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How to Get a New Job Fast? 26 Best and Little Known Ways


Looking for a job after completing Bachelor’s or Master’s degree is the first preference or want of every student.

At times people who are already in the profession are desperate to get a new job fast when they are jobless and the only work they do is to find a job through different modes or connections.

Since this is an era of competition and number of applicants who stand in a long queue to apply for the same position might give you a feeling to get rid from your dream job.

Fetching a job is not a tough task, if it is well planned and prepared before appearing in an interview.

Sometimes it is hard to get your desired job due to lack of awareness on job portal websites or you don’t bother to read and keep an eye on job advertisement in newspapers on daily basis.

Most importantly what makes your CV or resume more worthwhile across all job portals is how you create the resume  and represented it and on which websites you post it so that it comes on the first page list when employer is searching for suitable candidates.

get a new job fastThere are many things that come across mind when you will start searching for your dream job :

  • Where to work? Within city, in some other state or some other country.
  • Where to apply, in Indian firms or looking for overseas companies.
  • If applying for an overseas job, is the documentation or the degree you are holding is only needed for that position.
  • How old establishment of the company is and what is the yearly turnover in crores.

Likewise there are some other questions which strike directly in your mind when you get a call from some company or yourself apply for a job.

Since interviewing is the most critical part in every aspect for employer and as well as for the candidate for cracking it in one go. Here are some tips and suggestions which can help you in getting your desired job.

How to Get a New Job Fast Way:

1. Advance job search options:

Number of options is available in today’s fast growing world. One could make profile online. There is various job board platforms where you could go and simply register yourself to get most reverts in time.

Advance search option is also available where you could search by keywords like position looking for, name of company, location etc.

2. Job listings:

The first and foremost thing is to do Google research and findings at doing a job listing. You may get a reference from either job website portals, newspapers, job advertisements on respective company’s website, through a job consultant or word of mouth or a friend.

3. Applying jobs online:

Best way to get an interview calls faster is to apply online for jobs. You should make your profile on various job portals which are free to get access to.

You should register yourself there and get started with the procedure. It is easy to use and such portals really help in getting jobs.

You should only get registered there, fill-in all the details it asks, and simply submit.,, etc are few of the major job portal websites.

Moreover there are number of ways for applying online jobs through social media or other related media options.

4. Assistance by job agency:

Now-a-days there are some job agencies or job consultants, you can say who helps in providing assistance for jobs.

Some of them charge very nominally from the candidate or some of them have direct contact with the company who have their own arrangement of providing fees or similar against closing of candidature position.

Consequently, you can contact job consultants as well for helping to get a job fast.

5. Vast networking:

Building Network

One of the ways to create your importance is increasing your visibility among high top professionals of the city and/ or through other networks. It is also an essential part of job hunting.

You should attend job fairs, seminars and should go to other local chambers of commerce so that your skills and ability is greatly recognized and people from the corporate world can contact you when there is any opening in their firms relating to your position.

6. References:

You can also get reference from one of your friends, clients, subordinates or some other ex-colleague who is already employed in that organization.

There is also a provision in top most companies that any employee can refer their known persons in the company and get benefits accordingly.

Such things really make difference while appearing for an interview in that said company.

7. Creation of portfolio on social media:

Since it is a world of technological era and developments occur very often in the modernized world. So hereby, you should also walk along with the development culture.

There are some websites available where you can post your résumé along with that since 90% people of this world uses social media for awareness and all other purpose, you can also post your expertise profile related things on Facebook, Twitter and most importantly on LinkedIn, which is a platform of every professional person.

Recruiters and employers could find you searching from entering keywords etc in search engine.

You should create your profile there too for taking more offers and awareness of people who is working where and what is going on in the market these days.

8. Role of professional agencies in making of CV:

Here are some tips which only professional agencies could give while making CV or resume. You should definitely contact such agencies who are into this field of creating CV’s.

They fully analyze the entire particulars and even suggest changing few details or modifying it according to the need of the person.

They use specific keywords according to the position you are going for and what interests should be mentioned in accordance with the demand of the company. So it is better to get your CV done from these agencies only.

9. Proper listing of organization:

When you go for an interview, you should know whether that firm is out of the ones you applied in.

It is always useful to know about company literature and its performance in the share market.

You should better work in the related field of company in which you have experience and have already worked in such related field in earlier companies.

10. Making of resumes or CV:

help in writing resume Your CV should be well-tailored and all details should be given point-wise. All particulars should be mentioned in chronological order.

Expertise keywords should be mentioned at the top of the CV/ resume so that it fetches employer’s attention at first click.

Employers usually seek valuable and experienced profiles while searching for suitable candidates and it only takes 10 seconds for an HR person to scrutinize your profile before calling you to enquire further.

11. Covering letter:

A covering letter is must on every application from a candidate. Since it somewhat defines about interest of a candidate, what position he is applying for, what is his expertise field, what are his expectations, in monetary terms too, all comes in that one single page and employer too gets little idea about candidate’s interest section.

12. Little mentioning about part-time jobs:

If you have decided now to move for the full-time employment in a good reputed organization so never mention about your part-time jobs if have done ever.

Reason being, you might be doing some other good studies and were doing part-time job for the sake of money and little experience which do not have to do anything with your current studies.

So it is always better not to include that engagement in your CV.

13. Different ways of applying for a job:

Simple way to apply for jobs is through online portals directly sending your CV on company’s website. But in other cases, there is a different scenario as well.

If you are looking for a part-time job, or from field of hospitality sector or so, you have to appear in person.

HR does not accept applications coming online for such positions. You have to go personally if you are going for customer support services, hospitality sector or that of part-time job.

14. Practicing of FAQ:

After you have been called for an interview, you should be well prepared for all the FAQ (frequently asked questions) which every HR person do ask initially to every candidate such as individual’s introduction, companies have worked with and why he wants to work with that firm etc.

All answers are to be practiced before going at the venue.

15. Code of attires:

interview attire While going for an interview you should be in formal attires/ clothing. That should be well creased and with a combination of shirt, trousers, tie and polished shoes.

If not wearing tie, first button could be remain open but rest of the buttons to be tied and along with the buttons.

In case of woman candidates, she should be nicely dressed up with formal pants and shirt or a saree (depends).

Hairs should be well knotted or tied up and all small things to be taken care such as trimming of nails, nail paint should not be of very bright color, face looks should not be done with over make-up etc.

16. Flawless speaking:

You should be prepared very well while interacting with the HR person. If they ask you to speak on some topic, you should not breakdown the constant fluency of speaking.

Your open conscious should be open enough so that number of ideas should come one after one and diverse of mind should not roam anywhere else.

17. Ways to fetch employer’s attention:

It is very important for an individual to fetch employer’s attention towards candidate. Your CV and you, should be very presentable and confident enough in interacting.

The employer asking many questions is good as the more questions he will put, the more interested he is in hiring you.

So always try to keep on taking the conversation lengthy but should be meaningful at the same time.

18. Questions to employer:

You too can ask questions to the employer as many as comes to your mind. The more you will ask the more it gives a feeling that you are showing interest in the company and its work culture.

19. Listing of strengths and weaknesses wisely:

help in writing resume One of the ways to make interviews successful is to never show and list your weaknesses in your CV or to speak by own word of mouth about it. And yes, never to hide your strengths from the employer.

Always talk about your topmost strengths and try to hide failures. Always tell them that you have very less weakness as in overall personality and trying to overcome from such if you have any.

20. Self-motivation during interview:

You should be confident enough to face any kind of questions come across you and should be self-driven and self-motivation level should be always high in front of an HR person of any organization.

21. Always agree on remuneration part and/or responsibility terms:

You should never decline the offer to the employer just because of salary expectations and if you will be getting less responsibility initially.

Wages will be increased from time to time depending upon your performance but offer will not come again and again for the same position along with responsibility part.

You should be negotiable in terms of salary being offered to you and it sheds good impression on the employer. So it is always good to agree with the proverb “something is better than nothing”.

22. Level of patience:

Candidate should be carrying good patience level while interacting with the HR person since they try to provoke the candidate to find out any weaknesses.

So you should not lose your patience and try to behave normally every time you appear.

They may call you once, twice, thrice or even more times just to check your interest in their company or to check your patience level if you will work in marketing, sales or hospitality. Patience is must for an employee to interact with any customer.

23. Providing information about past work experiences:

Since employer has lot of questions to ask  candidate, it is always good to keep on telling past stories related to works done in earlier organizations.

It keeps on waving your experience and skills for that particular field you worked in.

It helps you to interact much with the employer and conversations go on till it eventually concludes on a positive note.

24. Good things to reckon for previous organization:

It always sheds good impression on the interviewer if you summarize good things about your previous organization or past immediate supervisor.

Never count bad things about them since it will catch you only in your trap if you keep on summarizing such things about your past employer.

If you don’t do this, chances of getting a job also add up here.

25. Flexible timings:

You should never say no to your employer in terms of sitting late in office at times. You should be very much flexible with the office timings.

Since sometimes it requires your presence in the meetings, other small get-together or sometimes there is some critical work which needs your occupancy and exigency.

26. Thank you letter to the HR person:

Last but not least, you should send a thank you letter to the HR person who has interviewed you whether you got some positive response on the spot or not as it gives a good impression of you and your etiquette. So chances of hiring you remain open keeping such responsible factors of you’re in mind.


Above mentioned are some of the tips which could help you a lot while going for an interview and facing an interviewer there including ways to hunt for desired job, taking help of job portals, social media, and things to do before and after appearing in an interview.

You can also introduce or recommend your ways to deal with it. Hope these ideas will definitely come after reading all points on the best way to get jobs and how to deal with it for while hunting a suitable job for you.


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