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AI in Recruitment: Benefits and Challenges You Need to Know


AI or Artificial Intelligence is a technology gaining more attention every year. Many self-learning and intelligent programs are used in the field of software development as well as distinct divisions of IT. Though AI cannot take decisions based on human cognitive abilities, still, innumerable modern machines can efficiently learn, think, and make complex decisions.

Software-based on AI offer flexible solutions for numerous business areas. It offers more opportunities for the process of automation that don’t need high creativity, and hence, can be performed by a machine.

AI in RecruitmentWith AI’s efficient to analyze a large volume of data in just a fraction of minutes and swiftly carry available options, it is extensively used in various sectors including IT, marketing, development, recruitment, and more.

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In this article, we will be discussing the below-enlisted topics,

AI in recruitment is concerned with automating the recruiting process and to identify novel ways of hiring talent. In fact, AI in recruitment can kick off many solutions and uses, which are being revealed in this post.

What is AI for Recruiting?

AI or Artificial Intelligence is the development and theory of computer systems able to conduct tasks normally utilizing human intelligence, like speech recognition, visual perception, language translation, decision making, and more.

In recruitment, AI applies to various fields of problem-solving, hiring, and more. Also, both AI and recruitment helps to streamline or automate some aspects of recruiting workflow, particularly repetitive, high-bulk tasks.

For instance, using AI technology, the software has been developed that applies machine learning to resumes to automatically screen candidates. There is also software available that perform sentiment analysis on job descriptions to recognize biased languages.

For these and more such reasons, it would not be wrong to say that AI in recruitment is the newest trend in the hiring industry. Most importantly, this trend will continue to exist for the next few years. It is difficult to overestimate the potentials of this technology for enhancing conventional recruitment practices.

For example, companies can now easily handle complex and time-consuming hiring processes using virtual assistance. It makes things faster and simpler. Also, AI technologies seem so promising as they enable recruiters to manage profiles from huge unstructured data sets and skill set needed for a specific position with the candidate’s job profile.


Benefits of AI in Recruiting:

The Key Benefits of Using AI in Recruitment process are as follows:

1. Better Quality of Hiring:

Hiring managers are responsible to choose the right people from a large pool of applicants. Artificial Intelligence makes the overall hiring process much simpler and faster. By using AI in recruitment, it is possible to divide the recruitment process into multiple stages, automatically.

It allows recruiters to gather more data on each applicant and hence leads to better evaluation of the candidates. There are innumerable AI-based solutions available, which help assess the experience, skills, and other abilities of candidates on the basis of special algorithms.

2. Better Analytics Integration:

Another prominent benefit of AI in recruitment is that it let hiring managers to choose candidates on the basis of their abilities and skills. This way, recruiters can find the right and best-fit candidate for the available position.

Moreover, this novel approach augments business productivity as well as motivates candidates to enhance their skills. Using AI software, you can also demonstrate a greater level of precision as compared to traditional recruitment processes.

3. Saves Time:

Just like any other industry or sector, time is important even for the recruitment industry. AI in recruitment strategy offers numerous solutions to estimate the candidate’s skills. Software-based on AI requires just a few seconds to analyze hefty amounts of data and offer understandable results, which can be considered by the decision-makers.

The saved time can be used by recruiters to perform and focus on other important tasks. Also, it saves resources and money.

4. Unbiased Decisions:

Human nature and intervention always imply a specific share of unconscious and conscious bias. Decisions taken on the bias are a common issue for all kinds of organizations. AI-enabled solutions can reduce this error to a great extent.

Organizations achieve an excellent opportunity to hire the best candidates on the basis of their real potentials. It is because of decisions made using AI take into consideration only resume and data.

5. Automatic Candidate Sourcing:

Searching talents begin with sourcing reliable candidates and develop a pipeline. Though recruiters know where to search for those potential candidates, like social media, job boards, and more, this can be quite a big challenge and time-intensive task.

The development of AI in recruitment now allows recruiters to automate the process of sourcing as well as extend their reach. AI solutions can quickly assess millions of social profiles in just a few minutes. This is something that people won’t be able to do in many days.

The candidate sourcing automation technology sends personalized messages to the applicants in the pipeline and keeps them engaging.

6. Rediscovery of Candidates:

Many times, there are innumerable profiles in the database, where potentially interesting candidates end up getting buried. This is particularly in the present job market, where lots of companies find it difficult to identify top talent. However, there are full possibilities that such candidates are there right in front of you.

It is of no use to spend money and time to find a fresh candidate. Rather, it is best to keep them engaging and interested in your company. You must get in touch with candidates, who already know about your business and have developed interest previously.

With the help of AI in recruitment technology, recruiters can screen the current pool of candidates for strong candidates, which could be the best fit for the novel role. Better ranking can also include promising files, which have not been considered for years or months.

7. Matching Candidates:

Another prominent benefit of AI for recruitment is that it can be found in the matching part of the candidate process. Even here, we witness a shift towards the customized experience of the candidate.

It is because this tailor-made or customized element is something that we have been witnessing for a while across numerous aspects of the HR function. The development and learning process of an employee is a good example for this.

The learning and development programs are becoming more customized to the requirements of individual employees. They are tailored in a way that content is delivered to the employees.

Moreover, the role of ai in recruitment industry is useful to optimize the experience of prospect implying to conveniently understand what jobs and kind of content your prospects are concerned with. This means that it is possible to track the behavior of the candidate on the website and automatically send those tailored messages and content based on their preferences and interests.

8. Hire Remote Workers:

In the present scenario, sometimes companies don’t have the choice to hire remote workers. There are various reasons for this with the most common being the candidates in their area are not suitable for their business.

Might be, the right candidates intend to work remotely and if you don’t provide them this chance, they will hunt and grab the opportunity provided by their competitor. No matter what the case is, most companies with remote workers as a part of their workforce are already a big reality.

Being a recruiter manager, you must be aware that hiring remote workers have its limitations and challenges. There can be chances when the overall recruitment process is conducted remotely.

However, the good thing is that there is an extensive range of AI recruitment software,  equipment, and tools, which recruiters can utilize to hire remote workers. For example, there is a pre-assessment tool available that is useful to assess the skills, organizational fit, and personality of a candidate.

Using AI for recruitment, recruiters can also conduct video interviews to assess candidates.

9. Employee Referrals:

Presently, the market is driven by job seekers. Hence, the hiring managers and recruiters have to work intelligently to get the top talent. One great way to do this is utilizing the existing talent pool or profiles of candidates who have applied before.

Another excellent way to hire the best talent is through the existing employees. The new hires are a better fit to the company if they are more engaged. This way, they are likely to be more productive and leave the company.

This means the employee referral programs and referrals are on the rise. Utilizing AI in recruitment technology, it is possible to take employee referrals to the next level. It helps to identify the best passive talent in the workforce and eventually engage the correct employee to refer.

Challenges of Using AI in Recruitment:

Applying AI in recruitment is not an easy task. Some of the challenges it involves in the job recruitment are:

1. AI needs lots of data:

AI needs lots of data to learn how to precisely use human intelligence.

2. AI Learn Human Biases:

AI reduces bias by not taking into consideration details like race, age, and gender of the candidate. But sometimes, it may ignore important traits.

3. Skepticism:

Talent acquisitions and recruiters can be skeptical of the new technology that promises to make things simpler for them. Hence, they want to be sure of this technology and its involvement in recruitment.

Innovative Ways to Use AI in Recruitment:

Recruitment is an area of HR that continues to be a big challenge. But using ai in recruitment industry innovatively can help overcome most of the issues to a great extent.

Here check some of the innovative ways to use artificial intelligence in recruitment.

1. Sourcing Tools:

It is quite easier to search for passive talent than it was ten or twenty years ago. It is because of the introduction of recruitment platforms such as LinkedIn. However, the same has made it difficult to search for, attract, and engage the talented candidates. It is because the best candidates are becoming inundated with the recruiter’s messages.

An innovative way to use AI in recruitment is by automating the process of search. Artificial Intelligence can be used to search for best talent by automating the process of search for passive candidates across numerous databases and by utilizing closely related search terms to unleash hidden talent, which may not be found with the regular search term from recruiters.

Artificial Intelligence can also refresh the profiles of dormant candidates, which have engaged in numerous recruitment campaigns and are presently overlooked in the CRM or ATS. AI is useful to engage dormant candidates. It can update their profiles and collect novel data on skills possessed by them. This way, candidates that are not considered and are familiar with the company can be engaged again into new roles.

2. Augmented Writing:

Another innovative way to use AI in recruitment is to analyze the text. It offers recommendations to enhance text content. An excellent example of this is Grammarly.

Augmented writing is seen in the field of recruitment to help creating job descriptions and to help recruiters with job postings. This way, AI help recruiters or hiring managers to determine how well written a job application is. It advises them on changes, which could make their job posting as efficient as possible.

3. Chatbots:

Chatbots can be used to pre-screen the candidates and maintain the absolute accuracy of the internal candidate’s database. A rise in the utilization of chatbots is vital to maintain the candidate’s engagement throughout the recruitment process.

Using chatbots can drastically reduce the experience. They can reduce the load on the recruiters managing innumerable requisitions and be highly responsive by answering the candidate questions throughout the process of recruitment.

Hence, it reduces the expectations on the recruiter and enhances candidate experience at the same time. Also a few examples of this like how chatbots can be used to help to automate the process of scheduling interviews and to nudge managers to complete specific tasks.

4. Selection and Assessment:

An ai-driven assessment has made the recruitment process easier in the last few years. The assessment and selection process based on AI can offer a more engaging experience to the candidates. It also reduces the assessment time to a great extent.

Often questions based on cognitive ability is time-consuming. So, using these new technologies and tools can explore the interest. However, AI-driven assessments are not well-tested. It is something to be considered for new assessment providers.

5. Diversity Hiring:

With a diverse workforce, companies can gain innumerable benefits. It enhances the productivity, retention, and happiness of employees. And also augments creativity and innovation. It helps to build a positive employer brand and it increases the workforce range of talents, skills, and experiences.

The AI-driven solutions help hiring managers to diversify their hiring efforts. This means using AI-powered assessments and chatbots, it is possible to write and hire job adverts.

6. Tailored Value Propositions for Employee:

Most of the companies presently possess single EVP or Employee Value Proposition, which is a unique skill-set of benefits that an employee receives in return for experience, capabilities, and skills.

But every employee is different. Everyone possesses distinct skills and hence a customized strategy for hiring is required.

The AI can make it easier for companies to adapt to the varying personas of candidates suitable to each and every applicant. Also, AI offers a customized experience to the candidates.

7. NLP or Natural Language Processing:

Such techniques have been utilized by HR for numerous decades. However, there is still a lot to be resolved and achieved.

The straightforward example of NLP in recruitment is use of Boolean keyword searches for identifying good resumes. In comparison to other aspects, NLP can aid in resume clarification, identification, semi-automation, and deep extraction in the process of recruitment.

8. Analysis of Facial Expression:

As already told before, AI can be integrated with video to hire remote workers. Video interviews are an excellent tool to hire remote as well as non-remote candidates.

Even if the candidate lives near to your company’s office, a video interview can save lot of time and make the hiring process easier. It still enables hiring managers to present themselves and ask questions without moving and consuming too much time.

Moreover, AI in recruitment and selection can help recruiters to analyze the facial expressions of a candidate during the video interview. They can capture mood, stress, and analyze personality traits.

Ways AI Will Reshape Recruiting:

AI has already entered the recruitment field. It introduces innovative ways to carry the process of recruitment. However, continuous evolution and usage of AI in recruitment can reshape recruiting to a great extent.

Here, we share with you some ways in which Artificial Intelligence can reshape recruiting.

1. Enhanced Online Applications:

ATS or Applicant Tracking Systems use word flows, data, keywords, and other details to prioritize and assess countless resumes received online for a position.

Employers utilize highly complex technology to carry out these process, firms monetize the same by repurposing them for job hunters, allowing more efficient receiving of applications through the use of predictive analytics.

2. Ensures Best Fit:

With the help of AI technology, candidates can assess not just the resume of a candidate, but also its online presence and viability to the organization more precisely. For instance, a candidate can be highly active in supporting social causes. This can be known not through candidate’s resume but by using AI technology.

Alternatively, a candidate can utilize Artificial Intelligence to identify the best fit by designing a profile for their goals, values, and career aspirations.

3. Faster Process of Initial Selection:

One of the most time-consuming tasks is to select the best candidate among thousands of resumes and applications. It is of utmost importance to fulfill this gap and to recover things.

Artificial Intelligence can help recruiters search matching candidates, perform preliminary interviews, make contact, analyze resumes, and eventually present the best candidate for the interview.

4. Identify Skills with Recruitment Platforms:

Another way AI can revolutionize the overall candidate search process is in the context of skills, which job seekers will require to obtain on the front end simply to apply and engage with various recruitment platforms.

The video interview platforms use Artificial Intelligence to analyze various psychometric and biometric traits of a candidate. Most importantly, AI technology is useful to evaluate the quality of answers offered by candidates, voice quality, and utilization of fillers, voice energy, and pace of speech, body language, and micro-expressions of the face.

5. Screening Resumes and Candidates:

Further, AI can revolutionize the way companies screen candidates and resumes in their database. It can level the playing field that will need candidates to network better than before.

With high competition, candidates no more rely on a beautifully worded resume. It is vital to build as well as maintain authentic and professional relationship that can help people stand out and go for a job interview.

6. Distributed Workforce Hiring:

Some of the Artificial Intelligence tools help organizations analyze the potential threats as it enables to hire remote workers. AI can help to assess whether an employee is ethical, honest, or not.

It allows recruiters to hire a diversified workforce and will continue to increase the influence of service companies such as Airbnb, Uber, and Lyft.

7. Highly Targeted Candidate Hiring:

AI has revolutionized the process of hiring to a great extent because hiring managers and recruiters can target more qualified candidates than before.

Artificial Intelligence allows recruiters to target searches by industry, job title, household income, location, age, education, spending habits, salary, and more. All such information can be gained without even talking to the applicant.

8. AI-Driven Interview Process:

Already, AI has replaced parts of the interview process. This format of interview results in a novel set of challenges as applicants no longer gain from visual cues and social elements. It has become more crucial to have a strong preparation to convey the essential details and set them apart.

9. Advanced and Automation Data Analytics:

Artificial Intelligence serves both employers and candidates to identify the best fit for their requirements. With the advancement of automation and leveraging of highly relevant analytics, candidates and employers can increasingly focus on what is most important.

10. Effective Outreach and Sourcing:

Artificial Intelligence can revolutionize recruiting through highly effective outreach and sourcing process. Though referrals will still remain the top-most source of hiring till data offers otherwise, but AI is capable of gathering adequate data from thousands of candidates to determine the best fit and reach out in a customized way to begin the interview process.

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