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How to Post your Resume Online: 11 Useful Tips for Everyone


The first step towards searching a job is to make your resume accessible or viewable through various sources so that employers can reach you for their look out.

There are many ways to look out for jobs or post your resume online. Some of them are;

  • Searching through news paper advertisements
  • Word of mouth
  • Social networking sites
  • Online portals

And many others.

how to put resume onlineTalking about online portals we know that this is a medium to post or put our resumes online which allows a number of employers to view our resumes.

Internet accessibility has become common or rather compulsory to every household, office, company, organization, service utility purpose etc.

Hence posting resumes to various online portals benefits to a great extent in terms of publicizing our requirements or line of job and getting prospectus employers to view our resumes.

Well, this is done in a certain systematic method which depends from one site to another.

Although all these job portals offer simple navigation, easy upload of documents and easy steps to construct words and phrases in their formatted questionnaire; we need to know certain realistic and useful tips to highlight our resume or to get noticed by employers.

Technical Aspect of Filling up an Online Resume:

Most of these portals are created to fill up details that mainly talk about our total experience, previous job experience, current details, personal details, education qualification, preferred locality, current designation, Job of line, etc.

Also, they provide us a space to upload our resume in word.doc format. In-fact some online job sites allow us to upload a covering letter too.

This has just been a brief insight about how these portals help us reduce unwanted details and highlight only those important facts and details that an employer usually watches for.

How to Post Your Resume Online?

how post resume online1. Pick the best online portal:

There are numerous web sites or job portals who want to be considered to upload your resumes.

But we need to first pick the best online portals that can get you more visibility and better opportunities. Selecting sites that have a good brand value adds for a quick and a good exposure.

2. Revisit your resume:

Before you decide to step into the world of online posting, revisit your resume and try making it look apt and suitable for the kind of job role you are looking for.

There could be details that may be unnecessary or irrelevant lacking the main content which may lower your resume value.

3. Key in suitable words/phrases:

Online posting of resumes have been made easy and simple with fields that need only specific answers.

Use your vocabulary and terms in a way to fit in these fields professionally yet showcasing your technical experience.

These act as an important aspect as employers view these at first to match their requirements before they want to see your resume.

4. Usage of Keywords:

using keywords on resumeKeywords are the USP of any search on web. Meaning, usage of certain main keywords attracts the employers to view your profile in the job portal and further examine your resume to match their suitability.

Hence, use words that actually describe your need of job profile in short.

Sometimes use of synonyms of the keywords mentioned may help you get noticed by a suitable company.

5. Use of bullet points:

Paragraphs no more interests the employer or the viewer. You need to enhance the method of writing resume whilst uploading it in the portal.

Use of bullet points are easy to read and time saving. To support this quality of resume you also need to concentrate on the words that can be used to describe your meaning in short.

6. Branch of job search:

If you have multiple experience and are looking for a job in any one of the fields you have worked before, make multiple resumes and post them with appropriate keywords so that only related employers approach you.

Make each one of them specialized so that you don’t leave a stone unturned.

7. Covering letter:

cover letter with resumeMany portals or sites allow you to post a covering letter which acts as a booster and builds added value to your resume.

Make use of this field and create a neat covering letter to make way for a complete professional lookup.

8. Do not ignore small job portals:

Whilst it is important to concentrate on branded portals or big boards to upload or build resumes, it is also necessary to create your accounts or register with small job sites to look out for jobs.

Many companies do not want to spend money on big boards to recruit employees.

They rely on small job sites or boards who can provide them space to input their want list and also look for suitable employees.

9. Ignore sites that charge money:

It is a simple logic; why would you want to pay money to get a job when there are sites or online boards that can get you jobs or offers for free?

Hence avoid resorting to sites that charge money. We live in a tech savvy world which provides us free tools to analyze the standards of our resumes, to help build our resume, correct our grammatical errors if any, provides enough samples to enlighten us on the market demands, etc.

Hence it is time we use these tools and create a perfect resume to get a perfect job.

10. Pictures and videos:

putting pictures in resumeIt could be interesting for you to know that some sites also allow you to upload pictures or videos to project your achievements and talent.

This further enhances the look of your resume and draws the attention of employers.

11. Text only format:

Some sites are particular about the formats of resumes uploaded. Most of the sites resort to view resumes in text only format.

Hence convert your HTML or Microsoft word doc into a .txt file and upload the same.


Building a resume in an online portal has become a major step in searching a job. This provides you with the widest exposure into the job market at one go.

By not only saving your time, energy and cost in approaching consultant firms to submit your resume, it also provides you the best results and quick search to filter your anticipated requirements.

It’s a platform where both employer and employee can openly compare what one wants.

Hurry up and upload your resume online using the above tips to get exposed and embrace offers and precious opportunities to get placed in the right company.

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