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15 Strategies for Effective Communication in an Organization


What is Communication?

Communication can be defined as a process of imparting or conveying a particular message by one person to the other. It is mainly a mutual conversation done between two people or groups.

In the case of strategic communication, the same thing applies but it is done between companies where it directly impacts the goals they set up for themselves to achieve.

If we talk about internal communication then it is the bridge between the management and the employees. If employees are directly communicating with management and other staffs then they feel connected. This, in turn, enhances productivity level to great extent.


 Effective Communication in an Organization

Effective communication in an organization is always important. No matter what the operational scale of a company is, it can succeed and overcome all sorts of internal misunderstandings as well as external operations only with successful communication strategies. Such is the importance of communication in an organization.

Further, strategies for effective communication helps the organization to build strong relationships with the employees. The company is also able to measures it’s success rate and even able to deliver a good work environment for its employees.

From building an annual business plan to developing and introducing new business products, to outlining long-term business goals, to making a presentation, efficacious interaction in an organization can make each and every task very much simpler.

So now you must have understood that whether you are a small company or a very big name, it is vital to have effective communication in an organization.

But, how to develop a powerful internal communication strategy within the organization! If this issue is consistently alarming your mind then don’t worry as there are some exceedingly lucrative strategies that can help you to develop a resourceful communication system for your organization.

Good impressions are very important, especially in the business sector. The growth and development of the business totally depend upon the impression clients and customers get from the company.

It gives them the idea about the business and its services which can act helpful to you. So you should be very careful while dealing with the client for the very first time, as once the impression gets lost, it would be very hard to set it right or retain it back. It not only affects you but also your business’s reputation gets ruined in the market.

Strategies for Effective Communication:

  1. First Impressions
  2. Non-Verbal Communication
  3. Show Respect
  4. Listening Skills
  5. Active listening
  6. Stay focused when you listen
  7. Other Languages and Cultures
  8. Communicating in a Noisy Environment
  9. Making Oral Reports
  10. Using the Telephone
  11. Giving Directions and Feedback

Effective Communication in an Organization:15 Strategies

1. Create an open communication environment:

An organization must aim to develop a communication environment in which all employees of the organization are free to share their feedback, interesting ideas and even criticism against any specific issue.

Organizational leaders who aim to develop open communication are able to build trust within their employees and are therefore prone to gain more successful results.

2. Employ the inclusive communication strategy:

An inclusive strategy of communication is one in which all members are invited to become part of a decision taken by the company. Such decisions are related to day to day working of the company. This encourages employees to deliver more productive and creative ideas for the company. As a result, the talent source is not limited to the company.

3. Make sure that your firm’s communication is two-way:

Communication must never be one way. It is a two-way process that can be carried either vertically or horizontally. Not only senior personnel but even the members at lower levels must hold the authority to transfer information to their respective senior employees.

4. The interaction procedure must be result-oriented:

Business communication must be result-oriented and focus on acquiring fruitful results to the organization. Organizations must understand and make sure to deliver employees with measures that are necessary to increase their business productivity.

5. Employ multiple channels to transfer messages:

To make sure that each and every member of your organization receives the message you need to send it through multiple channels.

Some highly effective channels to transmit messages are face to face conversations, meetings, postings, memos, email, interacting via telephone, faxes, and emails.

6. Try to repeat important messages:

Besides using multiple channels to transfer the message, the organization may also improve communication by repeating an important message a couple of numbers of times. This will ensure that no one leaves out listening to a vital piece of information.

7. Focus on listening:

Listening skills are very much important, especially when you are engaged in one to one communication. Both the employers as well as employees must be active listeners. Reflective listening abilities can be adopted in this regard.

If you find difficult listening to what other people want to say, then you can tell yourself that you are going to listen for a couple of minutes now. This is something that may help you a lot!

8. Make sure you deliver your message:

Once you have listened to the other person then next essential thing is to actively deliver your message to him. You must speak out honestly and be sure that you deliver your message in an open yet gracious manner. Being straightforward is not an issue, but make sure that you are not acting rude.

9. Communicate objectives and goals with every department:

No matter what role an employee possesses, it is essential that he must possess clear understanding of the company’s policies and goals. Even employees must be informed for all important functionalities of the organization. Only then a company can develop an efficient communication system within the organization.

10. Make vital information available to employees all the time:

It may happen that one or other individual may not be available during the presentation of an important piece of work. It is therefore vital for the company to ensure that each and every employee receives information even if he was not present at that moment.

In such a situation, companies need to make the information always available to their employees through emails, or messages.

11. Keep a check of your communication process:

Entities need to make sure that they always cross-check that their communication process works well. Only implementing a communication strategy is not sufficient. It is also required to timely examine the strategy so that it reaps lucrative gains to the company.

12. Make internal communication friendly for the masses:

No matter which form of communication method you adopt, it is essential that you act friendly and responsible towards the masses. Your communication process must not be outlined within the framework of the discipline.

It should not be strict and must be delineated in a friendly way. It is vital so that every individual feels free to communicate with each other.

13. Conduct virtual conferences:

This is an excellent way to boost internal communication within the organization. Entities can organize virtual conferences in which employees from different departments can talk, exchange productive ideas and develop a better understanding towards working for achieving the company’s goals.

14. Prepare in advance:

Prepare for every meeting and discussion in advance. As the head of your organization, you need to make sure that your communication does not interrupt in between. This is because it may then create a negative impact on employees.

Also, some employees may even lose interest in listening to what you wish to say. So, in order to avoid all such incidences, it is vital that you well prepare for such meetings and discussions in advance.

15. Try managing different sorts of communication problem:

It is possible that despite of following all sorts of strategies and techniques, still a problem within the communication process may occur. So, the best thing is to handle all kinds of issues wisely and in an absolutely professional manner.

Conflicts, dealing with problematic people, managing differences of opinions are some of such issues that can arise. So, make sure to handle each one of them with patience and intelligence.

Communication Strategies in an Effective Organization:

Communication plays a very important role in every organization. The growth and development of the business totally depend upon factors like dedicated employees, teamwork, proper decision making etc.

All the above-mentioned factors are possible only if you can implement effective communication in the organizations. Generating desired results and gaining bigger clients is only feasible if better communication is between the employees working in the company.

Effective Communication in an Organization:

  1. Open communication environment
  2. Inclusive communication strategy
  3. Two-Way Communication
  4. Results-Driven Business communication
  5. Multi-channeled communication

Types of Communication Strategies:

By making use of a perfect communication strategy as per our requirement will surely help us achieve success and growth. Communication strategy is mainly classified into 3 types, they are,

  • Visual
  • Verbal
  • Non-verbal

Importance of Communication Strategy:

Community strategies are used by almost every business group as every company has its own methodologies to accomplish their business goals to the public.

Factors of communication strategy:

  • Elements needed
  • Goals
  • Important self-checks

So, how to ensure effective communication? Communication can be internal or external, formal or informal. But within an organization, it is essential to develop a formal, healthy and beneficial internal communication process. This is because effective communication in an organization is the key to achieve long-term success.

So make sure to follow the above-outlined strategies. These strategies may help you in building effective communication in an organization so that the entire employee framework can work towards achieving the company’s goals.




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