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How to Approach Potential Employers at a Job or Career Fair


When building up your job approach with potential employers, always present yourself as a proactive skilled person.

In other terms, when you meet many HR people at a single place in one day, it creates confusion of course, whom to contact first and to whom later.

Don’t even imagine with reference to going into a job fair with no knowledge which company will be going to be there and to whom you want to converse with.

Even if you carry out ensure to come crosswise a company that you didn’t aim to come within reach of but looks like a potential business company, take a little minutes to steal out and look them up at their stall. You need to assure and to make every recruiter feels like you are their best choice among all candidates appeared there.

approach employers at job fairTips to Contact Potential Employers:

Make sure you have made a well prepared competition already planned to win the job, by way of doing proper research, and get identified with how recruiters weigh up candidates skills and talent while recruiting them for their esteemed company(s).

1. Pre-register yourself at the job fair:

First of all, always pre-register yourself earlier so that you can dig up a list of all approaching employers that will turnout there. Create a list of the top four to eight potential employers whom you want to meet up with in order of employer’s special significance. On the date of the job fair, go after your index and hang about alert. This approach will help out you take full advantage of your time and stay from getting unfocused.

2. Dress professionally for success:

First impression means a lot at job fair campuses; accordingly you must dress up in a very professional way. Dress competently or in any case wear self-styled “business casual” outfits. Ironing of your clothes without wrinkles on it, and make sure that your looks are well- organized, smart and hygienic. Your professional look should be self- explanatory about the wave length of professionalism. Lastly, candidates who rise to the apex of the “must have” listing, should understand the fundamentals of good manners. This is about compact greetings, addressing to recruiters as “Mr.” or “Ms.” and go behind with a post convention thank you note or just a thank you email.

3. Bring many copies of your resume to submit to employers:

Always make sure to arrive with at least five copies of your CV or resume and/ or maximum ten copies so that you could not fall short of your resumes while approaching employers at a job fair. Falling short of resumes at a job fair certainly reveals carelessness and negligence of candidates which may impact negatively on your profile.

4. Be prepared to answer queries:

While approaching potential employers at a job fair, go out there with the chief information in hand, since they must need to distinguish about you in order to judge you as a valuable applicant for service in their group. You need to be well prepared not only with the normal questions but also with the familiarity which you should be having about the company or business, or that particular employer is into.

5. Make an eye contact while representing profile:

Address to every company’s spokesperson with your full name, etiquettes to greet them, shake hands in a very formal way and definitely stare into their eyes when communicating with them. Such postures make you feel fully confident and geared up for addressing all their questions, even those for which you might not have been prepared or not aware of. Eye contact is a very fundamental and basic thing while approaching to any representative of the company at a job fair.

6. Ask over only precise questions:

In preference to asking what the company does or what business they are into, ask for the position or responsibility the said vacancy would be liable for. It will make you become visible informed; and yes, ask detailed questions with reference to the company’s formation, the nature of the definite position you are surely interested in, and enduring guidance or development opportunities in the company.

7. Interim and durable career aims:

The kind of service you are in the hunt for, do ask for short-term and long-term plans of the company in the said business. Since how long they were into and ask over about what prospects may subsist within their association, either publicizing or unpublicized. If no positions are at present existing, then do ask for a good time to make contact with them all over again, and/ or when would be their upcoming opportunities.

8. Ask what traits, skills, experience employer is looking for:

You need to ask over the specific and definite qualities, professional experience and skills which employer is searching out for. This is necessary to become aware of such qualities and skills because sometimes you might be having all together different traits, that of, opposite to what employer is hunting for. The group looks for the majority in job applicants.

9. Pose headship qualities:

Whenever you go ahead for the promotion of your self- profile to an employer at job fairs, do pose leadership qualities as much as you can, so that it could show out like you can do any given targets and do better tasks even under pressures and critical situations. Every recruiter score card has some grade for headship latent. The more you act like a wise and leader type candidate, the possibility of acquiring the job chances will eventually get double.

10. Get a business card and take notes:

After introducing yourself at every stall you would have targeted to apply, at last, never forget to take a business card from every booth where you would have put down your resume. Also never hesitate to take a rigorous follow- up with the spokesperson a few days or a week later, but not more than that. This will stay your dialogue and resume unmarked in their minds. If you don’t get the response within this time limit, then take a follow- up even after ten days too.

11. Finally, thank the manager for conversation:

After introduction, and handing over your resume, decently give thanking remarks to the representative who would have been patiently listening and chit chatting with you. And firmly shake hands and say a polite good-bye to him/ her. Do inquire about the later steps which might be, they could think of for you to take you into consideration for service in their company group.

12. Send thank you notes:

After arriving back from the job fair, you must send an email on their respective email ids to each spokesperson whom you spoke with. In the memo, ask them for confronting each other in a personal interview or discussion at their office address at mutual convenience time so that you could talk about your credentials in more detailing. Never forget to thank them in the end of the note.

Job fairs are intimidating places with huge crowds of people, fresher or experienced candidates, hassled employers, and the probability that candidates walk up to an unfamiliar person and start chatting about their profiles. But if you know how to find the way to handle with the company’s representatives, you can take an assortment of the nervousness out of the familiarity, and make an impression on every potential employer. Never behave over smartly or over- confident since many experienced also lose their chance of employment due to such cleverly behaving reasons. Just show the soft part of yours in front of the spokesperson of every company since it’s a large job fair and you are expected to show your confidence level with politeness, decency and smartness.

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