracking before any major event in life. Interviews are that major event that marks the beginning of the journey of your successful career.

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Changes That Help Resume Get Noticed

However, most of the people have these thoughts running around them about what if you lack somewhere or what if you are unable to answer a question and whatnot. The interview seems like a real-time pain and preparing for it is much more painful.

Do you know how to start a perfect organized preparation for the interview?

Well, if you do not then let me tell you. You need to start it by organizing your resume. Resumes are sent before the interviews are scheduled.

As a result, you might just forget some minor details in your resume. Therefore, the first thing a night before an interview should be used to brush up your resume and be acquainted with the content in it.

How to Get Your Resume Noticed:

A resume usually is called as the front face of the candidate. Your resume speaks more than you in an interview. An effective resume is the one that lets you get shortlisted and called for a face to face interview. But to make it all possible, your resume should comprise of things which make it stand out. Not only the things to include, but there are few excellent tips that you need to follow which helps your resume gets noticed easily.

A resume gets only a few seconds to get assessed by the employer or hiring manager, so getting noticed in that short time frame is important.

Here is a graphic representation that imbibes a few simple tips to follow which help your resume become effective and stand out.

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Frustrated Job Seekers – Tips to Get Your Resume Noticed:

Various people in the market are searching for a decent job and plan on going for a dream job soon. However, the frustration level triples when they send unlimited resumes to various places and barely get any response or no response.

These are the times when the unemployment status makes a major issue in the lives of people. This is an indirect reminder that you are going wrong somewhere.

Let us start with the resume itself.

Quick changes you should consider a night or maybe days before your interview to get your resume noticed. You can start it off by-

1. Remove the obvious things and replace with worthy things:

The employer or the hiring manager is hiring a group of people who have appeared for the interview of a certain position. Mentioning the objective of a resume is stupid. They already know why you are here.

Instead, try to use the same space in giving them some valuable information that is not obvious. The resume is to highlight your skills and the passion for the job.

Also, just let them know why you are a fit candidate for what you have applied instead of using the valuable space to state the obvious fact.

2. Legibility can give you more marks:

During your school time, have you ever come across a teacher who said that she barely could understand your handwriting? If you have, then you surely do know how much of a trouble it is to have barely legible handwriting.

When it comes to resume, everyone advises us to go for a compact resume, as in everything on one tiny page. For this purpose, you end up using the smallest script possible.

Do you know how much trouble do small scripts do? They ruin your chance of leaving any good impression from the beginning as the employer or the hiring manager gets irritated. Instead of cramping up everything on one tiny page, try increasing the font size.

Use Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman as your font with at least 12-14 font size.

Also, do not forget about spacing. Spacing and increased font size will make it easier for the employer to read and understand.

3. Go with the basic information- Stick to the basics:

‘I am a ‘—-‘graduate. I have done my graduation from ‘–’.’ These are the boring basics; however, you do not have to stick to them. Be more creative while giving away important information like your qualification.

However, do not go out of the track. If you are applying for a job that does not require you to be involved in certain things they do not go around talking about all of it. Stick to the main basics that are required for the job that you are applying to.

Do not go beyond mentioning your employment dates, responsibilities, company name, job title, etc.

4. Consistency will eliminate any potential confusion:

Consistency will eliminate any possible confusion that might arise within your interview. A confusing resume is an indication that you are an unorganized person with no analytical knowledge.

These two aspects are very important and always showcase through your behavior, and appearance. Therefore, if you construct your resume with care and follow the same font face and size in the entire resume, your resume would look neat and tidy. Apart from the size, spacing is another issue that you need to take care of in your CV.

If you are using 1.5 in the entire document then stick to it. Do not change the spacing as it might create confusion for you and your interviewer.

5. Eliminate the guesswork activity i.e. be specific:

What do you mean by specific? What does guesswork activity mean?

Guesswork activity is an activity where you leave certain things for other’s imagination. This humble activity may get people to respect you however when you are out for an interview, guesswork is the last thing you want your interviewer to do.

Your resume should straightaway give all the answers to your interviewer without asking you. This includes your qualifications and academic history. Instead of writing all other unnecessary information, begin with your academic qualification on a resume.

This will eliminate any possible confusion that might arise in the future.

6. Customize the file name- be specific and change the format of it:

The worst ever file name of a resume is ‘resume’ or ‘my resume’. These names suggest that the candidate resume gets lost and drown in the seas of resume. These types of file names can only increase the trouble for the hiring manager.

Also, it might affect the mood of the recruiter and can decrease the chances of your selection. Instead, go for titles like ‘__ (YOUR FULL NAME) Resume’. This will simplify the file search and will be easily accessible.

7. Proofreading is a core necessity for perfect content:

The proofreading resume seems like one of the most boring tasks. You are bound to find no mistake in something that you have created. It is because you did everything you can before perfecting the possible thing. As a result, you would need someone who can proofread.

Proofreading other’s material is not that difficult task as proofreading something that you have done yourself. A proofreader can be your classmate, friend or your family member.

The number of mistakes might amaze you, as others can find comparatively more mistakes than you ever can. Thus, proofread it and you are almost ready.

However, what will happen if you do not have an entire day to reconsider your resume? What might happen if you barely have some minutes to do any changes? These changes need to be quick. However, before we go through those quick changes let us have a quick look at two major elements of the resume.

Key Elements of a Resume:

1. Post oriented vocabulary:

Recruiters all around the world do not belong to a specific field. Instead, they just a few people who recruit candidates by judging them through their qualifications and given a set of possible questionnaires by the HR manager.

These are the people from recruiting agencies. As they have very limited knowledge of the subject, they collect certain keywords related to the topic. Depending on these keywords, they search for the ideal recruit.

Even if you are well qualified but you do not refer to those specific keywords from the list, the recruiter might even reject you. Thus, vocabulary related to the job is very important.

Tip: How would you search for a perfect keyword? This is an easy task. You can simply look into the advertisement or the job posting that provided by the employer. You would get certain hints within the post itself. Use the hints to build the necessary vocabulary. Also, make sure that you do not overuse this technique.

2. Content is the master:

Yes, the content is the master of any given literature. Recruiters are very busy people who handle multiple job openings. Therefore, they have innumerable resumes to refer to every minute.

However, when you serve them with disorganized and extraneous information, then they are going to overstress and reject you right away. Instead, of extra information, serve them with your strengths and provide them a tailored resume. This will help.

Get Noticed With Your Resume in the Blink of an Eye:

1. You are not a local. So no address please:

Well, you know when people come from Alaska for a job and they told no because the employer thinks that some or the other day the person will go back to Alaska or will ask/expect extra pay as they are from a different place.

These are the thoughts because of which many non-local people unemployed. Instead of displaying your non-locality, do not add the address yet.

Let the things unroll slowly during the interview. Impress them first and make them hire you.

2. Social media is a handy background check material:

With the advent of technology, it is very easier to run background checks on people who have applied for a job. These networking sites can give a lot of information about an individual in no time.

Therefore, the best thing that you can do is give a reference to your social media account. Give reference to sites like Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr.

3. Customize your URLs and make the hyperlinks live:

Have you ever tried copying those huge links to your account? All the alphabets and numbers randomly roam about and take around two or three lines. Every time you look at them, do you also think they are ugly? Well, then you can customize them accordingly.

On social media sites like Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. customizing the URLs option is available. Also, turn all the hyperlinks live.

Do you know why? This is because live hyperlinks will make it easier for the employer or the recruiter to look into those sites. This will not save the time of copy-pasting but also provide them an error-free visit.

Moreover, it avails the recruiter to know more about you through what you are on social platforms.

4. First impression preparation:

The first thing that your employer will see on your resume is how it looks from the outside. When you provide your PDF, the top third part of the resume will be on display. This part of the display should be less messy as possible.

It will set the first impression of you in front of your interviewer. Therefore, if you wish to impress your hirer, then work out on your top third page well. (You should take care of the entire resume.)

5. Keep the sub-points limited:

The worst thing ever in an interview has to go through a resume where every skill has almost a page full of bullet points. After a couple of 6-7 bullet points, you bound to the bore and would not feel like going any further with the resume.

In that case, many necessary things might be left unlooked. Therefore, avoid lengthy essays of bullet points. Stick to 6-7 bullet points under the given position.

6. Be specific with the number for more impact:

Try to be more specific about everything. Using numeral statistics or percentage is a proven way of generating more impact on anyone. Numeral or overall percentages can quickly divert the mind of the recruiter and give him a specific idea of where you stand.

So, now that we have been through the entire points of an easy fix for a better impact in the next interview, let us hope for the best. Always remember that preparation is the key to any kind of work or job. If you desire to land in your dream job, all you need to do is work cleverly and make your way through the jumbled road.

Never underestimate your power. If men can go on the moon then he or she can do any possible thing in the world.

All the best job seekers.

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