What are your goals?
What is your vision in life?
These are the most important questions asked in an interview because they determine your commitment and dedication towards achieving your goals and aim in life. The person who is taking your interview mainly asks such a question as to have a basic idea of how much organized and planned you are about your career.
So, what might be the best answer to this what are your goals in life interview question? But before that let us see,
How to Define Your Career Goals?
To get hired in a good organization you not only need to be technically strong but should also possess a few other traits which are mandatory and assessed by almost every employer. That is the reason you would be facing different types of questions in an interview. One such question is “what are your goals?”
The other forms of this question are mentioned below, but all of them convey the same meaning

Few similar questions for ‘what is your vision in life’ asked during your interview are:-
- What is your aim in your life?
- What are your long term plans or goals?
- Where do you see yourself 5 years from now? How confident are you to fulfill all these objectives in your life?
- In what way will you put your skills to work to achieve your vision of life and objectives in your life?
- How will you try and progress yourself to reach and achieve your vision in life that you have set for yourself?
Such types of questions will help the employers to understand you better and your plans for the future. They also assess whether your plans match the organization’s goals or not.
Though this looks a bit tricky, you should answer it smartly so that you look organized and clear before the employer in the interview process. Your answer should comprise your short term and long term goals. So here are some of the points that you need to include in your answer.
- Your expertise
- Sectors in which you wish to be good at
- The best part of your present job
- Your favorite job role and responsibilities
- The skills you aspire to learn
Now if you are clear with solutions for the above points, then you can easily comprise a solution for this question.
Some of the sample answers that you can refer to in terms of goals are,
- Leadership expertise
- Project leadership
- Managerial expertise
- Developing new processes
- Efficient monitoring of the work process
- Industry experience
- A great relationship with clients and customers
- Step by step project management
- Catering the best of service
- Expertise in one or more than one skill
Some other tips that can help improve your answer are,
- Research the organization well
- Research about the job role
- Provide career-focused answers
- Plan your future goals
- Give broad answers
Now let us see, what are the common objectives of an interviewer to ask these questions.
The Objective of an Interviewer for Asking this Question:
If the interviewer is asking ‘what is your vision in life‘, ‘what are your goals in life in a job interview‘, he intends to know your expectations from the role you may play in that firm or organization. The Interviewer always expects a Systematic answer from you so that he/she can understand what you want or your objectives (i.e under 5-year goal plans that you have set for yourself).
Moreover, the question asks to know for how many years are you going to determine your goal and how much effort are you going to put to achieve them. Also having a vision used to determine your key strength and your mental power so that you have realistic goals.
If a candidate fails to answer this question with hesitation, to answer this question promptly the interviewer may cut your name off the list and will also deem your confidence in yourself.
It is better to be always prepared for ‘what is your vision in life‘ interview question so that you have a lot of confidence to tell about your objectives and the vision in your life that you have set for yourself and it will be very clear to you while giving your interview.
10 Best Tips to Answer What is your Vision in Life:
The interviewer when asks you this question, it is better to start your way through by first telling about your past goals which you have successfully achieved in life and then tell about your future life vision. Having a vision for you will always keep you focused.
1. Be true to yourself and the interviewer:
Interviewers asking a question like ‘what is your vision in life’ means they want a better understanding of your goals. They get to know you well if you give them honest ‘what are your goals in life answers. Also, you cannot use someone else’s answer to this question as it may make you meet more troubles.
Surely, no one is going to cross-check you after five years, but still, it is best to stay genuine and honest while answering. Talk about your goals and ambitions and past structured ways that you have adopted to accomplish them
2. Let your answer be simple and lucid:
Don’t be too specific while answering the question, specifically if you are not fully aware of the career path of this company. The simpler your answer will be, the better the interviewer will be able to understand you. Be truthful, but don’t speak narrow goals.
Be broad enough, while listing your goals, so that the interviewer does not raise doubts regarding your appointment to his job opening. If you will have a million ideas running in your mind or zero ideas, then delivering a perfect answer will surely be very difficult.
You might be exploring multiple career job options, especially if you are at entry-level. But, this is not your career counseling session. So, don’t fall into the mistake of discussing what all is running in your mind. Give the impression that you have an ideal plan to achieve what you desire.
3. It’s better to prepare first hand rather than getting stuck:
Practice makes you perfect. Since, you are already aware that this is one such question that most interviewers may ask, so it is best to prepare for it in advance. Take a piece of paper and list down things that you want to achieve in your life. Not only preparing for an what is your mission in life answer in advance is sufficient.
It is also essential that you practice it a couple of times, before the final day. This will not only make you feel more confident during the interview session but might also get you to the job.
There is no perfect, try a precise way to answer this question, as your goals depend on what is important for you. But, by considering these tips or points, you can surely frame your goals in a sincere and presentable way that can help you get hired for the job position you desire to.
Separate personal goals from professional ambitions and then mark out which among them are short term and which are long term achievements. This evaluation will help you frame a better answer to this question.
4. Make sure that your goals and vision are achievable by properly framing them as a short term goal and long term goal:
While speaking about your goals, your short terms goals must be interrelated with long term goals. Your short term ambitions must act as stepping ladders towards the achievements of your long term goals. Also, your goals and career vision must be related to the job that you are interviewing.
5. Stay focused do not get distracted or confused:
Once you have listed and segregated your professional goals, then it is necessary that you stay focused on them, even while answering. Discuss your goals and do not deviate from them as this may make the interviewer feel that you are confused and not well planned about your career.
In case you are feeling conscious, or you seriously don’t know what to say, then still stay relaxed and calm. You can ask for a glass of water, and simultaneously think about what you can speak. But try your best that you don’t leave the question unanswered.
6. The answer should be in Systematic order:
Always know what you should speak first and what last. Maybe your answer might not seem perfect to the interviewer, but try to deliver a well-organized answer. Don’t mix your goals or don’t add a single goal to any list of short term and long term. Give an answer that seems well planned to the interviewer.
In case you need to pursue further education along with the job to achieve your long-term goals, then you can discuss that as well. Also, discuss your short term goals first and then about your long term goals. If you want to impress the interviewer with a modest answer to this question, then it would be wise if you relate your goals to the job position.
Discuss why this job is very much important to you and how you can achieve everything you desire by getting hired for this position. State it to the interviewer that this is not the end, but might be a great step towards accomplishing both your long term and short term ambitions.
7. Commitment to work:
The interviewer may have asked this question to investigate your commitment or interest in his company. You will not work in the company forever, but it is vital that the employer sees your interest and drive towards working for the company.
Make sure that the interviewer believes that you’re ambitious and you’ll not leave the job, no matter what the circumstances are. Make him believe that you are serious not only about getting hired to the job but also about achieving your goals. This is because interviewers always want to hire job seekers who are serious about the company as well as their career.
8. Show Enthusiasm while answering:
Exhibit your enthusiasm towards getting hired for this job. Make it clear that you are very much motivated and excited to get this job right now. You’re enthusiastic and your confidence will assure the interviewer that you are a person who will deliver the best and will be assigned the task properly and will deliver quality work.
So your self-confidence and Enthusiastic nature will give a good impression to the interviewer and the chances are that he may get so impressed that he may give you an offer letter right away.
9. Set a time limit for your answer:
Don’t give narrative answers like a story. Try your best to make the best out of the given time. It’s better to give a brief outline of short term and long term goals. You can also discuss some really important ones. Also, don’t give a too short answer or one-liner. It’s better if you speak out two to three short term goals and similarly few long term goals.
Second, don’t act like you have asked a very hard question. It’s good to take the question seriously, but remember that you not judged based on the accuracy of your answer. Frame your answer in a way; so that the interviewer gets reassured that you are investing time and hard work in your career path.
10. Be Confident:
Confidence is the key to success in any type of interview question. Even if you fall in any confusion or you have very little to speak, it will be better if you answer all with great confidence.
Don’t be overconfident or fall into an argument with the interviewer to prove your point correct. Think before speaking, and try to maintain your confidence while answering a few important questions like ‘what is your vision in life’.
Mistakes You Should Avoid:
Even though this question about goals and visions sounds simple and easy but is surely a tough one to handle. Presenting here are a few mistakes that you should avoid so that nothing as a hindrance while answering these questions.
- Do not just copy the organization’s goals to match yours
- Never provide short or vague kind of answers
- Though you are good at few, be sure to avoid them if they do not match organization goals
- Don’t generalize when giving an answer
- Never give predictable answers
Rambling through your answers or giving a long-wind response shows signs of unprepared causing the interviewer to have second thoughts on selecting you for the job. By practicing in front of the mirror will help you to gain self-confidence and set a good impression.
Highlight the major key points while planning to answer for ‘what is your vision in life’ interview question. While conveying don’t plan your sentences like a parrot reader instead understand what you are going to say next and improvise your response.
If you’ve won certificates in your school days or college, I think it’s the best time to brag about it. What is your vision in life question’s answer should be properly narrated so that the interviewer doesn’t get confused? There shouldn’t be any loopholes to dived that lead to confusion. So always well prepare.