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How to make your First Impression Count in Job Interview


First impression is the best impression

We get to hear this age-old saying umpteen times but never realize the significance of this, one saying. Does the first impression really count?

If so, how to make an impact on the recruiter?

Is it possible to make a first impression that you want the recruiter to have?

There are numerous questions that haunt the ordinary job seeker. Here are simple tricks and suggestions to make a lasting first impression.

Try using these suggestions as the impression is the best tool a job seeker can use in his favour.

making first impressions count

8 Tips to Make a Good First Impression at Interview:

1. Go perfectly dressed:

Most candidates are well aware of the significance of dressing perfectly for a job interview. There are young graduates who even purchase separate formal attires to wear for their interview.

They go dressed up in the most suitable attire suggested to them by their parents or guardians. They completely forget that their parents belong to a completely different generation and their choices actually reflect the choices of the past generation.

So make sure you select an outfit that goes with the present professional trend. A formal outfit that suits your profession can have a great first impression on your recruiter so go prepared.

2. Be well groomed:

Individuals who pay a lot of attention to their formal attire often tend to completely neglect the aspect of grooming and self hygiene.

In the first glance, the recruiter does not want to see your shabby hair, uncut nails and smell your stinky body odour. These are the first things that the interviewer will notice about you. Do not wear socks with holes on the toes.

Use a deodorant if you cannot avoid the body odour. Make sure your hair is well combed. Wear shirts which are perfectly washed and ironed.

Your basic grooming speaks a lot about you as a person, so do not neglect these aspects as trivial. They have a really great impact.

3. Reach on time:

prioritise your time Reaching late for an interview can actually annoy the interviewer. It may give him an impression that you do not value his time.

It also indirectly implies that you are not a responsible person and take life as well as your profession too lightly.

If you find it difficult to wake up early, set an alarm to assist you. If there is a chance that you may get late due to the traffic on the roads, it would be a good idea to plan and reach before the scheduled time.

Plan your journey so that you reach the venue atleast half an hour before the scheduled time. It will also give you time to prepare and groom yourself.

4. Give a crisp handshake:

A crisp hand shake is the first sign of confidence in a candidate.

Most individuals who head for an interview are overburdened with anxiety and are too stressed to look confident.

Most individuals walk into the interview room with drooping shoulders and a whole lot of stress. When you walk in to the room, welcome and greet the interviewer.

Do not mix up good morning and good afternoon as that again reflects stress and tension. Give a crisp handshake and carry a professional air.

5. Don’t stammer or fumble:

Body language is one thing that many people find very difficult to control. Individuals who are suffering from tension, stress or low self esteem reveal it through their body language which they find very difficult to hide.

They fumble and stammer when they speak or reply to questions. They start answering and then rephrase the sentence appearing totally dazed. Try and avoid body language that clearly reveals your tension.

It is a great idea to practice at home through mock interviews. It will help you gather your thoughts beforehand. If you are prepared, you may be able to cover your body language without much difficulty.

6. Look confident:

be confident at interview This is never really too easy. No one can pose confident if they are not really confident. You need to have positive thoughts in your mind to do positive actions.

You can however try and be really positive by bringing all the positive thoughts in your mind. Think of all the skills and abilities you possess. Think of the ways in which you have achieved success in life.

Rather than thinking of the result of the interview, think how you were among the selected few who were shortlisted for the interview.

These thoughts are sure to make you happy and cheerful. Happiness is the best companion of confidence and you will automatically gain confidence.

7. Don’t be doubtful or confused: 

The recruiters usually know that you have a lot of knowledge. Your certificates and resume usually reveal your knowledge.

In interviews they try to gauge how confident you are about what you have learnt. They keep asking you confusing questions.

Answer to questions that you are totally sure. If you are not quite sure, it is never bad to say you do not know the answer to the particular question.

Be confident when you say this and do not waver. They will never look for a candidate who has sweaty fingers when posed with a difficult question.

8. Eat well before an interview:

eat well There are candidates who take the interview too seriously and skip their meals to attend the interview. This is really a wrong approach as health should always be your first priority.

There are others who eat any junk they find on the way and end up with acidity during the interview process. Trust me, burping during the interview process also has a very bad impression on the recruiter.

Also do not smoke as it not just hampers your health but by odour of smoke creates a bad impression on the recruiter.

Keeping these simple facts in mind can help you create a good impression on the recruiter. While knowledge is what finally counts, impression is the first aspect on which you are judged in an interview.


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