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Why You Should Hire for Potential Not Experience?


The most horrible question asked in the current trend of interview to a fresh and inexperienced candidate is “With all the experienced staff and management, why should we hire you?

The answer can be horrible because neither can a literate person praise himself and their brought up style, nor can he adversely answer about experienced staff already contributing to the so far success of the company.

And similarly, the interviewee does not know the strength and quality of the companies’ interview roster. Here comes the company’s role to decide upon the topic.

Today’s experience candidates were once freshers in the market. They have reviewed the market, the industry, the people and the working system and gained knowledge and experience in their own industry and working line.

But the companies should understand that past performances do not guarantee future success.

They should realize that if they are always looking for experienced candidates, then where will the freshers go??

Moreover, how will the companies’ hierarchy get built up?

employee potential

Reasons to Hire for Potential Over Experience:

Companies Should Step Out of the Frame and Enhance such that they get the best employees.

1. Potential determines competence rather than intelligence:

Potential means the ability to grow and adapt to rapidly increasing and complex environment and its roles and rules.

Potentials have the capacity and ability to do a job in its right sense with implementation of regular and necessary functional criteria.

Potentials have a fresh learned practical as well as theoretical knowledge along with skills and behavioral qualities.

2. Urge for promotion:

New candidates will always be appointed as middle level management because of their lack of experience and lack of reliability from management side.

Management will always want the experienced to take the upper hand. But freshers have the urge to advance their employee rank because they want to enhance their designation, their salary as well as other benefits and facilities.

So, they will bring into the organizations new ideas and techniques to gain appraisal and reward for beneficial performance followed by promotion.

3. Urge to gain experience:

Potentials have the urge and desire to become experienced candidates so that they can avails opportunities of being experienced.

Because fresh candidates know the fact that if not today but one year hence, management will want a reliable and a dedicated quality in your prospects.

One year hence, fresh candidates will themselves feel pride in their well done and accomplished jobs.

A career oriented fresher knows that experience is necessary whether in the same company or for a different company. And for that height, fresher will try their level best to learn and customize themselves according to their achieved level of expertise.

4. Urge to earn name and fame and money:

Pleasure or Money Until and unless you are born with a silver spoon, you don’t exactly realize the value of your name and fame flourishing in society.

Once you come in the corporate world, they hear people are respected by their names itself.

The new candidates observe the renowned candidates’ life style and the public life of this person seems glamorous to them. So, they start to be their best to become famous. They concentrate on perfections to enhance their positions.

5. Revitalizing and fresh attitude towards work:

Potential candidates have productive attitude and personal qualities which is helpful for coping with stress and work situations. They have a self inspiring attitude which also motivates others at work.

They perform the work with enthusiasm and passion and celebrates even small success as for them, those success are first in their lives.

They have a challenging attitude where they find good in all bad activities as well.

6. Knowledge about online facilities:

A new era of internet and online business has blooming come into the business world. There was a time when records used to be maintained in paper, but now employees and staffs are trained to use less paper as everything is on records and online.

From bank statements to loan accounts, everything can be received there and then on internet. Similarly, for money transfers and statutory payments, everything can be done online.

Other business related centralized systems follow one accounting package throughout the branches in or outside the country.

So, we see that changes are regularly affecting in our scenario and a career oriented potential candidate will grab the knowledge and contribute to the system set up as well.

7. Fresh theoretical knowledge:

Theoretical knowledge consists of knowledge about principal and ideas of a subject with no practical training and implementation.

Students have worked with abstract ideas and situations and handles oral solutions in their examinations. Students who have cleared their exams and completed their academic or professional courses successfully are potential candidates for an organization.

These students are thrilled with their theoretical process and flowcharts. Now they have the description and explanation of the items. They just need to implement it.

8. Less family responsibility:

family New candidates aged 25 and above are generally singles. They have less responsibilities as compared to experienced and candidates who have attained the age of 35 and above.

So, the fresh candidates can give their whole mind and heart to their works. They don’t need to maintain any strict time schedule to go home if their wife and children are waiting.

They can give full time attention to their work place and their minds are free from homely tensions. Every morning they come to office fresh and in cool mind to give a kick start to the day’s work.

9. Willing to relocate:

Fresh and potential candidates have the aim to reach high. They don’t have any family or location restrictions to switch over cities, towns, states or even countries for their career goals.

They can easily make decisions to move in a new place and they don’t need extra luxuries to establish themselves at the moved place because they are either single or just married.

People who are willing to relocate tend to get attractive and extra exposure from the company. If you want to associate your career with the company, you will be willingly relocating your actual place of residence.

10. Dynamic and Enthusiastic:

Fresh candidates work with zeal of enthusiasm. They are confident and positive thinkers. They are independent irrespective of the post and qualification.

With the presence of fresh candidates comes a radiation of positive energy as well. They pursue their objectives in an active manner.

They welcome new challenges and love to live upon them. They presume themselves to be competent and responsible towards the work culture.

11. Skilled according to current scenario:

Current scenario requires a sharp eye view to manage the whole organization. As things are becoming computer savvy, and people have started to become dependable upon computers and systems, chances of making mistakes have increased like typing errors, over writing errors.

And in such a packaged system when once things are entered, it becomes hard to locate. So, management needs a sharp eye fellow to hit on the mistakes.

A fresher knows that since they have done with those packages with abstract situations in training form.

12. Computer and internet savvy:

work from home New generations eat computers drink computers and sleep computers. Their world is a black out without internet and with internet, they can flourish and conquer each and every problem and gets right solutions.

Nowadays, with a simple query, people are referring to search engines on the internet for asking and getting extra details about the subject.

With internet, and new candidates, one can make altogether a different world of business.

13. Acquainted with foreign languages:

With the chat forums and internet all over the world, people from different countries are getting connected to each other in the matter of one minute.

Candidates in different countries are communicating to each other and trying to learn each others language. They aspire to go abroad and represent their own country and its talent.

New candidates have a mind to learn and grasp the foreign language in a lesser time as compared to an aged man above 40 years as his learning capacity has been depreciated by then.

14. Ready to go abroad:

When candidates were in their academic life, they had got opportunities to go and study abroad.

So, they know the lifestyle and culture of the people living in different countries. Fresh candidates are of the view that working outside our country is in a way improvising the existing skills of the candidates and the age of visited abroad attracts the local employers as well.

The candidates get an opportunity to deliver themselves in the lifestyle of the country they are in which is very important in this economy.

They gain confidence by displaying their skills in front of people not belonging to their country as well.

15. Enhanced Interpersonal and communication skills:

By attending personality development training programmes and studying the academics in a well taught B- School, the candidates gain confidence in talking and presenting themselves in a better fashion.

Through personality development , they learn the mannerisms and behavior patterns of sophisticated and high class people and try to communicate to them in their prescribed style of accent and manner.

16. They are better followers:

Fresh candidates listen to their employers and are obedient in their approach. As far as experienced candidates are concerned, they have some type of complexes listening to people who are lower in age to them and higher in position to them.

A communication gap arises in this type of situation. But in case of new candidates, they are bound to listen because of lack of experience and management being elder to them in age.

17. Long term Commitment:

working in a team Since the candidates join companies at the age of 25-30, they are expected to settle down in the company itself and aim for the topmost position of the company.

The management if keeps experienced people around 45-50 have a chance of leaving the company after 10 years due to retirement, whereas the fresh candidates will on the same position work for 15 more years to serve the company.

Candidates look for long term relations as well so that they gain stability and performance rewards such as retirement benefits and promotions.

18. Employment ratio in the country will rise:

Generally, the unemployed flock consists of more number of fresh candidates not getting job due to lack of experience and people who are still in job, attend interviews for another company and get jobs because of their current profile and experience.

If you change the view and company starts employing more and more fresh candidates, they will be appointed from the flock of unemployed and the ratio will increase benefiting the statistics of the country.

19. Internship programmes:

Fresh candidates have been attending internship programs and have undergone demo training and mock situational analysis which the experienced person firstly could not get the opportunity to do and secondly, will not have the patience to do.

Nowadays, in professional and academic studies, institutions and boards have attached criteria of undergoing internship programs for a fixed duration before entering the actual field of work.

20.Training can be easily imparted:

The candidates are good listeners and they have an ear to receive things beneficial to them and to the organization in the long run.

They understand the importance and logic behind such training and attend them to their full efforts to become a hard core career aspiring individual so that he/she can establish their goals and fulfill it with the help of their enthusiasm and learning aspects.

21. Increment to Fresher shall be elevated step by step:

Taking stairs at work Fresh candidates do not aim for a career jump, as in, they do not aspire to become general managers directly from executive levels.

They are prepared within their mind frame and it is right also to elevate the new candidates step by step, so that they get knowledge of each and every level of the management and their working conditions.

When they themselves will work in such circumstances, they will be accustomed to the pros and cons of the positions and can judge better when reached a higher position .

22. Balanced work force:

A combination of fresh candidates and experienced candidates create a balanced work force with a mix of experience, knowledge, techniques and fresh energy and attitude.

Those who are existing employees of the company get positive vibes from the freshers and they get more energized in the presence of new candidates.

23. Cost effective to the company:

Fresh candidates expect less salary and less benefits in comparison to experienced ones. They are willing to give a start and then learn and earn.

Apart from the salary aspect, they work on the cost minimization aspects of the company as well. Plus, the fresh candidates do not require any retirement benefits 25-30 years down the line.

So, in a way the cost to the company is saved and thus utilized in some other productive areas.

24. Interviewer is relieved of asking any type of questions:

Interviewer is relieved of asking questions according to his mental base setup as the candidates are fresh and inexperienced.

He even keeps a mind of partial strictness as far as potential candidates are concerned. But in case of experienced candidates, the interviewer is obliged to ask his topic related critical questions.

It is expected that the experienced candidates be perfect in their aspects and presentations.

25. Maintains punctuality and discipline:

Fresh candidates have an area of discipline around them. They are willing to work overtime and show curiosity in their subjects.

They have an insight to gather information and produce it with a new output.

26. Determination:

determination With the ideas and traditions of 21st century, the candidates learn determination and professionalism in their approach of management.

Since they are well trained from B-Schools, they have learnt and have a desire to cross the targets and reach ahead of the crowd.

27. Impressive backgrounds:

New candidates come from impressive backgrounds with sound technological knowledge and understanding.

They are fresh minds to learn and update themselves on a regular basis. They are fully automated in current market products and availability.

Every employer wants that his organization consist of top quality and talented staff and they function on a long term basis. With the hope of rapid promotions, the fresh candidates are valuable assets for the company whose values will always be appreciated. The company should keep them safe in this competitive world by giving them best job environment and better work culture areas.


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