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How to Change Careers in Just Five Weeks? Best Tips


Job searching can be quite a challenge for almost anybody, especially those who are not happy with their current career choices and would like to see a career change. If you are looking for some quick tips and career ideas on how to change careers within just five weeks, then this article would be perfect for you.

Most of these points have been tried and tested and they ensure success. So without further delay, let’s get straight to it. Here’s hoping you will find some good ideas through this post!

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change careers in five weeks

Quick Start Guide to Change Careers:

The following mentioned are few tips on change careers in just 5 weeks.

1. Seeing what you like and what you don’t:

There are several people who want to change careers but they don’t know what exactly they would like to do. If that is your cry of help, then I would definitely suggest you to assess yourself and what you would like to know about the company.

You may also identify all the dislikes that you have so that you don’t make the mistake of choosing a career that won’t make you happy. A career assessment in cases like these is very important. The whole point here is to discover yourself and see if you are using the assessment for some new kind of career search.

2. Taking time to do some research:

The minute you have discovered what you want to do in life, it would be our advice that you start to take some time off on doing research on the sort of careers which are held around the passions. Please do not worry about how you are feeling, especially if you are unsure or even a bit insecure.

This is a very important part and changes may happen. So the amount of research that is done will depend upon the amount of changing you are making currently. You could also find some career information regarding your jobs and check the skills that are matching. This is from the U.S department of labour to the basic bit of information you need.

3. Skills that can be transferred:

You may also leverage a few skills that you have currently along with the experiences from your present career. Some skills that include leadership, planning, communication that could be transferable, you could be hoping for in the recent career that you had.

You also could be a little surprised that you could have some kind of experience regarding the new career job you want to choose.

4. You have to train and educate yourself:

This is the time for you to get enough training and to educate yourself. You must update the skills you possess and spend time in expanding your knowledge. Our best career advice to you would be to take it very slow. If you think you possess the skills that are needed and you think you may use it for the job you own now, then check if the employer is hoping to pick you. We will also recommend you to take a course of some sort. You have to get some degree or certificate so that you know what you need in order to be successful in your field.

5. Get your networking skills on:

A good way to change careers in the right way is to take care of your networking skills. People who belong to your network might not be that successful in giving a few job leads or provide you with the information you are looking for.

Whether it’s a company or some industry, you have to introduce yourself to several others as your networking skills may be expanded. Even though you might be thinking that you don’t really have your networking skills on point, trust us when we say this but you may already have. All you have to do is broaden the network which could include family members and friends.

6. Get some experience:

Always remember that you are about to begin your career all over again… right from scratch. So you need to have a part-time job that will help you volunteer so that you may ensure that this is your final decision.

But you must have enough experience for your new career. You also should try and consider temping something you have already. You should work weekends as well as nights and whatever you think it takes to get that experience.

7. Look for the perfect mentor:

When you are changing your career, you are making a huge life-changing decision and at times it can get a little overwhelming. But you need to have someone to advise you throughout those difficult times.

The mentor might not offer help by just taking advantage of what they already have. The mentor is not someone who is highly placed. Always remember it is all about power. The more successful you will be when you have enough power in your hands.

8. Changing from the inside or outside:

Several people change careers but they never make the mistake of changing employers. Unfortunately, those who are extremely progressive as employers do understand and recognize that once your employers are happy and can stay productive they have a capacity that is different altogether.

There are more chances that you might need to change employers or even change fields but do not ever overlook the employer you have currently. Also kindly remember not to keep asking about a change in your job career until you think it would be the right time for you.

9. Stay flexible:

It is important to stay flexible in terms of everything- whether it is the current status of your employment or even relocation or your salary. You need to have goals at the same time stay prepared for the changes and setbacks that come your way.

You should never allow these things to put you down. Apart from having a good career choice, you may also think of a different move which could help you as a springboard for a better and brighter change. You could also start a business of your own if you like in the future. You may even consult different avenues.

How to Launch Your Career?

Before you pick the job of your dreams, it is also important for you to launch yourself. And in case you’ve been worried on how to go about it, the following points will really help you.

10. Have enough money saved:

To start your new job venture, it is important to save enough money. So cut down on your expenses and start saving. Get rid of all the things that you don’t need. Always remind yourself why you are into this and keep making those baby steps but firm ones so that you can make that change.

There are some people who think it is a good idea to just quit and give up because they think they can’t do it or because someone else thinks they aren’t good enough. So you should do whatever you think that works right for you and whatever you need to keep feeling like you are on track. Money saving can really help you in this case.

11. Write down a new Resume:

You have to make sure to have added all the objectives. This includes education as well as other experience that is relevant. So if you feel like you are stuck, make sure there are other professional writers along with you.

Also, make sure to find someone who is experienced enough and will make that transition resumes for you. You also speak to them before they start preparing that resume for you.

12. Go ahead and apply for those jobs:

The final thing you need to do is apply for those jobs. Even those jobs where you are not eligible make sure you have applied for them as well. You should be good and true to yourself and above all, make sure you have done whatever it takes to crack that interview. Also something you should never forget is that cover letter. Make sure that is well written and on point as well. You should be able to impress the interviewers with that letter.

13. Come out with your own team:

This is also a very important point that should help you in the long run. It is crucial to build your team. Experts have often referred to this as tribe. These people are those who are always willing to go out of their way and help or support you during the changes you are making for your career.

Do you think there is a friend or some kind of family member that you may turn towards when your spirits are low? Who do you think will help you the most during times like this? Do you think there is someone who can help you? You may build your team in the way and keep in touch with all of them.

14. Ask for help if you need:

If you think you need some kind of help along the way, do not hesitate to ask. Experts will always mind you that it is hard to find success especially if you are looking for a change in your career.

But if you need help and ask someone to support the way, you will surely go a long way. So don’t be shy to ask. Do it because you need it.

15. Be patient:

It is important to be very patient during the journey. You cannot give up or just hope things to work out fast. You have to be patient and keep working. Remember everything in life takes up time. Some things happen fast and some things don’t. You just have to do your best and keep waiting and we are sure things will work out accordingly.

Don’t stop and keep trying! You will do well for sure. This is one of the biggest keys to success in lie. Don’t give up at all.

16. Go out of your way and work hard:

It is very important to be hard working if you want to reach the top. You can’t afford to be ordinary in cases like these. So we would definitely suggest you to go out of your way and keep working hard on yourself.

It could be a milestone or a tiny step you could take. Working hard will also pay you very well. So don’t ever feel shy. Instead, just go for things and keep working as hard as you can. Don’t stop and don’t give up!

17. Act on the basis of facts:

You should act on the basis of facts and not anything else. So instead of just assuming almost anything, you have to make sure you have done enough research and gathered enough data. This will help you make great choices about the future. You have to use all the resources that you have at hand so that you can learn a lot about the positions as well as companies. You have to use both social media as well as other tools available online. There are other stuff such as Glassdoor on the internet that is available. They can help you find and read more reviews. So you may learn about the culture of the company as well.


This brings the post to an end. Landing the job of your dreams is not that hard if you keep trying. And if you have found some help through this post, please feel free to drop in a comment below.

Also in case you have a couple of questions, make sure to let us know about them as well. We would love to hear from you. On that note, good luck and here’s hoping that you land the job of your dreams and make career changes swiftly. And most importantly, don’t give up. Keep trying and you will surely succeed.


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