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9 Different Training Methods and Techniques for Employees


In a firm or an organization, employers provide different training methods for employees in order to improve their functioning in the workplace.

For a person who is a training manager, it is their responsibility to see that the employees in the workplace have the necessary skills and knowledge to work so that there can be an increase in productivity.

Knowing that the employee is the most valuable asset they should be trained well enough as eventually, it will be benefiting the organization as a whole. So, there are few training methods for employees, some of them are:

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Employees Training Methods Techniques

Training Methods For Employees: 9 Different Methods

I. On the job training:

In this type of method, a new or less experienced employee is given some kind of instructions or advice from a more experienced employee who may be a supervisor or some kind of a special instructor.

The success of how much the person can learn depends on, how the experienced employee teaches them.

Most of the training includes certain crafts, any technical areas or trades etc. And for guidance as well as support some skilled or semi-skilled workers are kept to observe and help them.

A) Advantages:

1. The job is learnt by the workers in actual conditions and in a physical environment other than learning the job in artificial conditions. This helps the employees to bring motivation within them and learn their job well.

2. This type of training is not very expensive in comparison to other training and it consumes less amount of time in learning.

3. This type of training program is under certain supervision of the supervisors to really see whether or not everything is happening in a proper way as they are keenly interested in the training program.

4. Any kind of production isn’t affected or isn’t suffered when such a training method is adopted.

5. The person or the trainee learns the maximum amount of rules and regulations when they are learning about the job.

6. This takes less amount of time when it comes to learning a special skill as a person can acquire a certain skill even in a short period of time.

B) Limitations:

1. This kind of training is mainly disorganized in a big way and things are at times done in a very haphazard way.

2. At times the person supervising the training may not be ready to willingly give their time and this may lead to training not taking place in the appropriate way it needs to be carried out in.

3. Sometimes certainly experienced trainers may not be available at all times.

4. At times when things are not happening in the appropriate way, it leads to the trainee getting a lack of motivation when they are receiving the training.

II. Off the job training:

This type of method involves a trainee leaving their work for the time being and they need to give or devote their entire work time for getting the necessary training required.

At this time the person does not contribute to any of the production activities that the company does in that time. This kind of training is mainly provided or arranged by the company itself or they may use special institutes for this purpose who provide this kind of training.

Large companies make it a point to provide such training to their employees and have different departments or institutes in the workplace in comparison to smaller companies who do not provide such training. The different kind of methods under this training are as follows:

1. Lectures or Class Room Method:

In this method, the different aspects of the ongoing program are explained by a single individual to the others. This is convenient enough as the facts and details as well as a special type of information is provided to the people by means of a lecture.

To make the lecture more interesting and understanding, audio as well as video is added to it to make it more appealing to the people present and a large number of people are trained at a time to provide more advantages.

2. The Conference Method:

For conveying this type of training, a conference also known as a meeting is carried out where a certain plan is spoken about to the people and they get their training and knowledge through it.

It explains all the necessary facts as well as important principles and concepts needed to be known. Then, later on, all the knowledge is known and shared by all the trainees present, so that a solution is found out soon as different views help in finding the solution soon.

3. Team Discussion or seminar:

In a seminar-type method, the trainees present are made to write papers regarding the topics focused on. After that, the papers are read at a time and a discussion takes place where all the people or trainees present, participate in it.

Later on after all the views are discussed then the chairman present will take all the views together and make a decision.

At times the material regarding the topic to be discussed may already be provided to the trainees along with the necessary information so that they are ready in advance before the actual discussion takes place.

4. Programmed instructions:

This type of method involves providing the necessary knowledge to the trainees in the form of a printed textbook or with printed notes or some kind of teaching machine.

The process of breaking down all the information into different categories making it meaningful and proper arrangement of it is done. At times asking or presenting certain questions or problems are given to the trainee and certain feedback is got back by the trainer, in that way the person responds back to them.

III. Apprenticeship Training:

This method is mainly used in industries and can go on for a long time at times for a duration of about 4-5 years.

After the training is over the worker obtains all the necessary information and then carries on their work. Knowledge both in the form of practical knowledge while they do their job and theoretical knowledge from the lectures is obtained by them.

It is one of the oldest and most traditional methods when it comes to training the people of the organization.

A) Advantages:

1. Stipend which is also known as a fixed amount of salary is received by the trainees to some extent during this training.

2. Trainees acquire valuable skills which is highly regarded and valuable and demanding in the market.

3. When talking about the employer, it is a way of obtaining cheap labor with a needed skilled workforce still being maintained.

4. This method helps in reducing the cost of labor and production cost.

5. There is ensured loyalty of the employees of the company.

B) Limitations:

1. The length or the period of the training is very long and at all times the trainees need regular supervision which can be difficult as the company is at a large scale.

2. This method is unsatisfactory if the standards are rigid.

3. At times if the person or the worker getting this training fails to learn it completely after a long duration, then they may not be considered for working in the company which may lead to labor problems.

4. This method is very expensive in nature.

IV. Vestibule or Training Center Training:

A vestibule is a place or passage or also a room situated between the outside door and inside of the building. So under vestibule type training, the trainers train the workers on certain special machines in a different location like classrooms and this is known as a ‘vestibule school’ which the Personnel Department of the firm runs.

The training is provided in certain conditions which are artificial but make it like real conditions and the remaining theoretical training is given in the classroom.

A) Advantages:

1. The person who is training the trainees is a special person and has certain specialization in training to be provided.

2. As the training which is provided isn’t present when the actual job takes place, the trainees mainly can focus on learning the job.

3. As the instructor or the trainer has no work assigned to them, they can provide certain attention individually to the trainees.

4. The job is learned by the employee in a short time.

B) Limitations:

1. As the training is provided in an artificial work environment the worker may not adjust to certain machines when they are actually doing the job in reality.

2. It is expensive in nature as the same duplicate equipment is needed and small firms cannot afford to provide such training to their employees.

3. If the demand for workers in the firm isn’t continuous then at times the vestibule can stay unused for a lengthy amount of time.

4. If the responsibilities are split then there can be further problems in the organization.

V. Training Via Internship:

There is a lot of advantage of getting trained in internship. Internship practically is like working but not for full-term purpose and salary basically is low and they are called stipend. So training will actually inculcate the skill of time management and will balance between the theory part of the studies and also the practical part of the subject.

The drawbacks behind this idea is that it can only be used for skilled and works more of practically oriented goal instead of just sitting and studying. The time usually depends on the people. Some want to keep the contract for 6 months or some want to keep it for 2 months only. Therefore, the timing also is not frigid, they are flexible.

VI. Beginners 1st Level Training:

Such training is given to the individuals who don’t have an advanced level of knowledge about the work. This system actually helps in training such individuals who are not done a full formal study needed for a position. Such training helps in at least giving job security instead of no work at hand.

The individuals are trained and then after successfully completing the period the employer or the agents will fix them with job which is secured. Workshops, Seminars, guest lectures are conducted for them so that they can acquire adequate knowledge.

VII. Training Institute:

The training institutes are actually built to give vocational training and etc so that they can shape up the personality of the one.

Basically, when an employer hires individual he thinks that it is necessary to send such individual to such training institutes.

The training institutes generally provide soft skills, personality development, IQ level classes, etc so that the person may not only increase by knowledge but also emotionally and mentally strong. There are many institutes all over the world who give such training to the employees.

VIII. Role-Playing:

This is one of the best and effective way for training employees. It is a form in which a realistic role will be played by a particular person in an imaginary situation.

Here the person gets into the skin of the role and portrays it creating a realistic environment. The main advantage of this role-playing method is to help develop interpersonal relations and attitudinal improvisations.

IX. Simulation:

This is another form of training in which the equipment or things needed will be duplicated to create a realistic environment.

One of the best examples is pilot training, where the trainees will be given an aircraft like an environment so that they get the feel of flying a real aircraft.

This method helps in developing a better decision-making process for the trainees. Though this type of training method is expensive but ensures to provide a better understanding of how to perform the tasks and duties efficiently.

Creative and Modern Training Methods:

Employers provide proper training to employees so that they turn out to be an asset to the organization and can help in the company’s growth and success.

According to a survey run by training magazine, bigger organizations spend almost 13 million dollars on an average for employees training.

So the training methods and techniques used should be of high class helping your employees to grow professionally and personally.

Better training methods and techniques help your employees to boost up their creative skills and also encourage them to work for their organization success and growth. Some of the top tips you should follow are

  • Ensure that Employee Training methods are enjoyable
  • Employees Switching Jobs should be encouraged
  • Develop Boot Camps And Hackathons
  • Share Customer testimonials
  • Build best Employee Training Methods
  • Make Employees Study The Way that suits their study style

Types of Training:

There are a number of training methods developed for employees by the employers, but the time and implementation of them differ. This variation is important as the training process depends upon the niche of our company, your role and last but not the least the resources your company possesses.

The working process of larger companies will be completely different when compared to the procedure used in smaller companies. The one thing that lies common in all the organizations is the importance of providing training to their employees.

Below we have provided a few types of training. All these training types are selected by the HR’s depending upon the requirement

  1. Quality Training
  2. Skills Training
  3. Professional Training and Legal Training
  4. Technical or Technology Training
  5. Soft Skills Training
  6. Safety Training
  7. Managerial Training
  8. Team Training:

Now team training acts as important type in the training process no matter what niche you would be working for. The team training helps one to know the benefit of working as a team and building a relationship among employees.

Some of the other benefits of this training are

  • Effective communication
  • Building an enjoyable workplace
  • Motivating the team
  • Boost up team productivity
  • Working together for the company’s goal
  • Utilizing the strengths of team members
  • To understand one’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Helping them learn self-regulation techniques
  • Practicing effective interaction with team members

As human resource development is increasing, it is important to increase the growth of the employees intellectually and also mentally. Because of the growth of various sectors, the human resource department is very potent for the growth of the sector.

The employees are the one who makes the sales come in and keep everything in order to be a systematic day to day activities to workout. Therefore, the employees should be given proper training because they will put on more effort and smartness to deliver the product in an effective way.

Many theories have been come out to increase the overall growth of the employees. Every company has to provide some kind of training techniques and methods and so that they give an effective output and keep day to day work hassle free without any complication.

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