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How to Decide the Right Time to Have a Baby in your Career


Professional women have many more challenges in life compared to professional men. They need to think and plan every stage of their life including their pregnancy. There are many factors they need to take into account before they take the maternity break or before deciding to have a baby.

Here we have listed down a few of the major factors that may count heavily and even decide when you should have a baby. Taking these facts into account one can ensure a secure future for the child and the family as a whole.

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right time to have a baby

When Is The Best Time to Have a Baby? Factors to Consider:

The following mentioned are a few factors to consider before deciding the right time to have a baby.

Financial Stability:

One of the most important things during your pregnancy is that you need to be free from other tensions. This can happen only when you are financially secure and stable. Before you plan to have a child, check your financial situation. See whether you have enough income to manage the additional expenses that would come with pregnancy.

You must also make sure that the entire household managed with your husband’s income alone. This is essential because you can never predict your professional performance during pregnancy. Many times, women become extremely weak and prescribed to rest during their pregnancy. You need to be emotionally prepared for even such situations.

Work from Home Options:

Many careers permit work from home options. It may be an ideal option during pregnancy. This will allow you to avoid hectic traveling that may not be suitable during pregnancy. It is best to select careers that permit such alternatives like writing, graphic designing, and SEO.

Women often emotionally stressed about their careers when they have to stay away from the workplace for over a year. Such stress and career-related pressures completely avoided when you opt for careers with work from home options. Such careers also permit you to earn equally even during your pregnancy. It adds to your confidence and makes you feel a lot more independent.

Less Work Pressure at Office:

Few women are lucky to have jobs that permit them to work from home. Even when that is not the case, you can still make sure you have a job with fewer work pressures during your pregnancy. During your pregnancy, you need to be extremely positive. There is no place for negative thoughts.

If you are working in an organization with countless work pressures, consider a switch before you plan your child. If you think and plan these things well in advance, it will help to prevent any kind of stress while you are pregnant.

Fewer Responsibilities of Parents and Family:

When you are pregnant, you need to take care of your health. You may not be able to manage additional responsibilities of the family at this stage of life. So it is best to opt for a child when there are no other responsibilities at the family side.

If you have old parents to attend to, make sure you make arrangements for them before you plan your pregnancy. This will help you go ahead with the pregnancy peacefully.

Sufficient Work Experience:

Before you go ahead with your pregnancy, make sure you have sufficient work experience in your field. Many hiring managers are hesitant to hire fresher mothers. It is always better to opt for a few years of work in your field before you go ahead with your family planning.

Try to strengthen your profile and add to your resume. A good work experience, an internship with a reputable firm or relevant projects related to the field is best to add value to your profile.

Check Whether You Are Physically Fit:

Before going ahead with your pregnancy, you may check whether you physically fit to give birth to a baby. This check is essential. If you think you lack health or energy, work on it before you plan a baby.

Women need to have the strength to conceive. This can be revealed by medical examination. The doctor may prescribe the right diet and exercise to recover your health. Follow these guidelines devotedly and try to regain your health. Get the health check done again after a couple of months. Go for a child when you are perfectly fit and healthy.

Keep Track of the Biological Clock:

Most career-oriented women have the habit of concentrating too much on their careers and forgetting all about their physical health and other factors that affect pregnancy.

There is a certain age when women are potent and healthy. This is the best time to have a baby. The age group from the twenties to thirties regarded as the best age to have a baby. Try to have a child before it is too late. It will help to prevent health problems and other challenges associated with late childbirth.

Look For A Daycare in the Vicinity:

You need to prepare for the different factors that come along with having children. If you wish to lead the life of a professional woman, you may have to plan for daycare options.

Once the child is one or two years old, you will have to go back to your job life. It is best to look for daycare options in the vicinity. Either the daycare should be close to your house or close to your office. This will simplify your daily routine as you won’t have to travel extra, just to reach your child’s daycare.

Plan Finances for Child’s Education:

Many people tend to have a tough time managing finances after having a child. This is because they not financially prepared for the countless expenses that come along with a child. On the contrary, if you plan early, there are many ways to save for the child’s education. You may opt for insurance schemes.

Always go for a child only when you thoroughly prepared for all the challenges that come along with the child. Mental preparation prevents stress and helps professional women succeed in their careers.

When you Should not Have a Baby:

While there are instances or times when it is ideal to have a baby in the career, there are occasions or circumstances when it is not advisable to have a child. Here we have listed down a few reasons not to have a baby in such situations.

When the Job Is Not Stable:

When you plan to have a kid, you should be financially secure. This cannot happen when your job isn’t stable. It is thus best to opt for a child after you have secured a stable job. If you have been in the same company for a couple of years, you will be able to predict whether the job scenario will remain stable.

On the contrary, if you have switched jobs frequently, now it is time to stick to a job that you like. Once you are happy and gain job satisfaction in your role, you may get ready for baby.

When Your Spouse’s Job Is Not Stable:

A balanced professional life required to ensure stability. It is not wise to have a baby when such stability is absent. If your spouse’s job is unstable or there are chances of losing the present job, you must encourage your partner to find a better job.

When both husband and wife are earning well, a child’s additional expenses may not greatly affect the finances. It is thus advisable to make such decisions only after proper planning.

If you Not Physically Fit:

You must be perfectly fit and healthy when you want to have a baby or child. If you have any health issues, it is best to tackle the problem before you go ahead with major decisions like thinking about having a baby.

Becoming a mom or mother is no easy task. It requires a lot of energy to be a mother and take care of a child. Health is essential and hence go for a child only when you are healthy enough to have a child.

If you are not Mentally Prepared to Mother A Child:

Many professional women so engrossed in their professional lives that they fail to do justice to their personal lives. If you are not mentally prepared to handle household responsibilities, it is better to delay your pregnancy a little.

In the meanwhile, prepare yourself mentally to tackle the responsibilities of a child. When you are sure you can balance work and household responsibilities, you can take your relationship to the next level.

If you are having problems in Relationships:

The worst time to opt for a child is when there are problems in relationships. When you are not sure about your partner, opting for a child is foolish. A child should grow up seeing the love of its parents.

There should be no conflicts between parents as this has a psychological impact on the child. When there are mutual understanding and a smooth bond, having a child will further strengthen the relationship.


A child only adds confidence and joy to the life of a professional mother. Proper planning ensures that you prosper in your career as well as your personal life.


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