Office hours means some nice cup of coffee and a plate of calorific snacks during breaks with co-workers or visiting the nearby Dhaba to have some sumptuous meal laden with a high amount of cholesterol.
The time went through associating with work partners regularly and the calorie-loaded candy machine snacks, heated products in the lounge and fast food snacks at regular intervals and thus getting you a habit of having unhealthy weight pick up.
So it is very much likely that a person can gain too much weight through the workplace itself.

Biggest Loser Contest:
We have seen many reality shows or any general show to lose weight regimes. in a way, such a competition is usually organized at an extremely professional level.
The biggest loser contest would like all the co-workers to participate in weight loss competition challenge and the person or group with the highest loss will be awarded some kind of trophy or cash amount.
It has two benefits of its own. The first one is you get paid or receive awards if you win and secondly, you can go ahead losing your weight improving your health.
Steps to Host the Biggest Loser Contest:
These contests can be executed effectively if properly planned out and executes in proper order. For that, we need to go through some steps to ensure flawless contest conductance.
Plan it out:
It is always the best to start these types of contests during late winter or late spring. January and April are the best months to begin a test. Usually, in January people go for some new year resolutions. And losing weight is the highest sort after New Year’s resolution ever made by people.
So this weight loss contest can help people maintain their resolution too. Also, spring is the season where nature is found in its best appearance. Moreover, the climate of spring is moderate, ideal for this type of contest to take place effectively.
Research and conduct surveys:
After planning for the biggest loser contest, you need to gather as much information about this as possible. You need to do a bit of online or offline research or surveys to gather weight loss competition ideas and possible prizes and how to formulate the plan without much hindrance. Only through the proper knowledge, you can go planning out the detailed contest with ease.
Conduct a meeting:
After all the knowledge required for the contest is gathered, one needs to conduct a meeting with all the employees to convey them about the happenings of such the biggest loser contest. To induce individuals to participate in your challenge, consider these thoughts for enlisting:
- Add a declaration to your working environment pamphlet.
- Post flyers and pamphlets in various departments of the organization, such as in the exercise center or lunch area or in the cafe, where the population is likely to visit.
- Send bunch messages giving individuals the chance to agree to the test.
- You can create your own Facebook page or group for the occasion. And add as many employees as possible.
Choose your enrollment charges:
You can keep a certain amount as. Utilize the charges that you gather, to buy week by week, month to month, or end-of-challenge prizes.
On the other hand, you can pool the money and present a money prize to the champ of the challenge altogether or you can give a certain incentive to the winner. The prize money can be in any form you want.
Record your weight loss challenge rules:
You need to keep a tab of certain rules that you will be making for the contest. Make proper easy to follow rules so that contestants will be eager to take part as well as some other workers who don’t show much enthusiasm will also start to show some kind of interest in this contest.
Also, you need to keep certain criteria too for the contest so that underweight people won’t have to take part in such a contest. Think of some interesting rules and criteria.
The dates of the challenge:
After setting up all the necessary rules and criteria, you need to set a particular date to commence the contest and also a date by which the contest shall end. Whether individuals want to get in shape or they will take an interest in groups, they need to enroll before the commencement of contest and be present by the end of the contest.
Enrollment expenses and prize data:
You need to keep a certain prize amount to lure contestants to participate in this competition. The prize amount can be redeemed as monthly extra benefits or direct cash amount. Whatever the amount may be, it should certainly be more than enrollment fees at the same time should be able to lure participants to take part in the competition without a problem.
Scoring details:
How weight reduction will be scored will depend on how you are going to prepare for the contest. Scoring mainly takes into account the rate of loss of body weight to the total weight of the person in general or sometimes, people prefer inches of size reduction for their contest. So prefer a good scoring system such as weekly scoring out of 100 or monthly.
Measuring details:
Set up weekly measuring plans and sort out week after week bolster exercises. You will offer enthusiastic backing to each other and also showing each other new weight reduction techniques. Use respites or lunch hours to get with members. Talk about what has and hasn’t worked amid your weight reduction ventures.
Conduct events:
Prepare for some fun events like running a race or some kind of interesting program to keep the enthusiasm factor going on. Join to walk or to work out for the contest or work out an arrangement with a nearby wellness office to set up gathering exercise programs and to give educators and fitness coaches. For this, you can go to well-being organizations such as gym or fitness centers or projects to gather tips for this contest.
Victory and winners:
At the end of the contest, you can do some of these to ensure the competitive spirit keeps going.
Make a trophy for the victor or the triumphant group. Present them with the best sort of felicitation possible.
- Give away a money prize or a blissful trip to any merchandise store for no or little cost.
- Giveaway little things of wellness such as fitness equipment like treadmills or dumbbells.
- Give away a trek to a fitness spa or sauna or a participation at any nearby gym or fitness centers
- Free authentic fitness sessions with a well-known coach can be an option too.
Rules of the Biggest Loser Contest at Work:
The biggest loser contest has been taken everyone into a new height of weight loss regime.
Many companies are now trying to implement this scheme to make their workers more fit in the least number of days possible. Whether it is played in individual format or as a team, this will certainly ensure everyone to lose a substantial amount of unhealthy weight and give a new boost to their lifestyle.
In general to make this thing happening in your office follow these steps and sets of rules:
1. Make an advertisement for the competition:
As we have discussed earlier, you can stick your posters or you can even do a recommendation style of advertising. Whatever works, make sure to create awareness about the competition among your colleagues.
2. Keep a money reward:
Of course, you need it in general. This will act as bait for your fellow participants and will keep them motivated for the game.
3. Stick to a short term goal:
Instead of stretching the competition to a year make it a compact format like within 4 to 8 weeks. This will keep the competitors motivated.
Yet there are certain rules that you can follow to make this game a success in your workplace:
1. Make use percentage loss as a means of measurement:
This is a simple means of calculating the loss in fat and it gives justice to every individual regardless of their weight and targeted loses.
2. Select the format:
Whether you want to conduct the competition as a team or individual it is very vital as many changes approach the competitors. In an individual setting, the people will be responsible for their weight but in teamwork, each member will be responsible for the whole team for winning or losing this competition.
3. Maintain privacy:
Although the person will be taking part in the weight loss of the competition, it is not necessary that he will be happy to share his weight stats publicly. Therefore, it is important to maintain everyone’s privacy.
4. Selecting your leader:
To begin the competition, you need to select a team leader, in the case of team competition, or you can select a common leader in case of individual competition. The leader will responsible for measuring weights every week and making sure that all the calculations are done properly.
5. Weight checking schedule:
A particular day of the week will select for measuring everyone’s weight. You can use Friday for such purpose as it is an ideal day for such activities. The weight will check by the team leader in case of team competition or by a common leader in the case of an individual.
6. Selecting a place:
Select a place which is not crowded with people as it provides a proper surrounding for discussing your competition and maintaining privacy about data.
7. Announcing the results:
At the end of the competition, the leader will calculate the total percentage of losing in individual competition or team’s total percentage loss in the team competition. Whichever will have a higher percentage will win this competition.
Biggest Loser Contest Format:
Although you can easily hold a competition by following any of these rules you need proper format and records to maintain for the effective conductance of the contest. The format includes various tools and charts that need to be kept in maintenance for efficient performance.
1. Weight charts:
One of the most common forms of format is a weight chart. It should include your weight from the starting of the contest to the ending. Not only weight but also the size can take into consideration for this kind of chart.
It should hold a weekly record of your weight and size properly measured which shall go for an evaluation at the end of the contest. Only through these charts, that a winner can be determined.
2. Body mass index calculator:
The most basic tool for the contest is a BMI calculator. It is just the measure of body fat concerning height and weight. This is an effective tool used in the biggest loser contest.
3. Good posters:
Proper advertisement is necessary as we all know. So, therefore, preparing good attractive brochures and pamphlets is mandatory to induce enthusiasm. The flyer should not be too shiny or flashy, instead, it should look classic as well as attractive at the same time. A place with 2 to 3 colors at max and give way to the best flyer for your contest.
This kind of competition can not only enhance your health but also can improve your lifestyle in many ways. The challenges that you would normally tackle are of many kinds.
Individuals taking into account weight reduction and bunches with an aspiration of weight reduction, or both of these compensated with inches lost around the abdomen if not the prize money.
You have to discover which of these, your organization is going to utilize and how the estimations will be taken. The time allotment is usually one month, six weeks, two months or more.