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What is Fear? How to Use Fear to Your Advantage


We all have some dreams, but there is something stopping us to reach our dreams. To be a successful person, one must overcome the hurdles and catch up his/her own dreams, which makes our lives meaningful. The reasons behind your defeat is you, because you know what you want, also only you know which things responsible for your unhappiness. Actually, one can find their passion through fear. So, how to use fear to your advantage when fear is one of the way which lets you know what exactly you love to do in life.

how to use fear to find passion

What Is Fear?

Fear can be defined as the collection of emotions and perception one generates in themselves related to something threatening.

Almost everyone carries this emotion called fear and the experience they encounter differs in various ways.

Fear is an unpleasant and distressing feeling and is not something unusual. Some of the effects of fear when one experiences are,

  1. Hopelessness
  2. Desperation
  3. Distress
  4. Powerlessness
  5. Apprehended feeling
  6. Feeling suffocated
  7. Uneasiness
  8. Sweaty palms
  9. Increase in heart rate

How To Overcome Fear:

Have you heard of the famous saying, the best way to overcome problems is to face it. Same theory goes with fear too, so you should be brave enough to deal with it.

Though it is not that easy as it sounds but it should be handled as early as possible or else it can affect in a negative way.

The best ways to overcome fear are as follows:

  1. Making up a strong mindset
  2. Confront your fear
  3. Talk about it to others
  4. Be ready and prepared
  5. Do not run away instead be present
  6. Right movement at the right time

Tips on How to Use Fear to Your Advantage?

1. Makes you alert:

Fear of doing something makes you alert that if you commit some mistake that can ruin your career. If you have a bad experience or if you are aware of the consequence you will not tend to attempt, you are afraid because it is very crucial to your life, fear of losing it makes you alert.

But do not leave out of fear, you work hard to reach your goal or your passion. You will definitely work on it since that is what exactly you want, and you will succeed because being aware of the results. So fear helps you in this way

2. It makes you think:

Fear makes you think,

  1. Why you are so worried about a particular situation
  2. Why is it so important thing that makes you feel afraid
  3. Why you are not able to give up
  4. Why you are not able to choose an alternate option
  5. What if you lose this opportunity
  6. What happens to your survival
  7. Does give up makes you comfortable or makes you feel sad
  8. How do you get affected, or will you love it if you continue.

All these questions will arise in your mind when you feel fear.

3. Choose what makes you feel excited:

Sometimes you worry because it is compulsions, not because you are excited or you love to do, it means that does not fulfill your dreams or you are passionate about it much.

Fear is the sign that there is something beyond it, which can change your career and pave way for success. If you feel enthusiastic about something and its results, then definitely it is your passion. Fear defines the interesting part of your life.

4. Find obstacles:

You feel depressed or afraid because there is some problem that is not allowing you to reach your goals.You will notice the obstacles which is giving you pain in your career. You will try to understand how can it trouble you, one should resist it to overcome the problem.

You will wind all your strength to face the challenge placed before you and will organize possibilities that might happen out of it. In order to place yourself in safe zone, it is necessary to anticipate the issues.

5. Generates idea:

You will find ways to solve the problems that is standing in the middle of your path. It allows you to brainstorm to meet the demands right now making you fear. Fear of failure increases your confidence to achieve your goals.

It allows you to question the path you chose and since it is a new experience you will learn to visualize the consequences. You will change your fear into action. You will attempt something new in your life towards the world that is fascinating.

6. It allows you to push yourself:

The purpose itself drives you to work on your dream. It tends you to break your limits and work beyond the hurdles, you strive hard to reach the objectives, you may fail once, upon trying, again and again, there is a high possibility to gain.

If you think of giving up the chance then you can never succeed in your career. You can actually overcome the fear slowly if you start putting efforts on it

7. It allows you to develop:

Once you heard your inner voice which is keeping reminding you that this is what you want and this makes you comfortable. You will take action and once you succeed, then you will feel confident to work harder and gain more success in career.

You will not step back to take new initiatives in life that are very much needed for your career growth. You will not worry next time since you know how to handle with your success and passion about your life. One can know his own ability.

8. List down the process:

For example, when a person decides to help all orphan people. That creates passion in your life. You are afraid that you cannot achieve it. This is your fear because helping people makes you satisfy with your life.

What is letting you stop is, it may be the financial condition of an individual, so now you think how can you earn money by doing a job or a business, whatever it is, list it down. Try for it, work hard and this will help you do what you love.

9. You will utilize the opportunity:

The feeling of fear strikes your mind that this is the opportunity which you have to use to make your life happy, and the fear that you will not get another chance is more than enough for any individual to focus on his/her career or dreams.

Every individual waits for a chance to change his/her life, when such opportunity knocks, you should never lose the opportunity.

10. Fear of neglected by the world:

When a person starts working on a problem, maybe people will criticize their work and also dislikes their idea, this makes you let you down and the fear of being neglected by the world will drive you to work more and more concentrated on the solution.

Once you are being appreciated by the people around you, when the service you do is recognized the value given by society makes you feel better and more passionate towards the work.

11. Gather Strength:

Fear is the feeling that can warn your brain before the damage. You will get a chance to think about how to draw yourself in a safe zone, you can prepare for the fight before it attacks. It allows you not to waste time on the negative effects, but trigger positive thoughts in mind to vision your next step.

It directs your incorrect path that is very much useful for your success. You will develop the strength to eliminate fear. It develops more courage to work for your passion.

12. Do not run away:

Do not get frozen when something inside you makes you fear. Just understand the reason behind your fear, solve the problem and overcome it, if you run away, you will face it again and again.

If the fear is reasonable, then fight against it, and if it is not, understand all the possibilities. Motivate yourself and drive life. Your life is bound to have some problems, but step ahead and you will notice the change

13. Imagine the worst:

The moment you experience fear, think about the worst things that could happen to you. List them out. How can you manage to bring it to a stable stage. Think about the probability you can have if you handle it.

Identify in what ways you will effect like personally, professionally and economically. Write down the action plan for the possibilities and then how will you follow them so that you can recover from fear. This is how you can discover your passion.

14. Explore your passion:

The frustration and fear about your career will start allowing you to find a place which you love, you will take support from your friends by letting them know your interests, they might help you with some ideas.

You will start looking at the right things from the roots, so that you have a clear picture what you wanted to do, if you feel excited with that interest then that is your dream and you can start mission right from that time to fulfill your dreams of life.

15. Help you to come out of boring life:

We feel worse working in a company which is not relevant to our skills or ambitions. We feel afraid where we would land finally with the field which we do not love at all. This stimulates your brain to come up with alternatives like finding other jobs or business, you will start a step from that time to build your life in interesting path.

Other Ways to Overcome Fear:

The other ways to gather fear and use it to your advantage are,

According to research from Harvard Business Review, done by Matt Brubaker and Foster Mobley, there are 4 great ways to overcome fear. The process is concluded in a stepwise solution where the whole issue is segmented into 4 parts.

  1. Recognize the fear
  2. Assess it well to understand it better
  3. Craft an effective solution
  4. Take action

The above mentioned parts are the important steps that are helpful in dealing with fear. Processing these steps in a fine order will surely help you solve your problems.

But before taking these steps you need to fight yourself


You need to be mentally ready to face the fear only then you can succeed. The fear in you would try many ways to stop you but you need to focus and be brave.

Some of the preventive thoughts that come in our mind are:

  1. Will try something else
  2. Will not be able to succeed in business
  3. Have no idea what to do with success
  4. Not having enough experience
  5. Are too young to handle
  6. Are too old
  7. Not being good enough or experienced

When you are able to avoid all such thoughts and come out only then you will be ready to face your fears.

How to Overcome Fear Video:

Here is a video representation on how to overcome fears by famous author Brendon Burchard. Believe me, it worth a watch!


A conclusion to live your life happily and to enjoy every moment of life a purpose or passion is necessary in every individual life. Fear a feel that always threatens but if you think deeply it is the most useful state of nature, that drive you through successfully. So one can utilize above benefits out of fear, to love and live whatever they do in life.

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