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What to Expect from a Second Job or Follow Up Interview?


In many of the common job profiles, there is just one round of interview that decides your fate. Such a trend is common in case of interviews for freshers where the interviewers get to understand the candidate in the very first round. But when you are applying for a position in one of the reputed firms, things can be quite different. Similarly, there are many rounds of interviews when it comes to senior level positions in a firm or an organisation. In such a case, the first round includes just simple questions or basic introduction. The second job interview can however be more critical. It could be a round where you are being judged on your potential, skills and abilities. Here we have listed out a few questions that you may expect in the second round of your job interview.

expect from second interview

How to Nail Your Second Job Interview:

Why do you wish to join our firm?

The candidates who provide the most satisfying answers during second and third rounds of an interview are people who understand why the question is being asked in the first place. When the interviewer asks you why you wish to join their firm, they try to understand whether your decision is a hasty one or a well thought one. You need to show the interviewers that you have taken the decision after a proper thought process.

Here are some sample answers that work well during interviews.

“ The growth of your firm in the past five years have been truly remarkable. The brain and vision behind it was of a man who brought a startup company to its present reputation. My foresight told me that I would grow and have a secure career if I join this firm.”

“I have always wanted to work for firms that help to create a better society. Your firm has come up with some great solar projects that are sure to help mankind. I wish to be a part of this service and that is the reason why I chose your firm.”

“ I have observed that you have a great and varying range of products and services but the sales have not been equally remarkable. You have been surviving on loyal customers. What your firm needs is a good sales and marketing head and I can surely be your best choice. So I wish to join the firm.”

How do we benefit by hiring you? Or Tell us 3 reasons to hire you?

Each firm invests a lot of money on manpower. The hiring process is also tedious. That is the reason why recruiters need to be sure that they are spending money, time and resources on the right candidate. This is the reason they ask you ‘why should I hire you‘ questions. A well thought and well-framed answer is sure to impress the interviewers and get you the job. Here are some good answers that may help you when posed with questions like this:

“ I think I should introduce myself better to help you know why you should hire me. I am an MBA graduate and by ex-boss relied on me for managing the team and getting work done. My team mates think that I am a great leader and they enjoy working with me. Apart from these facts, I possess great skills in maintaining relationships in professional as well as personal front. I am sure these traits are what most firms seek in their candidates and I make an ideal candidate for your firm.”

“The reason I decided to check out the opening in your firm is because I think I can help your firm to grow. Your firm has some of the best products and services. The lack of proper marketing strategies have caused the firm to do just average sales. I have knowledge and experience in the marketing field. By applying some great strategies and putting in efforts, I can make sure your firm beats all the competitors and shows increased profits in just six months.”

“Hiring me is your decision and choice but if you hire me, the growth and improvement in profits your firm makes is something you can be sure of. My firm has always banked on these capabilities I possess. They are willing to increase my pay so that I stay but I want to try new projects.”

Would you switch to another job if you come across a better opportunity?

The firms are always searching employees who stay with the firm for a longer duration. People who frequently change jobs are not selected by reputed firms because they think such candidates are not loyal or reliable. That could be the mindset behind asking questions as stated above. Here are some answers that may impress the interviewers and get you the job.

“Yes, everyone seeks promising job opportunities and if I come across something that appears a lot more promising than the job you are offering, I would surely go for it. Isn’t that what any wise guy would do?”

“Well, I may surely check out an opening that appears more promising than your job. It is in your firm’s hand to keep the employers satisfied so that they do not switch the job!”

“If your job is offering me satisfaction, I won’t go for another job simply because they offer a fat pay. Well, if I am not satisfied with the present job, I may switch and that is just natural of any employee, isn’t it?”

These answers look genuine and acceptable. If you tell them you won’t look for a better opportunity, that would be a lie and even the interviewers know that. So pick answers that are close to reality.

You have been with the previous company for past 8 years. Why this sudden decision to change the job?

The interviewers are funny people. While they find it difficult to hire an employee who has made several job changes, they find it equally puzzling that someone can leave a firm or organisation after working there for 5-10 years. They often suspect it to be a dispute with the employer that has caused you to leave the firm. They ask questions like these to find out the true reason behind leaving the firm. You may answer honestly to such questions. Here are some sample answers that work well in such situations.

Yes, I have been with the firm for quite a long time and have enjoyed promotions and appraisals during this tenure. The work has been extremely challenging and meticulous and I have enjoyed taking up all those challenges. But now I think I need to reduce the work stress. I am looking for a job where my skills are used but the pressure is less. That is the reason I wish to leave the firm.”

“When I joined this firm, I was a fresher. I got to learn several things about the trade staying in the firm. The growth was gradual and satisfying. Now I do not see any scope to learn anything new in that firm. I am looking for some firm that would provide me an opportunity to enhance my skills or learn new things related to the trade. That is why I am applying for a job in your firm.”

“I am looking for some really challenging role and that is what your job offers me. I have worked with the firm for several years and helped it grow. They required a risk taker like me in the growing stages but now it is well set. I thought your firm will benefit from the special skills I possess and so I applied for this job.”

Do you ever plan to start your own business?

Companies usually ask questions like these to candidates applying for senior level positions. This is because they wish to know whether there is a chance of you being a competitor someday in future. Make sure your answer should help them get rid of this fear. Here are some sample replies that will help you tackle such situations.

“As of now I haven’t considered setting up a business. Moreover, to set up a business you need to take a lot of personal and monetary risks. I don’t think as yet I am prepared for anything of that sort.”

“Well, I am a job person and I prefer to work in an organisation with a team of colleagues rather than setting up something by myself. This is my present mindset and I don’t think it will ever change.”

“Well, everyone needs to do something or the other after retirement. I may consider starting some small café or tea stall after I retire. I won’t pursue the same field after retirement. I think I need to relax and have leisure time after retirement and business would mean leisure to me.”

These answers clear all doubts in the minds of the employers about you setting up a competitive business. It makes them look at you as an ally.

The second round of interview can be tough to clear but it takes you one step closer to getting the right job. If you go well prepared, the second round of interview will be just a cakewalk to you.


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