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17 Key Things Recruiters Want to Hear From You


No matter how old or experienced you are in your field, going for an interview is daunting indeed. What makes people fear an interview so much is that they know that everything they say and even every mannerism of theirs is going to be intensely judged and noticed by the recruiters.

So in the event of having to go for an interview you should try your best to be as calm as you possibly can, though being calm at such a point is certainly easier said than done, so for your benefit given here is a list of things which recruiters want to hear from you

what recruiters want to hear

What Recruiters want to hear from you?

1. That you can easily come up with solutions to problems:

In this day and age where there is so much intense competition between the different companies, they are constantly on the lookout for those employees who they know will be an absolute asset to their companies.

So you must ensure that you mention exactly those things which they want to hear you say, so that you not only are able to impress them greatly with your words but also go on to bag the job. So if such is the case do not forget to mention that you are a person who loves problem solving and can easily tackle any kind of contrary situations.

2. That you are someone who is a quick thinker:

An invaluable skill which is not easy to find in employees nowadays is the ability to think quickly as well as on ones feet. So if you are someone who has such ability at no point in time should you shy away from mentioning this trait because it is something which all recruiters want to hear.

However, though you should not shy away from stating categorically what your abilities are, at no point in time should you resort to lying. As if you are lying and eventually do get employed, you will be expected to deliver on all that you promised and if you are unable to do so you might even be fired.

3. Mention that you do not fret in trying times:

In the event of a trying situation presenting itself, there are a number of people who fret as well as get flustered. If you are well aware of the fact that you are not one of these people then you should mention this skill of yours as it is certainly something which recruiters want to hear from you.

If possible, to back your words you can even give a few examples as a validation. Mentioning ambiguous things about yourself is certainly not going to get you anywhere so as far as possible mention concrete examples to back you up and to really blow the recruiters socks off.

4. They want to hear you talk in a polite manner:

In addition to having to overtly say particular things at the interview, recruiters also want to hear the manner in which you are able to speak. Since employees almost always have to converse with clients, customers, investors as well as subordinate, it is of paramount importance to recruiters that you are someone who has the ability to speak in a polite as well as dignified manner.

Keep in mind that your body language too should be befitting for the formal meeting. So if you think that you are lacking in this particular area ensure that you improve yourself and work on your manners.

5. Recruiters want to hear you speak in a positive manner:

It is of paramount importance that you try your best to be yourself in the course of the interview. At no point in time should you try to put on a show or try your level best to be erudite just so that you impress the recruiters.

You must remember that these recruiters are skilled professionals indeed and they can recognize someone who is genuinely speaking the truth. So recruiters want to hear you speak in a positive manner, having a negative as well as pessimistic person on the work force can really be detrimental to the smooth functioning of the office staff.

6. They want to hear you talk about your educational qualifications:

For every job position that is available nowadays there are innumerable applicants and that is why to even apply for a job it is mandatory to have at least some kind of educational qualifications.

So if you are someone with high educational qualifications and you staunchly believe that you have enough ability and credentials to bag the job then you should make it a point to mention all the educational qualifications which you have. However this being said, being qualified certainly does not guarantee that you will definitely be able to bag the job, so don’t have misconceptions.

7. That you love trying your hand at new things:

The only thing constant in life is change. There are basically two kinds of people in the world, those that detest change as well as those who accept change with open arms. If you are someone who loves change and is always willing to try out new things then you should make it a point to mention this in the course of your interview and you can rest assured that this is something that the recruiters would love to hear. It is exactly this kind of attitude which they are looking for in their employees so that the company can continue to rise from strength to strength in time to come.

8. That challenges excite you and make you feel alive:

People across the globe respond to challenges in different ways, some people shy away from taking up challenges whereas on the other end of the spectrum there are those that feel greatly excited and even alive when they are faced with challenges.

So if you are someone who gets extremely bored of doing the same thing over and over again and loves adventure, then you should make it a point to mention this to the recruiters and they are bound to be extremely excited to work with you and they will even be delighted to take someone as refreshing as you onboard as part of the team.

9. Recruiters want to hear about your dreams and aspirations:

The one thing that recruiters most definitely want to hear you talking about is your dreams as well as aspirations for yourself. It is almost certain that the recruiters are going to ask you about your five year plan for yourself, so ensure that you have thought about what you are going to say beforehand.

No matter how smart you are, at no point in time should you think that you will just walk into the interview and ideas will immediately come to you. Ensure that you do spend some quiet moments in contemplation with yourself before the interview so that your mind is clear.

10. Hear about the plan which you have for the company:

In addition to talking about the plans you have for yourself, the recruiters will most certainly like to hear you talk about the plans which you have for the company in the event of being selected for the respective post.

It is through the answer which you give that the recruiters will really understand how much you really know about the company as well as what kind of thinker you are. Companies are constantly on the lookout for individuals who dream big because it is only such kind of dreamers that will be able to have a distinct vision for the company to work towards.

11. They want to hear you ask questions:

In the course of your interview the more questions you ask the better it is for you. The interviewers want to hear you asking question as it shows that you are someone who is not merely analytical but also quick thinking.

Nowadays the perception is that those who ask questions are extremely silly and dumb however this isn’t the truth. So never shy away from asking questions in the course of the interview as you are bound to impress, yet ensure that you do not ask questions for the sake of it.

12. Recruiters want to hear you put forth your thoughts in a concise manner:

When you walk in for an interview it is of paramount importance that you have a clear mind and know exactly the things which you would like to talk about. If your mind is preoccupied with issues and problems beyond the office then chances are that you will not be able to give your one hundred percent at any point in time.

The recruiters want to hear you put forth your thoughts in a clear, concise as well as comprehensive manner. If you are not able to do so then chances are that you might not be able to bag the job.

13. They want to hear about the companies which you worked in the past:

In an interview it is important to mention the companies which you have worked for in the past as well as the kind of duties as well as responsibilities which you have been entrusted with. Though all this is mentioned in your CV you should not shy away from reinterring important details of yourself.

So ensure that through the interview you try your best to make a good as well as lasting impression in the minds of the recruiters as then only will you be able to get this job which you have interviewed for.

14. The projects which you have been able to handle successfully:

In addition to mentioning the companies you worked for do not forget to speak about the well renowned projects which you have been able to successfully manage. There is no point being vague, giving specific information like this during your interview will really do you a world of good. If you do not bring your A game in the course of the interview you will end up being the loser.

15. They do not want to hear about your life story:

When talking to the recruiters in the course of your interview you must ensure that you answer in a proper manner. When he or she asks you to say something about yourself this does not imply that he or she wants to hear about your entire life history, from birth till that time.

16. That you enjoy meeting new people and working in teams:

In the course of your interview your recruiters would love to hear you mention that you are a people’s person and even love working in teams, mention that this is because you believe that you get to look at things from so many points of view, rather than just looking at things from your own perspective.

17. That you are a hard worker:

Last but certainly not the least, is that you should most certainly mention that you are someone who works very hard and you never give up no matter what. Hearing you mentioning something like this will really make them get a good impression of you.


So these are some of the things which you must make it a point to keep in mind when walking in for an interview as these are the things which recruiters want to hear you saying. Naturally just because something is mentioned in the list, does not mean you have to necessarily mention it, you should ensure that during the course of the interview you have your wits about you at all points in time and try and adapt these points to suit your own present situation. Try your best to keep your cool as well as be confident to create a very good impression at the onset.

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