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How to do a New Employee Orientation: Best Ideas


Guiding someone is though a difficult task but if done in right manner can help achieve good goals and required works from the employees.

Every single human being takes time to adapt the surroundings, now whether it is a newborn baby, child’s first day at the school or a new employee in the office.

If they are welcomed properly then they fit in their respective family, school and organization easily, though they take time.


do new employee orientation

Ideas to do a Orientation for New Employees:

To assimilate someone is one huge responsibility as this builds the person’s thinking and moulds that brain of his into whatever shape the chieftain wants.

And it all depends on the way of the leader for how he treats his employees in an organization.

Any organization works in same manner like the working of the schools are, where the employees work more efficiently when their boss accolade’s them for their efforts.

The best epitome for this can be: Suppose you fall during race, but suddenly on hearing a cheering voice “run, get up and run, yes you can do it” you gather all your strength and start running again. The feeling of someone encouraging you gives a great feeling.

Similarly in an organization, it is duty of the dignitary to make sure that everything goes well in his company and employees are working in full space so that it functions properly.

1) Strong praise:

It is like dream come true when someone’s head accolades him or her for the work done, they feel like on the seventh cloud when their head showers them with so many good words and that too in front of other employees.

Appreciating the employee for merging his days and nights and at the end doing it all in correct manner.

The best moment for the employee is, when he is set as an example for others in the office. It adds more when the same is done by calling the employee in the office and applauding him personally, now that boosts up the morale too.

Boosting the morale of the person will make him work even in his extreme conditions for he knows that he will be appreciated.

2) Giving treats:

Another way of applauding the employees is by offering them perks. Adding bonuses to the employee’s income, which makes them happy.

This impresses the employee more and he indulges more into his work. This is the best way to help company grow more.

Who does not love treats?

Sometimes it is not only the performance of one person but it can also be a good team work and this way the executive can adore more by giving them treats and it can include rendezvous lunch party.

This helps building a strong professional relationship and being friendly in the office is another gateway to make company more zeniths.

3) Make employees comfortable:

While working, it is the extreme concern of the executive to make the employee comfortable.

The employees do get confused on the first day for what to speak and how to speak and mostly they fail to express themselves, so in such situation the boss should start up with a normal conversation and make him or her comfortable but remember not to overwhelm the new hire or employee at same time.

Discussing and asking about his nervousness could help the employee speak up.

4) Offering holidays and weekends off:

At the end of hectic schedule and hard working who does not wants a break. Looking at the good work of the employee the manager needs to understand and give the weekends off or even holiday packages(if could arrange), this in turn will encourage the employee to work more efficiently and better next time to be in the good lists.

Being in the good list of someone’s gives a tremendous feeling, making you feel like on top of the world. The holidays prove to be one the best surprise gifts.

With such offers, it gives the employee a feeling of being best in the office and more often giving such surprises makes him feel that he is part of the organization in the best manner.

Talking about what part does praising plays can be well explained as following:

1) Eliminating the shyness:

Employees feel awkward sometimes talking to their bosses and this ultimately ruins the conversation with the boss for he hesitates and his first impression is ultimately bad.

It gives a feeling of burying oneself in the ground, but if only the executive understands on what account is his employee uncomfortable or what his problem is, then the boss’s encouragement at that time could save the latter and help him gain back his confidence.

Same is in an organization, asking the employees about the problems faced during the project and inviting them to discuss their problems in the open table can add a point. This again is a prime way in helping the company gain it’s recognition and work in good order.

2) Do not pressurize:

The work done under pressure is always wrong. The best thing of an organization counted is, the work done there is in a cool manner and in time with no fire in the house.

The head should always make sure that his employees do work in a comfort zone with relaxed minds as cool brains can work better.

In every organization the employees should be helped in overcoming their fears of intimidation.

No doubt, praising is a good way of making work out of someone, but in an organization, even under extreme conditions the executive needs to keep reminding them the deadline along with encouraging them to work fast but with cool minds.

3) Keep updating them about their work:

Well, forgetting the name of the “effort man” in the work could make the employee think like “bad boss” so try never to forget accrediting the man behind the desk who involved himself both physically and mentally into the work to make it better and best.

In other words appraising time to time somehow help in providing right employee recognition.

Being obliged at the end of the pressurized work can somehow bring a great happiness to the employees.

4) Helps them feel being part of the organization:

Turning blind eyed in an organization towards someone’s effort could only make it worse.

This can be better understood with an example: imagine playing a game and someone says that “you don’t play well so you will not at all be in my team” these words do stab hard and the person feels bad about not being good at that game.

Same is with the organization, to make the employee feel part of the organization, the head should provide employee motivation about achieving big and good which as a result will make them understand that they are not left outs or being ignored but are being paid equal attention.

Remember the positive attitude will help building up an organization whereas in other case negative attitude or unsatisfactory attitude towards employees will collapse the organization.

What can be worse than a failed organization?

Facilitating a new employee to the company is not an easy task. For doing this a lot of procedures have to be followed like:
1) Interviewing the candidate
2) Looking at his or her previous experience
3) Also looking at the previous records including behavior of the employee to be hired.

Apart from all the above, some of the guiding principles for an effective orientation plan include:

1) Tell the employee about the rules and regulations, culture and formal and informal practices of the company along with the punishments for violations.
2) Help the employee in adjusting to the new work and the office’s surrounding by introducing him or her to other employees and reducing their anxiety.
3) Helping the employee understanding his role and working so that he fits in the organization.
4) More importantly help the employee build a positive working attitude by making him or her understand the importance of knowledge regarding the organization.
5) Last but not the least, always help an employee to achieve the work’s objective.
6) Help them in building good professional employee relations with the other colleagues.

To Wrap Up:

The period of job orientation process proves to be a great learning experience for the employee. So it is almost like pushing someone to work better and more proficiently in future by orienting the employee.

Entrepreneurship is all about directing and managing the lives of people but this task is accomplished by some only, in other words it is not everybody’s cup of tea.

Professional appraisal is something which is a necessity because this is the best way to show that the organization is working in a better way satisfying the employees.


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