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Digital Recruitment: Process, Strategies and Best Practices


The recruitment industry has long been transitioning. From an enclosed labor market to a mobile and open one, it is presently characterized by an energetic workforce, which is always looking forward to meatier opportunities.

Employees delivering high performance know that it is no more about what can they do for a company, rather the focus is shifted to what a company can do for the employees.

Though the economy has altered drastically, some organizations still are using outdated and traditional recruiting methods. Hence, they are still struggling to grab and retain high-quality talent.

Digital RecruitmentSuch companies need to reinvigorate their hiring efforts and one effective way to do is by utilizing digital recruiting techniques. Hence, it is time to bring digital recruitment into the role. So, read this post to know everything about digital recruitment and why it is the need of the time.

In this article, we will be discussing the following sections

What is Digital Recruitment?

The process of digital recruitment can be defined as a way of leveraging technology to  source, assess, attract, select and recruit candidates for open positions. It includes everything like career websites, leveraging job boards, recruiting through mobile, social hiring, and online assessments.

While many companies presently use one or more of the above-mentioned tactics, still, they have a long way to go from being categorized as a digital strategy.

Recruiting and retaining employees is a major concern for most of the employers these days. Digital recruitment can make the overall process of recruiting much easier. It is because it is highly useful for online recruiters to search employee profile, assess them for experience and skills and send them a quick response asking them for a chat or about a novel opportunity.

Hiring managers can use a mix of numerous digital recruiting techniques like LinkedIn and hiring software to quickly seek out ideal candidates. This means it is very convenient for prospective employees to get hired.


Digital Recruitment Process:

A digital recruitment process is an upgrade to the conventional hiring process. It alters the way organizations hire talent. This process offers an ample number of benefits because of which companies integrate it into their recruitment process. Enterprises and companies, which intend to expand globally, consider digital recruitment an integral aspect of their recruiting process.

It is an efficient and cost-effective solution that saves a lot of time. Further, it eradicates all hassles of traveling distances within the recruitment process. It is an excellent solution that allows recruiters to schedule and conduct video-based interview sessions online.

It creates flexibility for candidates to take an interview at any place and anytime. Further, it helps to hire managers as well as employees to work at their comfort and deliver an enhanced experience to the interviewers as well as candidates.

Digital recruitment also involves many automated features such as sending emails to notify the end of an interview. This makes the work quite easier and efficient for recruiters. The present world is technology-driven, and hence, companies need to adopt advanced solutions that can help them conduct more efficient and lucrative recruiting.

Digital Recruitment Strategies:

Digital recruitment strategies can revamp your entire recruitment process. So, here check some of the latest digital recruitment strategies that you must consider.

  1. Mobile-Friendly Career Websites:

You may not find it obvious to optimize career website for mobile, but without a doubt, it is what that most other companies are already doing it. Even, many modern recruiting companies invest a huge sum in their mobile career website.

It is no more only about the increased use of a smartphone, it is about optimizing the mobile website to attract high performing candidates. It is important to do this as around 70% of job seekers check the websites of companies and look for jobs on their mobile.

If in case your career website is not mobile-friendly, you may lose such candidates as they will switch to other websites. Hence, a company must ensure that its landing pages, career websites, or other digital hiring resources are readable and work efficiently on mobile devices.

  1. Adopt Digital Tactics In Every Step of Recruitment:

Assess your present recruiting process to find out ways to make it more efficient by integrating digital recruiting tactics.

For example, if your career website has a long application process go to collect details about candidates, it must be replaced at once. Candidates now prefer quick application process that needs very less time to fill. Moreover, it reduces the bounce rate of the careers page.

Hence, you can go for a video interview that reduces the cost of recruiting and save the expense of losing a candidate. Also, assess each step of the hiring funnel – from sourcing to selection to identifying the digital technology and practices, you can cut down the cost and time involved in hiring.

  1. Utilize the Power of Social Media:

Leveraging social media into your hiring process renders innumerable benefits. Right from the quality of hire to enhancing the recruitment process, social media can improve the quality of the recruitment process to a great extent. The best thing is that it is an excellent platform to make people aware of your brand.

Many millennials rely on social media platforms to collect more details about the company. Such factors make it critical for companies to adopt a social recruiting strategy. But there are various social platforms available. You can find the one that is best that contains landing pages and job postings matching to your openings.

Hence, the best way to use social recruiting at its best is to create your own social recruiting platform and understand the presence of your target candidates. This includes postings jobs on LinkedIn, to showcasing videos of company culture or employee stories, to tweets about the organization, Twitter events, and more.

  1. More is Not Always the Best Way to Go:

It is believed that the number of digital platforms is available, the better results they will offer for digital recruitment. It is vital to be accessible, but everything has to be perfectly balanced. Digital recruitment is essential to bring a beneficial end, and it must not become an end in itself.

If this happens, your recruiting teams will have to spend more time on managing such online channels and spend less time to actually recruit talent. Search for the top platforms that work best for you and check how they can be used in a scalable way to shortlist, search, and select candidates.

  1. Employ Customized Digital Strategies:

Every company has its own, unique digital recruitment plan that clearly defines its goals. Anything that might work best for your competitors, may not work the best for you. For this reason, it is of utmost importance to customize the recruitment plan to your business and its related goals.

For example, your competitors might be using Instagram to examine a candidate’s account. But this may not work in a similar way for you especially if your target audience is not engaging on that particular channel. Therefore, it is best to plan a customized strategy for your business.

There are infinite combinations available and only an organization that know its target audience and goals better can create a customized strategy that meets its requirements.

  1. Couple It with the Latest Technologies:

Your digital recruitment strategy is incomplete if it is not supported with adequate technologies. Hiring managers can utilize a recruitment management system to post job openings on their website and on innumerable job boards, rank applicants, and screen. Also, they must integrate digital recruitment with human resource management tools for hassle-free and uninterrupted operations.

Organizations can utilize online assessment tools for identifying individuals who are high – performing and screen them by using convenient tests that can be administered remotely. Moreover, there are many tools available that can let recruiters determine passive candidates or those who are presently not planning a job change.

Organizations who are relying on checklists of college degrees and those who possess experience in screening candidates are greatly finding the approach redundant.

  1. Synchronize Everything:

The different recruiting strategies have to work in harmony. When you digitize the recruiting strategy, you must ensure that any transformation to the process must make it easier for applicants. You must make the entire experience enhanced for applicants, no matter from where they access the site.

The candidates must not struggle while viewing the profile or finding details of the company. They must submit applications or express interest of any kind. It is essential to use the same theme on all social media platforms, like the same banners, icons, and company branding to support quick recognition.

It is mandatory that the information you share is consistent across all platforms.

  1. Keep Into Consideration the Future Requirements:

Time has altered and presently modern recruiting strategies are already being used by companies and organizations. By not using such techniques, organizations are not just offering opportunities to others to attract quality talent, but also offering a chance to reduce the burden on hiring experts.

Candidates evaluate each and everything and would like to fetch every detail when making purchase decisions. Hence, any organization who is unable to hit multiple channels to catch the attention, engage them, and eventually alter them with a convenient application process will find it difficult to hire the best talent.

With the advent of the digital revolution, recruitment has completely transformed. There has been a shift away from conventional job websites to a world of innovation. To ensure you keep the pace with the future world, here check the latest trends in digital recruitment.

  1. Virtual Reality:

Virtual reality offers an exciting prospect. Many industries possess VR headsets, which are designed to engage the candidates and offer them better content. Using VR let a candidate know that the business practice innovative and cutting-edge technologies. It provides positive images even if it is expensive and timely to integrate into the recruitment strategy.

Numerous brands are trying to offer distinct experiences to enhance their hiring process. For example, Jet offers a VR demonstration of the business culture. This can be accessed remotely by candidates from anywhere in the world to find out what the store holds to offer them. The good thing about VR is that it enables unique interpretations for all kinds of industries.

  1. Artificial Intelligence AI:

Artificial Intelligence is playing a great role in the way of finding new talents. Its advent has been meteoric in the leading media publications of the world. It considered recruitment as one of the challenging jobs that modern businesses hold. AI can alleviate a bigger proportion of hard work.

Hence, it is essential to streamline the process and for this, there is nothing better than AI. Some of the Ai tools that will lead the charge are:

  • Sentiment Analysis: It is useful to adjust job specifications in the event of biased decision making.
  • Chatbots: With this, it is possible to quickly assess candidates and hire more suitable candidates. They offer a reactive way of dealing with the huge talent and have to potential to save recruiters lots of time.
  • Talent Rediscovery: The ATS or Applicant Tracking System let recruiters scan the data records and find details of previous candidates to determine the best fit.
  1. Video Interviews:

No matter where a candidate lives, dragging him/her down to the interview room is no more an advanced way of hiring. It is a waste of money and time for the company as well as the candidate if it does not seems suitable. With easy access to FaceTime, Skype, Google Hangouts, and other communication channels, it is possible to interview candidates’ right from their place and at any time.

It is a great way to save time and removes the less suitable candidates from the screening process. This way, you can bring only the top selection candidates to your table. This is highly useful if the potential candidate stays aboard.

  1. Passive Candidates:

A way to source potential candidates is finding talented workers who are looking out for a career change. Such candidates can be targeted with attractive new possibilities, like a higher way or more responsibility, which are enough to gain interest. Hiring passive candidates has gained momentum in recent years as it helps to target workers who are not jumping from one role to the other.

Alternatively, you can reach out to talented candidates by letting them have things that you have to offer.

  1. Applicant Tracking Systems:

ATS is a newly emerged recruitment software that offers numerous benefits to the companies. It helps to enhance the efficiency of the hiring process as it lets you log all the hiring campaigns and find out candidate information in a single system. With the talent adding information to your system, it offers access to a pool of workers for similar kinds of roles in the future.

Further, it is easier for candidates as it allows them to cater to new hiring expectations like mobile-based application environments. Moreover, you can do away with filing and streamlining everything so that no excess files lie in your office.

  1. Social Media:

Social media can be an excellent place to head towards recruiting. Whether it is Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Instagram or other professional networks like LinkedIn, you can find them all and use them in order to recruit the best talent.

This is one of the most effective recruiting techniques that are effective to target millennial and next-generation who use social media to meet all their requirements.

  1. New Techniques of Interviewing:

Just like new recruiting techniques, there are new interview techniques as we. Presently, candidates prefer interview sessions, which are less informal. For this reason, even some companies invite candidates to a coffee in order to know them better.

  1. Open-Ended Posts:

The way job descriptions are being defined and portrayed has also changed. Recruiters are always trying novel tactics like leaving off the job titles or leaving off other specifications.

The main idea behind them is to encourage the concern to hire people above their skills. Earlier, only the most experienced candidates were selected. But not, things have altered.

Experience does not confirm that a candidate will naturally fit into your organization or work culture or will be the perfect fit for your existing team. If a person has the desired skills, training them properly over a period of six months can reap benefits in the long-term.

  1. Glassdoor:

Along with job searching, one more thing emerging is reviewing the company platform. Now current, former, or other staff can review a company online. Definitely, this can result in some disgruntled workers leaving a company at a low scale.

This website Glassdoor, is gaining high popularity and offers young workers a great sense and insights about a company. This way, it is possible to know many flaws about a company right before joining.

  1. Job Auditions:

If you wish to taste a few of the top candidates, a job audition will offer you with some additional insights. You might not trust the professionalism of a candidate mentioned on their CV. But through the way of a job audition, you can gain insights about how good they are at their job.

To attract candidates to take such actions, you can pay them for additional work, offer them free lunch, and make sure they are mentored during the audition by an experienced professional.

Digital Recruiting Best Practices:

Some of the best practices in digital recruiting are:

  1. Virtual Job Fairs:

Attending a virtual job fair offers a myriad of benefits. They are engaging, intuitive, and interactive and streamlines the starting of a relationship between a potential employee and an employer.

Virtual job fairs allow employers to reach to a large number of potential candidates from a wider geographical area. It lets them interact with job seekers at a virtual level without the expensive and time of travel. Moreover, it reduces waste and cut pre-screening time and helps to email suitable prospects for the scheduled interview.

  1. Recruiting Blogs:

Such blogs allow the company to show an employee everything about your organization. Social networking blogs allow job seekers to check with the companies and offer them a way around.

It helps employers to reveal their dynamism. With a blog, employers get the chance to get a real flavor of the company. It shows a much real face and if applicants are offered a chance to chat with the employers, they get to know them personally behind the screen. Most importantly, it allows adding and editing job postings at a speed that no other recruitment tool can match with.

  1. Social Networks:

Many companies hire through social networking websites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Such platforms daily demonstrate that companies can search the best talent quickly without involving huge financial investment.

Though each social platform varies in its offering, however, most offer employers the ease to screen without getting screened. It might sound predatory but when a candidate of your interest is active on social networks you get to know how they work with others, the way they handle clients, conflicts, and a lot more. All this lets you identify whether a candidate is a perfect fit for the company or not, to eventually boost the chances of longer retaining longer.

Moreover, it let develop relationships with candidates, learning a lot about each other, identifying good fits, and discuss the chances of working together. Recruiters can also wink out candidates, search for early adopters, and keep all tabs on contacts.

  1. Online Recruitment Websites:

These are the most familiar sites of digital recruitment methods, but they offer improved services every day. For example, Monster is a leading provider of online recruitment and career resources, committed to linking organizations in every market segment with individuals at every level of career.

Using such platforms can help recruiters to search and match a perfect candidate, establish a social recruiting presence, and enhance the job posting with targeted advertising.

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