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14 Good Jobs for People with No Skills or Work Experience


There are innumerable kinds of jobs in the world that are suitable for people with different abilities, talents and qualifications.

Most jobs require people to have some sort of skill set or the other so that you give them a reason to hire you; however, there are also a number of good jobs that require you to have no skills at all.

For your benefit, here is a list of some of the most popular jobs for people with no experience and jobs for people with no skills

people with no skills jobsJobs for Those With No Skills or Job Experience:

If you find getting a job with no experience very difficult then this post will be very helpful to you.

The following mentioned is a list of jobs that require no experience or jobs with no experience needed.

1. Dog Walker:

One of the simplest jobs for people, who do not have any skills, is getting involved in the dog walking business.

There are a number of agencies that are willing to hire individuals who are looking for jobs but in addition to this, you can also explore the option of working on your own.

Once you establish the fact that you are an honest and reliable worker then surely no one will have any inhibitions about hiring you. This is a rather lucrative career option for unskilled people.

2. Security Guard:

In this technological age, being a security guard does not require you to have any skills at all as there are high tech security cameras and alarm systems that are available in the market.

It can instantly inform the residents as well as the watchmen on duty when a trespasser has encroached upon a particular property.

There are numerous security guard agencies that are always willing to hire new and honest people who can represent their agency.

3. Baby Sitter:

Babysitting does not require you to have any skills at all. It merely requires you to be able to successfully look into the needs of a baby as and when required.

When hiring someone to take care of their baby most people do not look into the person’s degrees or qualifications.

They concentrate on whether they think the individual is trustworthy or not and also whether or not the person connects with the baby.

If you are able to pass these two primary tests you are bound to get any babysitting job.

4. Restaurant Owner:

Contrary to what people might believe being a restaurant owner is not difficult at all.

If you know that you have no skills then all you have to do is employ a reliable manager who will be able to look into all the necessary needs of the place so as to help it run successfully.

Being a restaurant owner, all you have to do is arrive at the restaurant as often as you can, to supervise.

So if you are a person with no skills, then this is something that may interest you.

5. Librarian:

Being a teacher requires you to have a great deal of skills. However, being a librarian does not require many skills at all.

All you have to do is sit at your seat and issue and return books as per people’s requirements.

In addition to this, once or twice every hour you pace through the various stands to ensure that no one is creating havoc or talking louder than is permissible. So if you are unskilled maybe you could consider becoming a librarian.

6. House Keeper:

Most well to do people require the services of a housekeeper to ensure that their house is kept neat and tidy at all times.

Previously the job of a housekeeper was extremely challenging as he or she had to do all the work manually.

However nowadays, things have become much easier owing to the fact that a housekeeper is able to make use of modern gadgets like vacuum cleaners, lawnmowers, etc. Everything can be done with a click of a button.

7. Dock Loader and Off Loader:

Irrespective of whether you are skilled or not, for this kind of a job all you need to have is upper body strength by which you will be able to on load and offload cargo as and when required.

This job is laborious and often demanding, yet one thing that ought to be kept in mind is that it pays well.

In this present day of expenditure, even if you are not skilled doing a job like this could really help you earn to support your family or yourself.

8. Toll Booth operator:

Nowadays being a toll booth operator is an extremely easy job as all you have to do is press a few buttons so as to get the job done.

In addition to this, you even have to handle a cash transaction of a small amount.

So if you have no skills and are in search of a job then this is a career path that you should consider.

This may not be a very exciting job where you have to meet deadlines or come up with new ideas, but it is certainly something stable.

9. A Back Office Job:

Today anyone, including kids can easily run computers, so if you have no skills but are able to make use of the computer even at a primary level then you could easily bag yourself a back-office job in the corporate world.

If you have a back-office job there will possibly never come a time when you will have to interact with clients or investors, you will just have to focus on completing your task at hand without hassle or fuss.

10. Factory Worker:

In order to work successfully in a factory, you do not require any skills at all.

Factories hire innumerable workers each year because even in this technological age all the heavy machinery is not run entirely independently, people are still required to look into the manufacturing and packaging process to ensure that, under all circumstances, all products that are distributed to various retails stores adhere to the company’s high standards.

11. Delivery Job:

Having a delivering job requires one to have no skills at all. You have to deposit or pick up an article from a given address.

You can avail of a delivery job from a post office, at any online shopping portal, flower delivery service or even at a popular food chain joint.

When you apply for a job like this, you will almost instantly be hired because they require many delivery men or women who can help them deliver their products as fast as possible.

12. Work at a Pest Control Service:

To be a part of a pest control service you need not have any sort of skills at all.

All you have to do is be notified about the kind of bugs or insects that have infected the house, office or garden and begin your work so as to eradicate the pests.

Pest Control services are willing to hire anyone who is not afraid of creepy crawlers and who is willing to spray the pesticides to every nook and corner of the affected area.

13. Laborer:

There are two kinds of laborers, skilled and unskilled. At various times, people require the services of both.

Though it is obvious that the skilled laborers are bound to pay more, this does not imply that unskilled laborers earn a pittance.

It all depends on the type of people you work under as well as the kinds of clients they get. So ensure that you work for a respectable firm and will not underpay or even exploit you.

14. Operator of Heavy Machinery at construction sites:

Operating heavy machinery is a job that requires anyone with a little muscle power.

However, over the last few years, things have indeed become a lot easier where individuals are able to get things done merely with the click of a button.

Working at a construction site does involve a fair bit of risk, however, if there are proper safety rules implemented for all worker then this is a career path that you can consider as it does not require you to have any skills and it even pays rather well.


So these are some of the main jobs that you could consider taking up if you have no skills. Just because you do not have any skill that does not imply that you sit at home all day doing nothing and wallowing in self-pity.

It is up to you to make something of yourself and the first step towards making yourself feel better is getting up and trying to find yourself a job. Even if you fail at it, it’s okay, after all failure is a stepping stone towards success.



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