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How to Spice up your Resume with Quality Words?


You are on realm of starting your career and you are looking out to write your resume for marketing yourself. So what should your resume consists of? It should consist of your educational qualifications, work experiences, projects undertaken, credentials, personal skills and accomplishments. A resume is a written compilation of the above details in a specified format while applying for jobs. It should be written in a way that will trigger the hiring manager to set up an interview call. Here we are going to discuss about “how to spice up your resume” and best words for resume that should be used.

Words to spice up ResumeTry to search for keywords that will suit the job you are applying for and note them down.

What are the type of key words?

Key words that will help your CV stand out are broadly categorised to four types:

Review the broad categorised words below that make an impression of your understanding and in-depth knowledge of the business that you have worked with.

Industry Specific Technical Words for Resume:

1. Words showing Management skills:

  • Strengthened
  • Implemented
  • Administered
  • Appointed
  • Supervised
  • Consolidated
  • Negotiated
  • Approved
  • Recommended
  • Reorganized
  • Controlled

2. Words showing your Achievements:

  • Achieved
  • Established
  • Solved
  • Created
  • Built
  • Expanded
  • Streamlined
  • Developed

3. Words indicating your Organisational skills:

  • Recorded
  • Incorporated
  • Categorized
  • Organized
  • Registered
  • Prepared

4. Words showcasing your Creativity:creative words to use resume

  • Designed
  • Composed
  • Conceptualized
  • Revitalised
  • Developed
  • Customized
  • Revised
  • Adapted
  • Combined
  • Shaped
  • Created
  • Solved
  • Revitalized
  • Innovated
  • Illustrated
  • Entertained
  • Modelled
  • Originated

5. Words highlighting your leadership skills:

  • Enforced
  • Encouraged
  • Coached
  • Managed
  • Steered
  • Guided
  • Inspired
  • Delegated
  • Motivated
  • Mentored

Words to Spice up your Resume: Action List Guide:

1. Problem-solving capabilities:

  • Analysed
  • Assessed
  • Evaluated
  • Mapped
  • Classified
  • Revised
  • Solved
  • Tested
  • Isolated
  • Optimized
  • Prioritized
  • Diagnosed

2. Making Improvement:

  • Eliminated
  • Enhanced
  • Removed
  • Terminated
  • Speeded
  • Maximized
  • Minimised
  • Decreased
  • Increased
  • Sharpened
  • Shortened

3. Helping quality:

  • Educated
  • Assisted
  • Supported
  • Volunteered
  • Aided
  • Assisted
  • Facilitated
  • Referred
  • Taught
  • Influenced
  • Counselled

4. Communication skill:communication skills on resume

  • Corresponded
  • Negotiated
  • Presented
  • Broadcasted
  • Elicited
  • Listened
  • Addressed
  • Collaborated
  • Contacted

5. Taking initiative:

  • Designed
  • Founded
  • Started
  • Set up
  • Formulated
  • Developed
  • Devised
  • Created
  • Generated
  • Initiated

Result oriented words for Resume:powerful words for resume

These words indicate that you have used your skills to solve the problem or issues and helped in increasing the value of the company.

1. In the form of verbs that is used to indicate your achievements done:

  • Accomplished
  • Awarded
  • Completed
  • Established
  • Optimized
  • Delivered
  • Fulfilled
  • Realized
  • Standardized
  • Succeeded
  • Approved
  • Enhanced
  • Optimized

2. In form of nouns indicating your ability:

  • Capability
  • Approval
  • Decision
  • Capacity
  • Deal
  • Duty
  • Discretion
  • Evaluation
  • Control
  • Design
  • Enterprise
  • Function
  • Initiative
  • Operation
  • Plan
  • Product

3. In form of words that indicate you meet goals:

  • On time
  • On budget
  • Accurate
  • Complete
  • On quality

4. Words depicting your personal attributes:

  • Adaptable
  • Ambitious
  • Considerate
  • Consistent
  • Dependable
  • Determined
  • Diplomatic
  • Diligent
  • Dynamic
  • Efficient
  • Energetic
  • Enthusiastic
  • Flexible
  • Focussed
  • Honest
  • Independent
  • Industrious
  • Knowledgeable
  • Motivated
  • Passionate
  • Persistent
  • Punctual
  • Realistic
  • Responsible
  • Self-starter
  • Sincere
  • Tactful
  • Team-player
  • Willing

How To Make use of Action verbs on Resume:action verbs on resume

Foremost point is that your accomplishments are to be addressed using action verbs These action verbs needs to be selected based on type of work executed and take special precaution before putting them down on the resume. Think of something that will spice up your experiences to life!

1. Leading team:

Have you been leading a team of people in your experiences, then using words like

  • Administrated
  • Counselled
  • Chaired
  • Encouraged
  • Empowered
  • Guided
  • Headed
  • Managed
  • Motivated
  • Trained

Will show that you are capable to manage a team and motivate them.

2. Heading projects:

Are you expertised in handling projects? Have you led the project team? Make use of words like

  • Co-ordinated
  • Controlled
  • Directed
  • Executed
  • Organised
  • Oversaw
  • Programmed
  • Supervised

to give more emphasis on leadership qualities that you possess.

3. Initiate projects:

Did you take initiative to create, develop and execute a project? Then make use of words like

  • Built
  • Created
  • Designed
  • Devised
  • Executed
  • Established
  • Engineered
  • Formalised
  • Introduced
  • Instituted
  • Implemented
  • Initiated
  • Launched
  • Piloted
  • Undertook

to show your experience in developing, introducing or creating projects and carrying them out successfully.

4. Made changes:

Have you taken efforts to make improvements in the company or made changes in the processing? Then make use of words like

  • Advanced
  • Altered
  • Customized
  • Converted
  • Influenced
  • Modified
  • Overhauled
  • Reformed
  • Revamped
  • Reoriented
  • Replaced
  • Restructured
  • Rehabilitated
  • Transformed
  • Upgraded

to create your impression of work that you were involved in that you could be considered for making improvements.

5. Increase margins:

Were you involved in making profits, increasing the production, increase Sales, helped in improving customer satisfaction? Then using words like

  • Amplified
  • Accelerated
  • Achieved
  • Advanced
  • Boosted
  • Capitalized
  • Delivered
  • Expedited
  • Expanded
  • Gained
  • Generated
  • Hiked
  • Improved
  • Increased
  • Lifted
  • Maximised
  • Sustained
  • Stimulated
  • Outpaced

would be preferable to show that you had focussed your efforts towards it.

6. Increase efficiency:

Have you been involved in Kaizen projects or been involved in reducing the costs and increasing the efficiency? It would be effective if you use words like

  • Yielded
  • Conserved
  • Reduced
  • Cut down
  • Simplified
  • Consolidated
  • Shortened
  • Streamlined
  • Leaned out

showing that you are capable of taking care of costs while executing your work.

7. Co-ordinating work:

Were you co-ordinating work schedules for other employees? Try out using these words.

  • Allocated
  • Assembled
  • Arranged
  • Authorized
  • Centralized
  • Collected
  • Classified
  • Committed
  • Catalogued
  • Designed
  • Established
  • Facilitated
  • Incorporated
  • Linked
  • Organized
  • Programmed
  • Scheduled
  • Selected
  • Simplified
  • Suggested
  • Tracked

8. Behind Planning:

Have been developing and training staff or involved in planning? Then using words like

  • Anticipated
  • Administered
  • Commissioned
  • Developed
  • Evaluated
  • Formulated
  • Forecasted
  • Identified
  • Observed
  • Planned
  • Prioritized
  • Reserved
  • Researched
  • Strategize
  • Tailored

would show that you have been trained to focus and deliver the right plans.

9. Quantifiable work:

Sometimes your work would be identified in terms of quantifiable terms, like converting data, budgeting, handling payroll data or consolidating financial data. Use words like

  • Accounted for
  • Audited
  • Approximated
  • Balanced
  • Budgeted
  • Compiled
  • Computed
  • Conserved
  • Converted
  • Dispensed
  • Enumerated
  • Figured
  • Financed
  • Grossed
  • Inventoried
  • Multiplied
  • Profited
  • Purchased
  • Quantified
  • Reconciled
  • Recorded
  • Reduced
  • Tabulated

9. Execution of tasks:

Have you been involved in carrying out customer calls and execute billing, handle customer queries, handle front office tasks, executive functions? Then use words like

  • Administered
  • Carried out
  • Collected
  • Completed
  • Conducted
  • Distributed
  • Exercised
  • Forwarded
  • Handled
  • Installed
  • Laboured
  • Mechanised
  • Performed
  • Processed
  • Proofed
  • Prospected
  • Proved
  • Transacted

Take out your thesaurus and look for alternative words to kindle your creativity! This could be one way to increase your list of words that could help you to match the trait that you are looking with what you want to convey.

As resume is the first impression of you in the face of the company, words describing your nature must be picked up appropriately to make sure it depicts the colour of your experiences. The words describing your accomplished tasks indirectly briefs on your personality and character. But take care that you don’t overuse it to make a mockery of yourself. Appropriate words at appropriate places will make the resume look catchy.
