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How to Write a Resume for International Job?


The competition in today’s world is growing up by every single day and it is getting more and more difficult for an average person to get a safe and secure future. People not only try for government jobs and high standard jobs that are present in the country but also nowadays look forward to going to different countries in search of jobs. For that purpose preparing a resume for international job is very important.

This is because in other countries you get better pay as well as many more facilities as compared to home town jobs; moreover, you get a safe and bright future and career for yourself as well as for your family.

But when we talk about international jobs, most of the people think why someone from a different country will select me?. Though there might be many reasons, one important reason is surely your resume. Here we have mentioned tips to write a resume for an international job.

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Resume for International Job

How to Make a Resume for International Job?

Well, the people who think like this are the ones who only dream of getting an international job or to work in another country, but these people never act upon their dreams to make it true. Whereas some people make themselves worthy of being selected for international jobs and they try their best to get through the qualifying stage for their job.

What is the First Qualifying stage of an International Job?

The interview is the very first thing that comes as an answer in a majority of people’s minds, but this is the point where these people fail in getting the international jobs because they are never called for an interview. So, what exactly a person misses after all these years of hard work and education? There is one thing that about 70% of the people never think about i.e. the Resume.

Why the Resume is So Important?

The resume is one such important and a tiny part of getting an international job. Most of the people have a great mind, talent, and skill too but they fail in getting a confirmation call for their interview, this happens mainly because of only two reasons i.e.

  1. Your skills, talent, and previous work experience are not matching for the job profile that you are applying for.
  2. Your resume is not as per the international format.

The first reason hardly becomes a reason for rejection because if a person is willing to do an international job then he is educated enough to apply for the right post with the right skills.

Coming to the second point, so what is the international format of a resume? Most of us only come across the term resume or CV in our whole lifespan and we make our resume in the same way like when we make a resume for a domestic job and this is where you create the biggest reason for the rejection of your resume.

International Resume Writing:

The international resume format is the general format according to which you can make your resume accepted throughout the globe.

When you send the resume which is made in the domestic format then the HR’s who are going through the resume easily understand that how behind and how updated you are with the ongoing things in the world and your resume is straight away rejected and ignored for the international job.

When you are making the resume for an international job then you need to make it according to the standard guidelines of the international resume format.

What are the International Resume Format Guidelines?

The guidelines are simple and more straight forward as compared to the domestic resume format but still, people tend to ignore it or they even don’t bother to know about it.

But if you truly want to do a job overseas then you need to follow the guidelines for making a good presentable resume for the post that you are applying for. So let us see some of the major things that you need to consider while making an international format resume.

1. Pages:

In a domestic job, people come up with resumes having 8–10 pages which are unacceptable in international jobs. If you are applying for a job that is based in the United States then you need to make sure that your resume doesn’t cross the page limit of ‘1 page’.

Yes, you heard it right that you need to make the whole resume on a single page and if in case you have an experience of over 15 years then your resume can be of 2 pages. But apart from the US guidelines if you are applying for a job in any other country then you can simply exceed the limit of one and you are free to make a resume of about 2 – 4 pages.

2. Photo:

There is no such prominent guideline for the photo to include in the resume but still if in case you are applying for a job in European countries and Asian Countries then it prefer to paste a professional cut photograph along with your resume as the companies generally think that the gook looking personalities will a better option for their growth of business.

Whereas if you are applying for a job in the United States or the United Kingdom then you need not paste any sought of the photograph along with your CV because according to the laws in the US and UK seeing the photographs before the interview creates discrimination and it is considered illegal.

But still, if you are going on the reference of a known person to the company then you can attach a professional photo along with your resume and send it to HR.

3. Education:

If your resume is for the United States or the United Kingdom then you just need to put your graduate school information along with the university that you have completed your degree, this is because people in US and UK assume that the school education and information are irrelevant to know once a student has completed his degree.

Whereas in other countries you need to send all the information about your education, which includes your schooling institution information to graduation institute information.

4. Color, Design, and Fonts:

The international resume format demands a very simple, clean and easy to read resume, but most people assume that by adding color and decorations people on the other side will get attracted and select their wrong resume. You need to make your resume in the simplest way that you can.

The color of the resume should be black and white and the font of the size should be medium 10 and the font that you can use should be Times New Roman or anything which looks very simple.

Moreover you need to make sure that none of the pages of the resume is left half or 1/4th blank because it is against the guidelines, so if you need to add any extra information on an additional page then make sure that you fill the whole page with meaningful content and if not then you can just adjust the margins of the page and manage to add the information on the present page.

5. Personal Information:

In the European and Asian countries, you can add your personal information like Gender, Nationality, Marital status, Date of Birth, etc. But if you are sending your resume to the US or UK then you need not provide too much of the personal information because they assume that knowing the personal background of a person is meaningless, you can just provide the Gender, Nationality of which country you are and the native language.

6. Contact Details and Visa Status:

Providing contact details and the current Visa Status is a must when you are applying for overseas jobs. You need to make sure that you provide the company with the valid address, contact numbers, and email address so that they can reach you if you are selected ahead for the interview.

Most of the people forget to mention the visa current status, this information is also important because it lets the HR know how soon you can join the company if you fit right for the job. Whether you have a visa or you have applied for it or you don’t have a visa, you need to mention the current status of your visa in your resume that you are going to send to another country.

7. Speak their language:

Your resume should sound familiar to the company, for this, you need to do a bit of homework by going through the company’s website, web pages, blogs, updates, etc.

When you know the tone of their language and you get the common keywords which the company has used in its websites and pages then you need to follow the same and make the resume in the language which is quite familiar to them, this will fetch your resume a bit more attention from the recruiters.

So, these were all the important things that you need to keep in mind before sending your resume to the other countries, it’s not just only the resume which will get you the job, the resume is the first step towards your job and if your resume gets shortlisted then you and your potentials are the once which are responsible for your career ahead in future.

So your CV for international jobs is very important. Let us see some of the interview preparation tips for international jobs.

Tips for Landing a Job Overseas:

1. Dress-up and Outlook:

Your dress up in an interview is the very first thing that the interviewer sees when you come in for the interview. Most people make a big mistake by wearing denim jeans and casual shirts on the day of an interview which is a wrong dress up for an international interview.

You need to dress up in total formals that to simple once not so bold that the interviewer himself is not wearing such a high standard dress. The formal clothes should be very simple, clean and sober along with formal shoes and a decent watch, this outfit is the best for an international interview.

2. Activeness and Energetic:

While giving the interview you need to stay straight up from your back and give all the answers to the interviewer’s questions with full energy. This shows the working capability of your body to the interviewer and puts a positive impact on his mind about your physical health.

3. Don’t Pretend things and Be Original:

Most of the times when people go for an international interview they start pretending thing which never actually happened with them and also starts telling lies in front of the interviewer to make a strong and positive impact.

But you need to put this clearly in your mind that the person who is taking your interview is a professional and train to take interviews and catch people on their lies, so you need to stay what you are and be original even on your accent. Never fake your accent in front of the interviewer because it will embarrass you at the end of the day.

4. Do your Homework and Prepare well:

Before landing up for the interview without any preparation you need to do some important homework before the interview. Your preparation and homework should have a sufficient amount of knowledge that you can know about the company, profile, work, products, services, branches, history, etc.

When you know the main things about the company then you automatically become more confident and your morale also boosts up because you get familiar with the profile of the company that is hiring you.

So, these were some of the interview tips and the points you need to consider before making your resume for an international job. I hope that you have understood all about making a resume for international job and how you can prepare for your next upcoming opportunity.


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