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How to Reject a Job Offer via Email, Phone and Verbally


To get a decent job, a person tries his/her level best. And to avoid some chances of not getting a job, a person starts applying more than one job to be in a safe place.

Sometimes it happens that a person does well in all the job interviews attended and has more than one job offer at hand.

In this tricky situation of choosing or rejecting one of the job offers, a person needs to understand his/her perfect job criteria and consider it before rejecting a job offer.

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How to Reject a Job Offer

How to Turn Down a Job Offer: Different Forms

During the process of interviewing for a certain job, a person tends to advance their chances of getting selected for a job by applying for more than one job.

Sometimes after applying for so many jobs and appearing with a positive attitude in those interviews, there may be possibilities of positive selection for such a job.

And to make a perfect decision over a job, a person needs to know how to handle the rejection or selection of a job to proceed with or how to reject a job offer. There are certain forms of rejecting a job offer and they are as follows.

  1. How to Reject a job offer through email
  2. How to Reject a job offer over the phone
  3. How to Decline a job offer verbally

How to Reject a Job Offer via Email:

There are situations where one receives a job in one of the company and at the same time gets offered for his dream job.

So, a person who has been offered such prestigious position need to make a decision of selecting a job and to do such tough decision easy, a person needs to think of the perfect mode of rejection. And rejecting a job offer via email would be taken as a more professional way of rejecting such a job offer.

1. Promptness:

After deciding on choosing a job, a person needs to type a job offer rejection letter with all the gratitude towards them and send it through email as soon as possible.

Once deciding on rejecting a company’s job offer, a person needs to show the offering company a little gratitude and send them an email with the professional reason for his/her rejection. By being prompt in his/her job decision, a person can be more professional in their future decision makings.

2. Be humble:

While rejecting a job offer via email, a person needs to show the offering company little courtesy for their job offer. By being humble enough, while rejecting their job offer a person can make these kinds of decisions easy and helpful for both the offering company and a candidate.

By writing a humble job rejection letter to the offering company with all due respect towards their recognition for such a position, can make that candidate act professionally in his/her decision making.

3. Be diplomatic:

While writing a rejection letter for job offering company the reason for his/her rejection of their job offer, a person needs to understand a thing that while providing them the reason for their refusal of a job offer, a person should sound professional by being diplomatic with their rejection reason for such a great job opportunity.

By being diplomatic in their rejection email, can help that candidate be less responsible over his/her decision.

4. Concise:

By writing a concise email to that offering company can make things sound professional in all senses. The opposite person who is waiting for your decision can be relieved of reason by reading it with a concise and short nature of form.

Sometimes people write an email with lots of regret and apologies, but it is not necessary to feel bad over a person’s job decision, and instead of that a concise reject offer letter with the professional reason for rejection can work things out better.

How to Reject a Job Offer on the Phone:

The following mentioned are a few tips on how to decline a job offer over the phone.

1. Never let an employer wait for the decision:

While rejecting a job offer via phone a person needs to make that call as soon as possible without any delay. If a person delays his/her decision of declining a job offer, things can turn unprofessional after waiting for such a long time.

If a person finds a reason to reject that particular job, then that person needs to take responsibility to inform the company of their decision by calling them with a professional reason for their rejection.

2. Communicate with the hiring manager:

After deciding on rejecting a job offer of a certain company, a person needs to give that particular a call to inform them about his/her decision. And to deliver your decision of rejection, a person needs to talk to the hiring manager with a professional reason for your rejection.

This would create such a healthy and professional environment between both the parties, even after receiving a rejection of their job offer.

3. Leave a voice message:

If a hiring manager of that particular company is not available, then that person needs to leave a professional voice mail or message to the hiring manager. While leaving a voice mail, a person needs to brief them about the reason for his/her job refusal so that the things would be sorted out better.

These kinds of framing of voice messages can be more relieving for that person who has decided to reject that particular job offer. And don’t forget to thank an employer for such a great offer.

4. Show gratitude towards an offer:

While rejecting a job offer via phone, a person should act responsibly for their decision. And after providing a reasonable reason for the rejection, he/she should show some gratitude toward their job offer.

At the end of the conversation over the phone, a person should deliver a thanking phrase to end the conversation in a professional manner.

5. Promise to work with them in the future:

And the conclusion of their conversation should end with a statement stating a promise to work with them in their future availability.

This kind of attitude can bring them a future opportunity if it is profitable for both the employer and the candidate. This kind concise conclusion can bring both parties a professional closure of their businesses.

How to Reject a Job Offer Verbally:

The following mentioned are a few tips on how to turn down a job offer verbally.

1. Be clear and confident:

While deciding to turn down a job offer, a person needs to be clear and confident with their decision. Providing the company a reason for his/her refusal of such great opportunity can be difficult for the person.

Therefore, clarity and confidence can bring some courage to move on with a decision easy and better.

2. Be discreet:

When it comes to deciding on rejecting an offer, it creates an awkward situation where the person feels extremely bad to deliver them his/her decision.

While explaining the person who is delivering the decision needs to be discreet with his/her words so that the end of the conversation be positive. By being discreet with one’s decision can create a professional ability to handle critical situations.

3. Positive communication:

Positive communication between the offerer and offeree of such job opportunities can make things handled in a better manner.

Sometimes an employer whose job offer was rejected by a potential candidate suitable for such position, can create an unwanted issue between the employer and the candidate and avoid such differences those parties should take their decisions in a positive approach for the betterment of themselves and the company.

4. Be Tactful:

Sometimes people tend to give a detailed explanation for their decision of such rejection. To reject a job offer verbally, a person needs to be tactful with their problem handling methods.

Declining a job offer after accepting can be tricky for both parties because it is a question of a successful career, but still, the decision needs to be delivered with a tactful nature which can make things easy and healthy between both parties.

5. End with a good note:

By ending a conversation with a good note can create a professional environment between the job offerer and the job rejecter.

The person who is rejecting a job offer should handle the situation in a good note to make sure that the employer should feel well greeted and thanked for their job offer so that if there are any future opportunities for him/her in their company, they should not hesitate to contact him/her in near future.

6. Showing regret:

While rejecting a job offer, a person who had made that decision comes up with a professional reason and always delivers it with great responsibility.

But to console the employer for his/her loss, a person needs to provide them the reason with the utmost regret so that they should feel that it is not their loss but instead it is yours. In such a decisive manner, a person can handle the situation in a better manner which is helpful and professional for both parties.

7. Be responsible:

Rejecting a job offer can be difficult for both parties and to handle such a situation it needs responsibility. A person who is delivering the decision of rejecting a job should be very responsible for the reason.

A reason which needs to approach positively, a person should be smart enough to handle such a situation. Therefore, handling such rejection needs responsibility which can bring things to end in a good note.


To end this discussion we would say that rejecting a job offer via email or phone or verbally takes confidence. An employer rejects a candidate, whichever is not suitable for that position, but rejecting a job that has already been offered to be is the toughest thing to do.

A person who had made his/her final decision over a job that he/she wants to accept or to reject requires courage to deliver such a decision. A person, whoever wants to deliver his/her decision of rejecting a job offer should deliver their decision using these above-mentioned forms which are via email, via phone and verbal communication.

Therefore, when a person decides to reject a job offer, he/she can consider all the above-mentioned points to handle such a situation. Above mentioned are steps that can help a person to handle their decision in different modes of communication.


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